Colorado University to Segregate Dorm for Students with Gun Permits


New member
Three cheers to Don. The latest few generations in this country have intentionally been taught to misunderstand the difference between "illegal" and "criminalized." In essence, even in the early 1800s very little was illegal, whether it be drugs, alcohol, firearms or even explosives. Over the years politicians gradually criminalized many of these things. The reversal of those actions ("laws) is "decriminalization," not "legalization."

Sound trivial? It is not. I spend a lot of time practicing this wording with my children and theirs.


New member
Perhaps I did miss the sarcasm, so I will thank you for the welcome and apologize for jumping to conclusions.

No harm. No foul.

I'm relieved to see that the comments were made in jest. I'm clearly a bit frazzled by the environment in Chicago. Reveal that you are pro gun in some areas and people will treat you differently. To a lot of people, guns are scary weapons used by bad people to do evil things. The idea of gun ownership is foreign to them and their perceptions of gun owners is negative. So I may be over zealous in my effort to polish the image of gun ownership. Anyway, I hope you can see where I'm coming from.

Chicago criminals gave us the NFA34 because of their antics. The corruption never left that city so everyone who lives there is wary. Firearms are just part of the equation.

The best thing to "polish the image of gun ownership" is respectful, dispassionate, knowledgeable debate.


New member
long as these apts are just as nice and well furnished as the others id be happy to live in that dorm. Rest assured those seen coming and going from there be more likely left alone.


New member
Over the years politicians gradually criminalized many of these things. The reversal of those actions ("laws) is "decriminalization," not "legalization."
Not exactly. When you decriminalize something, say marijuana, it usually means to make it subject to a fine but not jail. Thus, it is not legal but it is also not a criminal offense.

to remove or reduce the criminal classification or status of; especially : to repeal a strict ban on while keeping under some form of regulation <decriminalize the possession of marijuana>
They will be segregated from the rest of the student body. All other dorms will be declared off limits to firearms and CCW licensees.

That isn't what the article said. The other dorms are not off limits to licensees. They can go there, but aren't allowed to reside there.

There was a time when "race" and gender weren't protected classes. Should people have waited until they WERE protected in order to protest discrimination?

Seems like putting the horse behind the cart... and then saying you can't put the horse in front until you have agreement from the anti-horse people that it belongs there.

In other words, if WE don't act like a "protected class" how are we ever going to convince anyone else that we should be?

What other "classes" of people do we have that are protected under law that are defined by behavior? Race and gender are not behaviors.

If we act like a protected class, then why will people we wish to convince that we are a protected class do anything to help us become a protected class since we already appear to be?

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Religion is a behavior and protected by law against discrimination.

It is a strange identifier as religious institutions can identify by religion and then discriminate in hiring. Special case.

We also have defined quiet floors and dorms in colleges for those who want to avoid the usual immaturity.

Ben Towe

New member
What other "classes" of people do we have that are protected under law that are defined by behavior? Race and gender are not behaviors.

I think what he meant was, in short, if we continue to sit in the back of the bus then it will be difficult to ever convince anyone that making us sit in the back is wrong. Not that it's that severe of course, but you understand my allusion.

Jim March

New member
What other "classes" of people do we have that are protected under law that are defined by behavior? Race and gender are not behaviors.

Actually, the first "protected class" ever defined by the US Supremes based on the 14th Amendment was US citizens of one state travelling to other states - there is a blanket ban on discriminating against them on that basis. See also Ward v. Maryland 1870 (still valid case law) and Saenz v. Roe 1999 which re-iterated what Ward said.


New member
Separate but equal is not equal.... I guess there law professors and EO departments need some education on current laws.


New member
CU sent a letter to professors last month clarifying that employees must adhere to the new rules.

The letter came after Jerry Peterson, a physics professor and chairman of the Boulder Faculty Assembly, told the Camera that he will cancel class if he notices any students carrying guns.

Another hoplophobe who would rather cower and wait for armed men to come to rescue him rather than have someone take care of the situation immediately. He apparently fails to remember that during Columbine the police waited outside rather than enter the building while the carnage continued. In that time, a wounded teacher bled out.

The police aren't always there when you need them. He wouldn't be the first one to reach a busy signal when dialing 911.


New member
I'm not touching the Political side because there is nothing logical to touch.

However, I will say -- for first year students nervous about being in a new place, away from home for the first time or not overly socially graceful - this does create a common platform for all the young men and women in the dorm to socialize and build upon.

I am not in any way supporting this idea which comes accross to me at any rate as totally bizarre.. just trying to put a positive spin on what couldn't get much more violating.


New member
Edit : I meant ' trying to put a new spin '

not ' trying to put a positive spin'.
Thats that Political jargan I was referring to in the first place, that I refuse to touch.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member

Basic argument is that a law-abiding student will suddenly go nuts over a class discussion and a grade. Bang, bang, bang - I disagree with your view of the relationship of quantum mechanics and general relativity.

No consideration of the non-law-abiding rampager killer showing up (who wouldn't care about the law) or defended yourself against crime.

Faculty would be scared to offer an opinion. Well, if you are a wussy old prof, why can't the disagreeing student just run up and give you a beat down?


New member
I'm currently a student at CU Boulder (I've got 12 years USMC in my background, got accepted into a commissioning program where they send me to get a degree and I get to wear shiny stuff on my collar afterwards)

The university staff for the most part has expressed an extremely hostile attitude toward the idea of students CCW'ing citing the reason that "Debates in classrooms can get very heated". There has yet to be any kind of incident.


New member
"Debates in classrooms can get very heated".

I love when I hear anyones knowledge has debate in the classroom @ CU ever lead to any kind of assault with a deadly weapon? Somehow I doubt it...its thos whole mentality of anti gun types that a firearm somehow turns otherwise normal well adjusted individuals into mass killers waiting for a reason to strike.

In the la-la-land of anti-gun-ville if every gun was destroyed tomorrow there would be no crime, dogs and cats would live side by side and we would all agree to stop eating meat while we are at it.

Good luck with campus carry in Colorado; hopefully after a few years of no blood in the street/classroom Colorado can be called upon as yet another example of why campus carry works.