Colt 1903 vs. Tokarev


New member
Came across what seems like a good deal on both pistols at local shops. They're about equivalent in condition, but the 1903 is $350, and the Tokarev is $200. I'd anticipate their reliability would be about equivalent, though the Colt is of considerably older manufacture than the Tok. 7.62x25 ammo is cheaper, I believe, and locally available. 32 ACP is locally available, but pricier. The Tokarev hits harder, but is less refined. I'm not after a CC piece, but rather something of a plinker. I am definitely a bit of cheapskate and the Tokarev is definitely attractive from that standpoint, being much cheaper to buy, and to shoot, but $350 seems like a steal for a 1903 in that condition, so it's hard to pass up. Kinda conflicted here, anyone have any recommendations?


New member
Depends on your real desire. If it's for plinking, get the tokarev. You can buy 1224 rounds of ammo for $85; That LESS than $4 a box of 50 for ammo. That's almost the price of 22LR. Also; if you want a gun for defensive purposes, the 7.62x25 is much better than the 32acp. Unless of course you are just looking for another "Collector" gun. In which case, the 1903 would be nice to have. But for something to "Plink" with; no brainer. Get the Tokarev.


New member
I would love to have a Colt 1903...But, I LOVE my Tokarev. It is such a blast to shoot, accurate even out to 75yds, and reliable...and ammo IS cheap.
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New member
yeah, 1903's are awesome, and thats a good price, BUT.....

tokarevs are perfect for a plinker. i bought one and havent looked back, in fact im about to buy a second one. and you just arent gonna find a gun with that cheap of ammo thats as fun to shoot as the TOK.

but you most certainly would not be in the wrong to pick up that 1903.


New member
The Tokarev is more than a plinker...It makes a great woods pistol. Compact, thin, excellent power to weight ratio. It carries really well. Terrific penetration, and JHP's are available. Just a great all around pistol.


New member
As already mentioned, tough call. Both are great historic designs. Buy both. If I could only have one though I'd definitely go Colt.


New member
I would get both, most likely the Colt first, because that's most likely to disappear and never been seen at such a price again, but the thing is I don't want or need both because they're too similar. I am one those people that tends to believe in something like a one-of-each-kind approach.


New member
I guess the other thing that's a little off-putting about the Colt is it's from 1918, making it over 90 years old, and though it appears to be in really good shape, it makes me nervous.

For those who've said Colt is the way to go, is there any other reason besides the price being right? Is there something about it that outweighs the Tokarev as a good choice?


For those who've said Colt is the way to go, is there any other reason besides the price being right? Is there something about it that outweighs the Tokarev as a good choice?

Youre kidding, right?:eek::p

WildcomeonnowAlaska TM


New member
Again, it just depends what you want to use it for. I would have no worries at all shooting a 1918 Colt 1903. The Colt would be a fine collector piece and plinker, and would still be suitable for CCW.
If both were in my dresser drawer, and someone were breaking in, I know I would grab the Tokarev.


New member
Colt vs Tok

I already have two Colts, wonderful little machines. I paid $250 for one and $165 for the other. But I wouldn't use them for everyday plinking. A tokarev would be nice in my arsenal and fun to shoot and useful.


New member
As long as you do the opposite of what Wildalaska says, you can't go wrong. Ok, just kidding :D:D, but I think you are in a lose lose situation here. Whichever one you buy, you'll wish you had the other. IF you can afford both, get both. If you can only get one of them, get the Colt as it's much harder to find (again) than a Tok.


Moderator Emeritus
raftman said:
I guess the other thing that's a little off-putting about the Colt is it's from 1918, making it over 90 years old, and though it appears to be in really good shape, it makes me nervous.

I shoot the bejeezus out of my Colt 1903 that was made in 1904. Shoots both FMJ and Silvertips just fine. Very natural pointing, too.

I suppose I should shoot my Tokarev more often, too, but all the cheap ammo is corrosive and I'm too lazy for that.

Look, Tokarevs are always going to be there; $350 Colt 1903's aren't. Should you tire of the Colt, you can sell it and buy two Toks.


New member
...if you can't get both :rolleyes:

I'd definitely go for the pony-Tokarevs are pretty available...they'll be cheap for a while, but that Colt won't be.


New member
You all raise a good point. Come payday (3 days away), if the Colt is still there, I'll go for it, I may even trade in a less-used pistol that I own to take the edge of the price, cuz 350 is actually more than I'd generally like to spend, even if it's a good value. If it's gone, I guess my choice will have been made for me.


New member
I'll be pulling for you that it's still there in 3 days...but, it's hard not to be realistic...those pistols are a pretty hot item recently, and unless it's a rusty POS, that's a pretty darned good price.

really good and fun shooters too from what I hear....