Comments on the Thunder Ranch .44 Special?


New member
i made myself a promise 5 years ago to buy the next 3' model 10 or 64 i ever saw. low and behold my dealer gets in a 3' 64 with the lock and two piece barrel. i held it and thought it had no soul. nothing about it was right. i passed. the gun was there forever, but someone did eventually buy it.


New member
Ya know, about these two piece barrel systems S&W is using now. THere's a gap between the barrel and the barrel shroud.

Is the owner supposed to wait for the gap to fill up with gunk and just send the gun in for repairs?


New member
Thats really too bad. I really liked how the 21 looked.....except for the gold crap on it. As for QC I have my 629 in for the second time because of fired shells getting stuck in 2 of the charge holes. :mad:
Some one said S&W goes for gimmicks now and I think that what the .500 is all about also. They made it to be able to say that they make the most powerful hand gun in the world, if thats not a gimmick what is?


New member
I went to the local shop yesterday. He still has a case full of current production S&W revolvers ,same ones he had this time last year. I asked him if he could remember the last one he sold with the two piece barrel and the "Hillary Hole". He said he's sold two J fames since January. No other models. Then he told me how he's had four fella's in there trying to trade "new" models for older used S&W's. Had one Monday trying to trade a 329 Scanduim 44 ,for a 686-4. I asked him what he gave him for the 329 ,he said "Nothing ,I told him nobody wants the ones I have". The 686-4 was already gone. I paid off my 66-2 2.5" and left. Sad state of affairs when the worlds premier revolver maker forgets how it got to be #1. I wonder if their financial advisors have looked at GM's history lately. IMHO Clint Smith is a good match with the current S&W ,they are both full of themselves and it. YMMV Regards 18DAI.

Peter M. Eick

New member
I recently bought a 1946 38/44 heavy duty and they had one in the case so we did a side by side comparison. Fit and finish of the 38/44 was amazing compared to the new gun. Gaps in the sideplate, gritty trigger, poor polish, rough action, poorly finished trigger and hammer etc. Lets not even talk about the grips and how poorly they fit the gun compared to the 38/44

I was shocked to see a side by side how bad they were.

If you are a collector and have some nice to near NIB 38/44's like me, then the difference is pretty amazing. My 1934 shooter Heavy duty is about the same finish and I would rate it a strong 85% original gun.

So, my take? I would not buy one unless they made one in 38 special, then I would only pick it up for collection purposes.

This is what the guns should look like:


ps: I have to reshoot this picture, it is now up to 7 HD's....


New member
Not a single one of you listened to Grandma did you?

She told you, and you didn't hear her did you?

"They don't make 'em like they used to"

Write that down.
