Competition Gun **** - Kolar Skeet Max


Staff In Memoriam
I assure ya'll that I won't be competing to buy the limited numbers of new Rolls-$-Royce produced annually anytime soon...:eek:
Heck I would have to first pay for a field day shooting dirt birds first...:D
I am tryin' to catch ya'll ol'timerz in age but I can't run that fast...


New member
But we need to keep it in perspective too ...
I'd like a new Lexus LX-10 this year .... but I don't need one ( the old one is paid for ...)
A new house would be fun .....but I don't need one ( the old one is paid for ..)
A new shotgun would be fun ...but I don't need one ( the old ones are all paid for ..)

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but its still fun to have the discussion / and spend your money HogDog ....
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Staff In Memoriam
BJP, You ain't spending my money... we don't "pay" taxes... we loan a few bucks to the gubmint but they have to pay me back about 700-1000% interest:D well 2009 is my last year of EIC so I will soon be out of that "PAWN SHOP" status...


New member
Ok, man - stay well .....( and have some fun will ya ...) / you look like you might be wrapped a little too tight lately ...

Dave McC

Staff In Memoriam
OK, Blaser also.

The Blaser may be the best design and have zero tolerance fittings, but the Kolar is made in Wisconsin.

And made very,very, well....


New member
Getting a little back on thread... shooting the Kolar Max Skeet, not selling your soul to Satan to pay for one. Waterengineer, did you have a chance to shoot a more conventially configured preimum skeet gun on the semi-circular, 8 stations of fun that day?

As I age, and my reaction time slows, I find my hold points must be moved towards center. The same applies to my past experience shooting trap guns at skeet targets. One would think that the longer and lighter trap guns would behave similarly to my shorter tubed skeet guns in getting on target. But, with differing radii of gyration giving different swings, I find I have to adjust my hold point outwards with the trap style guns even more for a smooth target acquisition.

Years ago, I was able to squeek into AA-Class using conventional hold points and a swing-through style. My mentor sugggested that I move my hold points outward and switch to a sustained lead. At the end of that season I made a serious effort to make the change, was pleasently suprised with the results, and have never looked back. Guns of the Kohlar Max Skeet style may be beneficial to those in, or about to enter, similar transitional periods. I found my traditionally styled tubed skeet guns sufficed. (Born too soon)

#9 Shot

New member
Beware the warranty and wood on Kolar

I took the plunge 5 years ago w/ a Kolar skeet special-- Love the gun, hate the warranty and service.. a small crack developed near the lower tang grip area. They reluctantly took it back to "pin" the wood. They were quick to say that they do not warrant wood. They said that I must have been slamming the gun shut, or otherwise abusing it... Let's see-- 10 grand in gun and mods, and I'm abusing it. The repair looked good upon its return.. a couple rounds of skeet and it went back to the case for a years rest. Took it out a while back to find the crack more obvious than before. The dealer, Hal DuPont had said said that if Kolar wouldn't take care of it, they would. Well.. not so fast....... The second trip back to Racine resulted in the "finger" and to make it even funnier, DuPont asked if I wanted to trade the gun up !!

Still no resolution---- Change your name to Monteleone or Lause if you want real customer service from Kolar or K Guns......


New member
#9 Shot:

I live in Palm Beach County also. I would love to stop by and see that Kolar with the crack. I have some Ideas about getting the gun fixed right here in good ol' FL.

Also, where do you do your shooting?

Write me a PM.


No I did not get to shoot a "conventionally configured" gun. The Max was owned but a guy in the squad that day. I also missed the Quail Creek shoot - I am sure there were at least a couple there.


New member
#9 Shot ever take you up on your offer WaterEngineer ???

Did you ever get to see the gun with the cracked stock he was talking about ??