Closest 1000yd Range


New member
Awesome, thanks for the responses folks. I'm sorry to all those of you who don't have one and would use one. I'm still setting up my rifle to hit that far, so until then I've only gone to 200yds and then found out my scope was moving -_-


New member
It is kind of mean to live in CO (and even more so WY and MT) and have access to so many great ranges (I think there are 6 out to 1K+) open spaces and National forests and talk about it on forum populated by folks from all over the US. :)


New member
It is kind of mean to live in CO (and even more so WY and MT) and have access to so many great ranges (I think there are 6 out to 1K+) open spaces and National forests and talk about it on forum populated by folks from all over the US. :)

Don't forget all those folks in NM ;) At least I'm not one of those

T. O'Heir

New member
"...1000yd ranges are kind of rare..." Yep. It's because of the fall zone required. CF 1,000 yard ranges have 10 kilometer's of fall zone behind the back stop. And it's not square. Hard to get that much empty land.
The 600 plus yard ranges in Southern Ontario are backing on one of the Great Lakes. Where stupid fishermen drive their boats into the fall zone regularly. Despite the 'Danger' sign and buoys.


New member
haha I believe that. I used to live almost right on Lake Ontario. On the US side. Though I was still able to receive the lovely Canadian radio stations and TV.