Compact or Sub-Com 1911


New member
honest question

Bromide? What kind of a put-down is that?

I asked an honest question. I wasn't trying to slight the 1911. I just heard about this issue (like I said I read Cooper's statement on it), and was asking if it was particular to the 1911 or true of all auto pistols with barrels that short. If it's only the 1911 micros that are unreliable, then why is that?

I don't know the answer, so don't put down the question.


New member
If it's only the 1911 micros that are unreliable, then why is that?
What many of us are saying is that the answer to the first part of your question "if it's only the 1911 micros that are unreliable" is NO. My compact 1911s have been just as reliable as my full size 1911s.


New member
That's an acceptable answer. I'm hoping the reports of unreliable micro-1911s are exaggerated--I'd love to get one.

But for all the other guys who say that the micros have problems, please weigh in on whether you think that micro 1911s are less reliable than other subcompacts, and why. When I say 'unreliable', I mean jamming...not other issues like unreliable bullet expansion or ballistic limitations of the short barrel.

I don't have an opinion yet, which is why I 'm asking. It's just that I have heard that the subcompact 1911s have problems, but I never hear that about the Glock 26 and I want to know why. It could be that Glock owners just never like to say anything bad about their guns, EVER. I don't know.


New member
I think it is safe to say that, in general, Glocks are more reliable than 1911s. That said, I had some FTF and light strikes on two of my Glocks.

The Body Bagger

New member
I have yet to see a compact 1911 run 100% correctly, and I have seen a great deal many of them. While many claim theirs are reliable, I have heard many fellow officers make the same claims on their BUGs; only to go to our training days and watch each and every single one suffer FTF's and FTE's. If you go with a 1911 as any red blooded American should, get the full length. If you want a compact get something else.


New member
Guess I just must be lucky then. I used my Kimber Compact (steel framed one) when I took Sigarms Academy Concealed Carry and Advanced Concealed Carry classes. That's probably 1000 rounds total, no failures. I used my aluminum-framed compact at an IDPA match a while back. No failures.


New member
My experience mirrors The Body Bagger. In addition my agency's current administration procludes SA pistols. I am very pleased with the 4516. I've never had a malfunction, even with Speer's flying ashtray rounds. It's accurate, and while the weight reminds you it's a 45, it's not an issue with the correct belt and holster. Some of the guys in my squad use the aluminum framed 457 and 4513TSW versions, and have had no problems with those either. You ought to try them out. Regards 18DAI.


New member
My vote is for the Colt Defender. Best 3" .45 on the market IMHO. Had mine since they came out and had zero problems with reliability.