Columbus Ohio Passes Assault Weapons Ban


New member
Daniel, . . . thanks for the link.

I posted the info over on 1911, . . . but not the link.

I'll take care of that posthaste.

May God bless,


The ordinance takes effect in 30 days. After that time, owners of firearms described in the ordinance have 90 days to register them with the city, if they wish to keep them, or to dispose of them. If you register them with the city, you may not will them to anyone or sell them later.
Lovely. Delayed theft under color of law.


New member
Ummm, Columbus alread banned "assault weapons" some 15 years ago. They need to re-ban them? :D :p

Show how ineffectual "gun control" is. Let's hope the law is widely ignored. :)


New member

Now what a silly waste of time to outlaw something the outlaws will continue to use. I just don't see it effecting anyone with a criminal background. The nature of government to protect the good guys from other good guys is almost funny :barf:

I wonder if the city will have to hire part-time registration workers. The lines of bad guys bringing in the tools of the trade will overwelm them. ;)

The world makes me laugh.... Thank God I have a great sense of humor. :D

Ohio Annie

New member
I need to get outta Franklin County. :( Maybe go to Mt. Sterling, land of the early '90's Sunbirds, from what I can see. :)

Columbus has a serious crime problem but the problem isn't guns, it's something else, I wonder what... :rolleyes:

Annie the Sunbird and "assault weapon" lover

Ohio Annie

New member
The ban is for the city of Columbus only, which covers most of the area of Franklin County. I am fortunate to be outside the ring road.

Cleveland, toledo and cincinnati have similar bans.


New member
Perhaps a little revolution is in order???

Perhaps its time for one of us to get somebody on that city council... I mean 6-0 come on, they had there minds made up long before any comment by the public.

I have asked for comments on what swayed there decisions on the votes, though I am sure they will just ignore me.

It is time for us to study and vote..


New member
I watched the city council public meetings, those idiots has their mind made up long before the "vote". Every gunny that got up there to speak was either ridiculed or ignored. Many of the council were reading papers on their desk, whisperering to others, rolling their eyes, etc. It was easy to see they were not paying one bit of attention. The only people that had their undivided attention were the raving anti-gunners, like that idiot Dr. blathering on about 20 years in the ER, and the incredible death & destruction, blah, blah, blah. The council looked like cannibals leering at Michael Moron while he was yapping. How the heck can you have someone on the Chair of the counsil, voting on an AWB, who is the head of an Anti-gun group? Talk about the fox in the henhouse scenerio. And these idiots all have their bodyguards to protect them, and their million dollar fortress/home with all the latest alarms, etc. to protect them. So they never feel the need to protect themselves, so they cant imagine why we have to.


John Ringo

New member
As a former Dublin-ite and New Albany-ite I can say that "assault weapons" is by far the least of Columbus' problems. I am surprised that citizens in Franklin County were able to get their CCWs as easily as they did. There are a lot of folks in the county government that are anti-everything when it comes to weapons. Same thing with Toledo.



New member
So now the criminals can have them illegaly (they dont care they are criminals) but the law abiding citizens cant have them to even up the score
Great !!!! :barf:


New member
I have to get new magazines now and ship the current mags of to my folks house so I am not in violation of the law. I sure as heck am not going through that paperwork nightmare for some magazines - would not even if I had "assault" rifles would simply ship them off to storage...

:confused: :confused: :confused: :( :( :(


New member
The states can always make more restrictive laws than the feds. The cities more than the states. The townships more than the cities. But all will be backed by those above them. Therein lies the problem. While a township might be an easier target to revolt against, they will always enjoy the support of the city, the county, the state, and the feds.


New member
So glad I live in Colorado...Cities may NOT pass anti firearms laws that are more restrictive than the state laws..and those that are on the books are being gought hard.