CO2 pistols

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New member
Having been shot in the back of the head by a CO2 pistol at

about 50 yards and after picking myself up having to dig the BB out of my scalp... If you want to kill the cats, with a slow death, then that is the way to go. Other wise a different plan maybe better.


New member
how about a cheap pistol crossbow? or every now and then me have these tool sales and they have these neat single cock pellet rifles that shoot about 900fps. that should do it!


New member
12Ga Shotgun #4shot?? :eek: no but seriously try salutes, like the real good M80 1/4stick verity. :cool:

can you tell I'm not a cat person :D


New member
Another possibility is an airsoft gun. They can be surprisingly accurate and they should cause permanent damage if you stay away from the target's eyes.


The best solution posted so far is the hose. Cats hate getting wet and usually won't be back after one soaking. The main problem is getting out of the house and to the hose without spooking them. I don't know bout your feral cats, but mine are pretty crafty. Just the sound of a door opening and they're gone.
I saw a motion detector actuated sprinkler at ACE Hardware the other day.
It was advertised as being for keeping deer out of your garden, yard, etc. I wonder if it would be sensitive enough for cats?
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