Colt AR removable carry handle ?


New member
This is a question that prompted me to open my safe.

I have a 20 year old Colt that came from the factory with a detachable carry handle. I looked it over and I can not see any distinguishing marks to ensure that it is Colt.


New member
The one has a small square on the right side right in front of the sight. The other has no markings at all. I remembered after seeing the marks on the plain one from me mounting a scope on top of the carry handle. The one with the square is off my Colt.
Thanks for the replies


New member
The one has a small square on the right side right in front of the sight.

As rebs stated, the authentic Colt carry handles have a square forge mark on them. I took a picture of my carry handle to show this-



New member
The picture IdahoG36 posted is exactly the type of carry handle Colt would use on their flatops. The square he pointed out is the forge mark of Brass Aluminum Forge. You also find carry handles with Cerro Forge's keyhole mark (look lower in the picture on the receiver and note the C for Colt). Other forges are Anchor Harvey Forge (splintered A mark) and Cardinal Forge (bird head). Some Forge's may add the C to carry handles sold to Colt but I can't remember seeing one.

Also in the picture note that to the left of the red arrow the steel ears that protect the rear aperture are higher than the aluminum "handle". This is important, it's milspec height that will align properly with an F-Marked front sight base like Colt uses. The forges above also make a commercial height carry handle where the steel ears are lower than the aluminum which alignes with a lower height front sight.

Cheap knockoff carry handles won't have a respected forge mark. But you can find authentic milspec carry handles (pulloffs from military M16s and M4s) on eBay for around $35-40 though have to wade through the knockoffs.
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New member
I'm not sure if this holds for ALL Colt carry handles, but if you totally disassemble the sight from the handle, my LE6920 M4 has a "C4" stamped on the actual handle.

I've had USGI handles apart and never saw one with any stamp.

I suspect that there are only a very few companies who actually manufacture carry handle/sight units and everyone just buys them from those makers.


New member
I have 2 Colt carry handles in front of me and neither has the square mark near the sight.

Of these, one has "A-7" on the left, while the other has "AH" at the same place.

Just looked at the other stash of about a dozen, maybe 20. Several have the square, others do no, and one has what looks to be "0°5." where the square would be.

IOW, all over the place and all were supplied by Colt and came off new M4A1s.