Columbus Ohio Passes Assault Weapons Ban


New member
I have to get new magazines now and ship the current mags of to my folks house so I am not in violation of the law. I sure as heck am not going through that paperwork nightmare for some magazines - would not even if I had "assault" rifles would simply ship them off to storage...

I know in states which restrict hunting to 3 or 5 rounds, simply putting a block of wood to prevent its ability to accept rounds works.


New member
I know in states which restrict hunting to 3 or 5 rounds, simply putting a block of wood to prevent its ability to accept rounds works.

I just want to be able to have some sort of documentation from the manufacturer that I am in the right. The odds are that it would never be an issue and that the block in the magazine would satisfy most peole. Its that one anal person that I might have to deal with....


New member
its got to be the second stupidest thing they have passed as of yet. It would be hilarious to see if anyone even bothered to comply with this new nonsense.

what are they going to do...random gun sweeps on previously legal owners? em in another those grabbers out and keep pushing for more progun ordinances.

lastly,the millions of revenue the NRA convention would have brung to columbus has probably just went bye bye.