Colt Detective Special Clone?


New member
No offense to those looking for a lower cost option but comparing any of the suggested revolvers to the Detective Special by Colt is like saying a Hugo is the clone of a Toyota or Nissan compact. Really??

A Colt is a Colt and there is no true clone out there, which was already said in this thread. We were just trying to find some small snubs that had 6-shot capacity that can be an alternitive.

No one was claiming that they are on par or better, just that they are there for consideration and can be had at a low cost. The OP didn't ask for a Colt DS, if he wanted one he could just look for a used. He asked for a clone.. well, there is none. We could have responed "There is none" and left it at that, but instead we tried to come up with alternitives.

Bart Noir

New member
I guess the Hugo was imported from Hugoslavia :D

I have looked at the Rossi mentioned above and was impressed by the apparent quality although have not owned or fired one. It reminded me (in size and concept) of the never-to-be-seen Colt Magnum Carry.

Which brings me to this point. Getting a .357 Magnum is a good idea even if you do not plan to ever shoot magnums from it. You can shoot any factory load of .38 +P or +P+ without worry, since, after all, it is rated for .357 Magnum.

And the rubber grip on that Rossi just fits my hand so nicely.

Stainless Steel Rossi

Bart Noir


New member
It all depends on your interpetation of "replacement" for a DS . I'll take a different track , and theorize that the goal is a top quality revolver , larger than a J frame , smaller than a K frame , and that many people can shoot nearly as well as a medium frame . The obvious answer is a Ruger SP101 . It's five shot vs six , but fills the bill for size strength , and accuraccy.

I have extensive first hand experience with Rossi malfunctions. I wanted to like them , the overall size was usefull , and the grip shape is nearly identical to the Sq Butt J Frame ( a good thing ). But alas , they frequently don't go bang , and frequently lockup if they did.

Taraus , is Taraus.. The M94 is unique even for Taraus due to issues relating to being rimfire ctg , and the geometry of 9 shots in a small frame platform.

Their guns that they've been making for decades ( M85 , M82, PT92 Family ) they have down very well. Their other Lgun of the week"s often don't stick around long enough to work out the initial glitiches.

Yes , the S&W M12 is a wonderful gun. They have their own cult following , and are more expensive , and harder to find than Det Spls.

The prices are creeping up , but a good plan is still to just get a used Det Spl ( or sibling ) in decent shooting condition.