Colorado University to Segregate Dorm for Students with Gun Permits


New member
Politically correct segregation

The University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs are going to set up dormitories that are strictly for CCW licensees. They will be segregated from the rest of the student body. All other dorms will be declared off limits to firearms and CCW licensees.

CCW licensees will also be banned from all events on campus. Where tickets are sold, they will state contractually that anyone with a CCW will not bring their firearms to those events. Those persons who are CCW licensees will be treated as a pariah.


CU to segregate dorms for students with concealed carry permits
Posted: 08/16/2012 10:27:52 AM MDT
Updated: 08/16/2012 03:45:47 PM MDT
By Ryan Parker
The Denver Post

The University of Colorado Boulder and University of Colorado at Colorado Springs are amending their student housing contracts, segregating students who possess a valid concealed weapons carry permit.


In addition, attendees at ticketed athletic and cultural events, such as football games and theater, on both campuses, will not be permitted to bring their guns, officials said.



New member
Very interesting... Thanks for the info...

Those persons who are CCW licensees will be treated as a pariah.

I don't see that happening IN GENERAL... As with so many various groups on campuses, some will like, some won't, some will be indifferent.

CCWers will, however, be more easily indentifiable simply due to the dorm they live in... that's unfortunate.


New member
I’m not really sure if this makes the CCW Dorm more of a target for criminals or not. On one hand we know the residents are armed, but on the other hand you know they often are forced to leave the gun in their room.


New member
The policy is that they must have the firearms locked away in a safe unless it is on their person.

What's next -- special counters in the cafeteria and seating in the back of the campus shuttle bus? Well, the joke will be on them. CCW holders already sit at the back of the bus so they can see any threats.

Jim March

New member
You know...this could backfire in our favor. Give it a couple of years and then tally up the violence rates in our dorms versus the rest :).


New member
:( The dorm for ccw carriers is not on campus but downtown. I don't know how far it is to the campus, but they may be putting an extra burden on them to reduce, or eliminate, the number of people that want to carry on campus.

More information is needed.


New member
People tend to segregate on their own. The problem always has been government mandated segregation. We all discriminate in some form or another.

I kind of like Jim March's idea. By segregating CCW holders it will provide a wealth of statistics comparing CCW holders to non CCW holders and odds are it will come out in our favor.


New member
Is the age for a permit in CO 21? From my college experience the vast majority of people living in college housing are under 21.

I don't have a problem with requiring firearms be secured when the owner or roommate (if trusted) is not present as securing firearms in such situations is prudent and the communal nature of dorms increases the risk of theft.

Before anyone jumps on me secured could be as simple as locking ones door as most "safes" (read residential security containers) are really not all that secure.


New member
This reminds me of the old question, "How many mass shootings have there been at gun shows?" I'd live in the CCW dorm. I'm so old that when I was in college, concealed carry hadn't been addressed. Not many students did carry, because there was no perceived need, but it was no big deal and many of us had one or more guns in our rooms. Back then, romancing usually had to be in a car, in a lonely spot and after dark, so I darn sure always had a revolver close at hand. I never needed it, but it was very reassuring.


New member
It seems that the easiest way to get education administrators confuzzled is to ask them to reason out a solution to a problem.


New member
Anyone making a "back of the bus" comment or comparing this to lunch counter segregation is clearly dense or didn't read the article. This isn't some kind of Jim Crow law against CCW holders and nobody is going to be the next Rosa Parks or of gun rights here. Don't be minimizing the accomplishments of the civil rights movement by trying to compare this story to it.

This is clearly an accommodation for the tiny fraction of people over the age of 21 who want to keep their firearms in their dorm rooms. The fraction is tiny because most people by that age are living in a private apartment.
This story is a good thing as it is at least an effort at compromise. Allowing firearms on school property is huge.

Take a step back and realize you are jumping at phantoms here.

Don H

New member
Hazborgufen said:
This story is a good thing as it is at least an effort at compromise. Allowing firearms on school property is huge.
There is no compromise here. The University is not "allowing" firearms on campus. Firearms on campus in Colorado has been legal for several years. The University doesn't have a choice in the matter. The University's segregating of permit holders is in fact a step backwards as the school pushes back against a law they strenuously resisted in court. This is just plain harassment of permit holders and I forsee a lawsuit challenging these baseless school requirements in the near future.
I wonder how long it will be until someone challenges this based on the precepts of Brown vs. Board of Education finding that "separate but equal" facilities and strict segregation of a class of individuals to those facilities is inherehently unequal.

This could get interesting.

Spats McGee

"Separate but equal" was my first thought, as well. On the flip side of that, though, concealed carry permit holders are not a protected class.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
I think it is a good thing as a first step, that leads to the challenges mentioned below.

Protected class sounds good to me - that would void the bans allowed by businesses and employers. I'm for that.************=Feed%3A+usatoday-NewsTopStories+%28News+-+Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher

Forced by the Colorado Supreme Court to allow students with concealed weapons permits to carry on campus, Colorado University now proposes to segregate such students in separate living facilities, will continue to ban possession in all other residences.

Can't be too careful -- look at all the massacres at Colorado State after they allowed concealed carry on campus.:rolleyes::p


New member
Reading the article, the vice president of the Board of Regents calls student housing 'essentially landlord-tenant' in relationship. Shouldn't this allow the students the normal protections afforded tenants of rental properties? Modifying the housing contract prior to signing (initial any changes) comes to mind...


New member
This is making shivers run up and down my spine...

Goes to show that the elitist extremist ideology, the same ideology which promoted segregation and violent racism in this country until the 1970s, is still alive in the minds of those who want to impose total control on the population.

This issue must be made viral online so everyone will know about it.

Our opposing voices must be strong and solid, or these elitists are going to win by incrementalism again.:mad: