Colt Diamondback .22


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Here are some pictures of the only Colt Diamondback that I own. It is chambered in .22 caliber:





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Wow! What year is that? The reason I ask, is that I have a Python and a Diamondback, and the way I can tell the difference between them at a glance is the medallion. My Diamondback has silver medallions on the grip, whereas the Python has gold. I'll have to post a pic of the two together...


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I don't have the serial number of my Diamondback handy to confirm the exact year-but, the date of this Colt is somewhere in the mid-1970's.


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I posted the pictures to display my Diamondback .22 and, to see what anyone might think of my specimen? Aside from this, like everyone else, I always like to see handgun pictures on any gun forum. There are many handguns that I'll never be able to afford to buy-and, pictures can go a long way towards not only learning about these guns-but also, just for the sake of enjoying seeing them in pictures. On most gun forums, there are usually many requests for pictures of guns to be posted! Although I'm not wealthy(By any means!)I enjoy sharing whatever few nice guns that I'm able to afford to own. I have always found it pleasureable, to view pictures of the various guns owned by our fellow Forum members here!:D
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New member
That's a beauty

I envy you. Makes my Smith & Wesson seem lame by comparison, even though it's a decent revolver. Great catch!


New member

1)Thanks for your compliment!:D

2)I know what you mean! I'm always envious of so many beautiful revolvers that show up on this forum regularly! There's just so many different revolvers to be envious of, that it's bewildering! Since we can't afford to grab them all, we just have to bide our time, and hope for Lady Luck to come our way? I feel very lucky to have just one Diamondback! However, there are some folks who have a ton of these-and I wonder how in the world they could have acquired so many Diamondbacks, whenever I was only able to find this one?:eek: :confused:


New member

Hey, that is a beautiful Model 35! Those are pretty difficult to find! I have only seen one of these Model 35's in person-and, I almost bought it-but, I was over extended on my available funds-so, I passed on this deal! Do you shoot your Model 35 or is is just a safe queen?


New member

I've had the Smith M35 since 1972, and she's a regular shooter. She resides in the safe, but I take her out to the range now and again. One of my friends is somewhat recoil shy and he likes that one best. There's nothing like having a good .22.



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Skeeter1: Well, the only S&W J-frame .22 that I own, is a Model 63. I had been planning to fire this revolver-but, I haven't been out to a Gun Range in more than 30 years! I'll have a lot of brushing up to do!:barf: :eek: :confused:


New member
Boa. Didn't mean to sound like I was picking on you. I was just trying to get you to open up a bit. As you know, I love Diamondbacks! And I'm sorry to say that I have never posted a picture on the internet. My digital camera just does not do them justice and I have not bought a higher end camera yet.

My first Colt was a 4" Diamondback 22. I'm sorry to say that my X kept that one which is about the only thing that rubbed me the wrong way during that time. She used to shoot it pretty well and I certainly can't fault her taste in firearms. But, I have since purchased more than my share of Diamondbacks. Still looking for more. With prices like they are, I doubt that many more Diamondbacks are in my future. Last one was over a year ago, a 6" 38spl. Been picking up other Colts mostly as I find them and funds are available. (Models I don't have already mostly.) Been buying a few Smiths as the Model 57 is my favorite Smith revolver. I shoot a 4" 41 mag Mountain Gun a fair amount.


New member
Get them to the range


I'm guessing you're no spring chicken (like myself). That Diamondback and model 63 are both great shooters.

You might not have been out to a range for 30 years, but it's sort of like learning to ride a bicycle or motorcycle -- you never forget how to do it right.

I sold my .357 Magnum Smith 66 because it was becoming a bit too much for me to handle, and used the proceeds to get a Beretta Cheeteh .22, mostly for plinking at tin cans at my friend's farm.

Nothing beats having a fine-quality .22, and they're cheap to shoot.


New member

1)Well, don't be offended by anything that I might have said! I really wasn't sure why you had asked me why I had posted the pictures of my Diamondback-and, this threw me off track? I had thought of the possibility that somehow my posting of pictures might have offended you in some way? So, I figured that I should have clarified my reasoning for doing this?

2)I'm glad that you appreciate these fine Colt Diamondbacks! In fact, since you have acumulated several of these Diamondbacks, you are the type of person that I was trying to attract with my posting of my Diamondback pictures! This is because you are more familiar with these revolvers than I am(Since I only have one!)and therefore, any opinions of my Diamondback, that you might have offered, would have proven valuable to me, in ascertaining just how good(Or, bad?)my Diamondback really could be, compared to other Diamondbacks, as viewed through your eyes? Pictures are very helpful to learning about the various guns-and, how they differ and how they compare to each other? Plus, I think that pictures help to build up enthusiasm among the members on any gun forum as well as to assist in educating the beginning gun enthusiasts about guns! I only recently broke down and finally bought a better digital camera in the hopes of producing some better quality gun pictures on the various gun forums? However, I still have much to learn about picture taking-as only some of my pictures are fairly good-others not so good! Of course, if I get some compliments on my guns-then, this is very rewarding in itself! I know how much I enjoy viewing the pictures of many fine guns posted by the other forum members! It's fun to share both information and pictures, for great entertainment here!

3)I have read several of your forum postings from time to time, and I have found everything that you have ever posted to be very interesting to read and very valuable information to know(Especially about .22 revolvers!)! I have only recently started trying to acquire some nice .22 revolvers! Revolvers are my thing! Like you, I must budget what little gun money that I have(Or, must save up!)to enable me to afford a nice revolver once in awhile! If I were rich, I'd be like a kid in a candy store, trying to buy up every gun that I could ever want to buy! This is only a dream, of course!


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1)Well, you are right, that I'm no spring chicken! As much as I hate to have to admit it, I just turned 60 this last August! Yikes!:barf:

2)Yes, I realize that everything will fall into place-once I can get out to a nearby gun range to put in a lot of practice! And a .22 caliber revolver would be perfect for this(And cheap to shoot, as you have already mentioned!)! It's a little harder to find a gun range here in CA because our crazy gun laws are causing gun shops, shooting ranges, and pawn shops that once were allowed to sell guns here in CA, to be closed down! CA is now a very gun unfriendly State!:eek: :mad:

3)Yes, I know that both the Colt Diamondback, as well as an S&W Model 63, are good shooters! I will probably shoot my Model 63? However, I have managed to collect some other .22 revolvers(Over time)which consist of a 4-inch, early Colt Trooper, an S&W Model 17-3, an 6-inch, S&W Model 617-2(With an aluminum alloy cylinder)which I will also plan to shoot, an S&W Model 18-3, and (A half-shrouded barrel) 4-inch, Ruger SP101. So, I have several .22 revolvers to choose from to shoot!


New member
That's one pretty revolver. I'm not a huge Colt fan but I could be persuaded to change my opinion by that Diamondback.
You should get a .38 Spl Diamondback to keep it company.;)
Great pictures & thanks for posting.


New member
Boa2: I do appreciate a good Colt Diamondback!! I believe we are of the same era. Now you need a 4" nickel 22 (aka $$). I have yet to find an acceptable electroless nickel Diamondback that I could afford. They are pricey when you find them. I have the 2.5" 22 blue ones covered. I knew about them years ago when few paid much attention to them as they were just another DB. I have sold more 38 DB's than I care to admit in my quest for 22's. I used to buy them cheap and use them for trading at shows. Now I want the 38's. What goes around comes around? The 6" 38's are the rarest with the 6" nickel being almost non-existent. They just didn't sell very well when they were in production. You can't go wrong with Colts.

How does you Ruger SP101 22 shoot? I have picked them up and have always opted not to buy. The triggers are ..... well.... Rugers. But my GP100 is not too bad after its broke in.


New member

1)Yes, I can see that you really do appreciate good Diamondbacks! I'm like you, in that I do like the 2.5" Diamondback's(And, would love to own a mint one!)but, I have not seen any of these for a very long time! They would be very pricey here in CA!

2)There is an approximately, 96% .38 Diamondback in a local gunshop that is priced at $700! It has been there for awhile. It looks nice-but, I guess that I'm just too "Picky" to want to spend $700 for a non-mint Colt Diamondback(Without a box or papers included with it!)? Although I haven't seen any other .38 Diamondbacks for a long time either! In this same shop, there were two nickel(4-inch).38 Diamondback's that were priced AT $750. Again, no box or papers and they both had been fired-but, still looked good(These have been sold though!)! But, I'm leary of nickel finishes in view of the possibility of various solvents attacking the copper underneath the nickel and ruining the finish! So, I'll settle for a nice blue one(If the price seems to be fair enough?)!

3)Believe it or not, my Ruger SP101 .22 has never been fired and is still NIB! However, I have a friend who has one of these and it's true that the trigger pull on the SP101's is a little too heavy! However, I think that the SP101's take much longer than the GP100's to break-in to a reasonably good trigger pull! Although my friend claims that the trigger pull on his SP101 .22 is improving-mine, was better than on his SP101 from the very start! My SP101 was made around 1995 and I think that the quality of construction was better than on some of the later model SP101's? I really like the short shrouded barrel on my SP101(Now considered to be rare!)since these were discontinued somewhere around 1998-99! Recently, Ruger had discontinued the fully shrouded barrel, SP101 .22's! The short shrouded barrel has a better balance than the fully shrouded barreled SP101's and these are still plenty heavy enough(IMHO)!