CO2 pistols

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New member
I'd like some recommendations on dependable, quick-handling CO2
handguns, either BB or pellet. I seemed to have developed a feral cat
infestation lately, and I just can't very well start blasting the things
with my .45acp, so I thought I'd try and persuade them to leave my
property gently. With a well placed BB to their backside.:eek:

Any suggestions?



New member
The pumps are best for cats, you can limit the power to just sting them, at least in my experience, co2 has no lower power leval.


You will injure them if you shoot them with a typical CO2 BB pistol.

Maybe a better solution would be a paintball gun with the power turned down.


New member
I was thinking of two or three pumps from something like a crossman, but I think I like your idea better, bigger projectile would probably lower the injury factor!


...bigger projectile would probably lower the injury factor!
There's still some chance of injury if it's hit in the eye. I'm not really a fan of shooting things you don't intend to kill; I know of two stories involving airguns where the result of a shot to "scare" the animal turned out badly.

In one case the person used a pellet gun to scare a running dog and ended up killing it with an unlucky shot that sneaked between the ribs and penetrated to the heart.

In another, a person used a pump-up at one pump with a BB to chase his own dog out of his vegetable garden. It hit the dog on the "knuckle" of one paw and broke the skin causing a minor injury.


New member
Get a blowgun and some thumper darts , their easy to shoot very accuratly
I think you could get in trouble using a bb gun (1 pump or not) the blowgun dont look as bad
Slingshots are fun but hard to be very accurate
Put a bowl of milk on your neighbors property , then Its their problem
Just kiddin


New member
I agree with the pump crowd. I've been using an old Benjamin .177 cal pump pistol for decadesfor the same reason. One or two pumps is all it takes. Energy is low, accuracy is OK out to about 10' but it is primarily the 'pop' that scares 'em off. Caveat: don't use .177 BB's if you want to keep the rifling in good condition.
Full power with 10-12 pumps can put a .177 standard pellet almost through a 2x4 at the same range. That much energy could kill a cat or dog.
In the right environment, pellet guns are a hoot to shoot and cheap too.


New member
I'm with the crowd that says if you are going to shoot it then you should intend to kill it.

If you just want to drive them off there are several other options including sprinkling some mothball flakes around and live traps (though I suppose an airsoft gun might be acceptable).

Please either do a clean-kill or find another alternative, I've cleaned up far too many wounded animals to want to see more.




Paintball with the velocity lowered is best for animals, yes. Aim for the side of the haunch, it'll sting, but not injure them or get in their eyes. On predators, that's a solid muscle, so there's less chance of any internal injury. It's the equivalent of a spanking. They don't like it, and they'll leave. If you have a blowgun, use paintballs in that, too...the thumper darts can crack a bone or cause a serious bruise, which is vicious and cruel. Consider if something scaled to cause a bruise along your entire side hit you.

I used to volunteer in a wildlife center. Volunteer vet surgeons were always picking BBs out of painful infections on crippled animals. It's cruel.


New member
I wouldn't use a bb gun, even with two or three pumps it has too much power.

check out the .62 cal blowgun from these guys.

Dummy loads pack a lot of punch and the risk of injury is low. With the hunting darts you can kill if you need to. It takes practice but you'll be surprised at how accurate these things can be.

Could you get a dog? A good sized dog not only gives you a wonderful companion but it'll scare off cats, opossums, raccons and whatever else may be lurking around.


New member
forget a paintball gun...even on low level you could break the cats leg easily...just get a pump and do a 3 pump set and aim for the backend....your problem will quickly be solver...PLUSSS paintball and co2 and paintball gun are all hella the 40 pump...or hell just get a 20 dollar Red Ryder those thing have the perfect power for what your talking about


New member
Super Tacticool ninja cat/ dog deterrance system.

Am I the only one who grew up with a garden hose next to the house?


New member
I have much experience with just this subject and the gun you want is a $29.00 daisy red ryder from wal-mart.

I use it for everything from rounding up 400 lb. hogs to put back in there pen to keeping the peacocks from attacking those same hogs.

Works great for stray cats, without killing them to killing rats in the feed barn.

Holds a bunch of bb's so you won't have to reload all the time and there is no co2 to buy or leak out.

Sucker stings like fire if you get shot by a pissed off wife, trust me on this.

Let it Bleed

New member
If you live in the country, I would advise contacting the Wildlife Department. If you're a city dweller, then contact Animal Control.

Feral cats and dogs are a testament to some peoples sloth and cruelty. Not only do the feral animals live a miserable existence, but they are detrimental to wildlife.

While I don't doubt your good intentions, if some do-gooder catches you shooting at an animal even with a paint-gun, it might create a real headache for you. Additionally, as unpalatable as the job may be, feral animals need to be controlled.

Determine what your lawful options are and CYA!
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