coldest hottest you ever hunted?

lt dan

New member
i have seen many north-american hunting shows that show hunters hunting in severe snow storms. me and my local hunting friends always say that hunting in a snow storm is true dedication to the art of hunting.

over here in africa it is only winter for about 3 months. the coldest it gets in my neck of the woods are about 22F. i once hunted when it was about 23F

and we took 25 blesbok for the day. the problem was when we wanted to skin the animals back at the camp all the blood in the animals had frozen. this caused some practical problems.

i had a friend here this year from the usa and he told of a hunting trip he and his son did in alaska(if i remember correct). apparently this was so cold that if he completed the hunt he gets official recognition for this. i dont know what this meant but i saw the t-shirt he got.

the hottest i have hunted in was 106F. it happened this saturday and i took a friend whom have never shot a wart-hog. he shot the hog just next to thick bushes. the didnt went down immediately and we had to track it, in the thick bushes. the heat was unbearable and we had to be ready for a charge at close range from the hog. this was difficult as we also had to have one eye on the ground for snakes.which are very active in such heat.

afterwards i told my friend that i think this was the hottest i have ever had to endure on a hunt.

so what is your extreme'?.

p.s i hope o got the conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit right.


New member
I have hunted in temps as low as 20 degrees and as warm as 83 degrees. I was miserable hunting in temps that hot. All those dang mosquitos!!


New member
My coldest can't be THAT cold, as I hunt in Louisiana, but hot.....The warmest I remember, while I'm not sure of the exact temp (I was fresh out of a thermometer), sitting in a climber, hunting an active wallow, in a "BugSuit", sweating bullets and watching/listening to the mosquitoes. They 'bout carried me out of my stand. I'm guessing upper 80's maybe lower 90's and very humid.

And on top of that, I never shot that big ol' hog. The very large, approaching hog either saw the small, exposed piece of my orange vest or winded me, turned around and rolled out like an M1A2 Abrams...

Not a comfortable evening in the woods, but fairly exciting...


New member
coldest was about 10 below zero, in a sleeting icy rain that froze to my gun, for deer in northern Minnesota.

the hottest was 140f shooting wild dogs in the fob in iraq.

growing up in southern ohio the majority of deer hunting was at or close to freezing.


New member
not to bad

Coldest -11 deer hunting

hottest 101 hog hunting

I'll take the heat over the cold ANY day!
BTW my wifes was on her first hunting trip when it was -11 when I told her that was how it always is she about quit forever! LOL but she stuck it out.


New member
I've bow and muzzleloader hunted for deer in the eastern swamps of NC when it was 90 plus. Mosquitoes nearly carried me away.

I've hunted in freezing rain/snow here in NC and TN when the temps were in the 20's and I had ice crystals in my beard. That was better hunting :D.


New member
Deer hunting in central NY. Never been below zero (fahrenheit), but just above; kept warm by sitting in an old sleeping bag pulled up to my chest. Worst conditions, though, were about 20 degrees during and after a freezing rain; everything was covered in a layer of ice. Hard to move at all, much less move quietly. Then the wind picked up, and heavy tree limbs were coming down all over the place. I ended up pulling out early, afraid that a tree was going to come down across the access road I had driven in on.

Hottest isn't really hot by others' standards. Uncomfortable all the same. Temp and humidity both in the 90s, hunting groundhogs during the summer in south-central PA.


New member
Coldest hunting for me was -11 degrees F hunting coyotes in NV, hottest 115 degrees F hunting dove in the Imperial Valley in CA. Coldest for big game was about 10 degrees F in Idaho, hottest was 110 F hunting javelinas near Yuma, AZ. I never let a little weather stop me. Came pretty close to dying a couple times because of it.


New member
Low= 35 below zero predator hunting here in Alaska. It gets a good bit colder, but 35 below is about my limit for hunting.

High= 95 or 100 groundhog hunting in Pennsylvania.


New member

Back in the late 70's,I hunted the 3 day blackpowder season in Western Mass. with several friends.The temp for those 3 days hovered around -35 degrees wind chill factor.I was unable to stay out more than 1 1/2 hours at a time.


New member
I shot a doe while muzzloading In MN and the temp was -22F at noon when we went home it was probably -30 at sunrise when I took the shot. After the blackpowder smoke cleared I could see steam rising from the bullet hole. That is cold my friends.



New member
I'd say the coldest was -5 and learned the hard way that you have to be careful on what you use to lubricate a Remington 1100. My semi-auto, turned into a single shot. But have to admit this was a rare day and last day of the last slug deer season. Bow hunted in norther Wisconsin and came down from my stand because I could no longer see the ground and doubt if I could see a deer. Once on the ground, knocked the icicles off my mustache. The Deer yard up and are harder to find, when it gets real cold. On another occasion, found a frozen hen Pheasant that was stuck to the ground. Just sitting there as pretty as you please. Here in the Midwest, hunting in the cold is the norm and no one complians. In fact, there are more complaints if it's too warm.

AS far as hot, I'd say 85deg F., in the rain, in Alabama. Blow flies got some of that venison.

Be Safe !!!


New member
6degrees. Sat on the side of a river goose and duck hunting. Thats about the norm for my bird hunting in the winter. The spot I hunt is a ways from where I park so I get hot hiking to it. As soon as I sit down and quit moving it starts getting cold. :D


New member
Coldest... Probably 5 to 10*F below zero. (Deer or Elk)
Warmest... Pronghorn Antelope, 98*F (Small game up to 120*F)

I actually prefer hunting in the snow, over a clear day. Not only does the snow bring the temperature back up, but it keeps your foot falls quiet. It's also easier to track game, track wounded game, and drag something out (as long as you have a sled, bag, tarp, or other slick material to wrap the carcass).

It is also more likely that you'll get game that has been resting; rather than something that was pushed all over the mountain. (More Tasty)

And... of course, snow keeps a lot of hunters from leaving camp. The animals aren't as spooked, there's more mountain for me, and I don't find as many Bud Light cans.

...All of that applies to where I hunt, and the fact that I'm a mobile hunter. I don't use blinds or stands. It's rare to even find me sitting on a hillside.
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Old Grump

Member in memoriam
105 jack rabbits in New Mexico, -10 white tail deer in Northern Wisconsin.

Hottest I ever shot was a long range match in El Paso, thermometer only went to 120, it was an interesting day trying to see 1000 yard targets through the mirage and laying on rocks you could have fried an egg on. Had to keep the ammo in our pockets to keep them cool.

Coldest I ever shot was -20 training for the upcoming season for another go at All Army. When it got to -22 I wimped out and went home. Good thing was that the snow was so hard my brass stayed on top and was easy to pick up. Shooting glasses froze to my face and for the next week people were asking who I had been fighting with. Learned to get plastic frames after that.


New member
My average is probly about 35-40 degrees.
For elk and goose hunting, the coldest is -12 with a little breeze. Dont know what the wind chill was as I didnt have my weather station yet.
Warmest is probly about 75 or so bird hunting.


New member
The coldest I've ever seen here in N. Georgia was -9 but I wasn't hunting in it. The coldest I ever hunted in was +4 and it was a waste of time. Even the deer wouldn't move. The coldest I ever felt was duck hunting at +17. Riding down the river at 5AM at that temp. in a jon boat got my attention.

100+ is common during dove season and archery deer season.

Normal temps are in the 20's-30's in the early AM and warming up to 40-50 in the PM. during most of the deer season.


New member
I was hunting in MT a few years ago and it was -20 a couple of mornings. You had to keep your water close to your body or it would freeze hard as a rock in an outer pocket. Also, you had to keep it in the sleeping bag with you if you wanted a drink during the night. Didn't take you long to go out and take a whiz.

But, I have personally been a lot colder when the temperature was higher and the humidity was higher.