Colt Diamondback .22


New member
The prices on the DB 38's are just about what I have seen for the condition you mention. Just not good enough for my accumulation. There aren't any gunshops nearby that carry many used guns, so I'm limited to shows for the most part.

I believe Ruger has discontinued the 22 SP101 all together now. Ruger does that and then will re-introduce them when they feel the market will support it. Smith does the same thing. In particular you notice it with the 41 mags and certain 44's.


New member
So what are used .22 Diamondbacks bringing these days... I'm curious as I made a database of all my firearms and I put in approximate values when I find them.

Mine was made in 1968 and is in nice shape other than bluing worn from the tip of the barrel where it rubbed in the holster.


New member
Your Diamondback is very lovely, personally, I'd try to put on it the grips of the snub barrel version, it would look more vintage.



New member
.22-rimfire: Thanks, you beat me to the punch with your very accurate statement! I prefer the factory original target stocks on my 4-inch Diamondback! If I had the 2.5-inch snubby version-then, I'd want the factory original combat stocks! There's nothing like keeping a Diamondback looking factory original! These were beautiful revolvers-just as they were originally buit by Colt's!:D


New member

Do your best to keep the Diamondback stock. The grips on my Smith 35 aren't the originals (although they are genuine Smiths), and I've kept the original grips just in case, although I like the target grips much better. That gun will never see rubber grips. I just don't like them.


New member

1)Yes, I will keep my Diamondback completely stock! I agree with you that the factory target stocks are really good looking-and, the wood graining on my Diamondback's target stocks is beautiful!:)

2)I also don't like rubber stocks(Especially seems silly on just a .22!)!:barf:


New member
That's a beautiful weapon! :) I have one just like it except for 6" bbl. Diamondbacks are really a class act. :D


New member
just bought my diamondback on another forum i should receive it next week sometime no box or papers and colt rubber grips gave $320 with shipping


New member
Here are a couple of pics, first is my Diamondback, second is my Python and Diamondback together. Note that my Diamondback has a silver medallion on the grips. My Diamondback is vintage 1968. I'm wondering if at some later date, they changed to a gold medallion?

