
This topic is raised from time to time and I really fail to see either the theological or ecclesiastical relevance of it. To attend church carrying a gun (and I do) may raise the issue of personal conscience (although I do not see why it should) then, of course, one should follow the dictates of one's conscience. Unless, of course, one's conscience is engaged in delusion - which does happen from time to time.

Of course. Which is why I am asking: why stay affiliated with a church that conflicts with (what I assume to be) a deeply-held conviction that bearing arms in the defense of oneself and one's loved ones is not just right, but a duty?


New member
My Church does not allow even a bug to be killed in it. And of course, carrying a gun inside would be forbidden.

When I head out to church I usually put my gun in the trunk before I leave. But sometimes I put it in the trunk when I get there.

My Priest knows I carry and given my circumstances has given the closest thing he can to approval.

I didn't carry a gun for a long time because of my beliefs. But then, I had a real life BG to deal with and when I thought about the two or three other times I have been attacked by BG's in my life, I decided to get a gun.

I have resolved the conflict of my beliefs and carrying a gun but it was not an easy process. Having a Priest who understands and even admits that if someone was coming at me to hurt me he would stop them any way he could too really has helped.

I could give references and support for my beliefs (which are the same as my Church) about not killing in a church but what is the point? I choose not to carry at Church. Since it is "concealed carry" no person attending with me would know, but I would know, and so would God.

Some places are sacred to me.

BTW, I also don't carry when visiting a relative who has told me it bothers them if I do.


New member
I believe the Roman Catholic Church was the ones who started the no weapons in churches rule, waaaaaaay back in the sword/bow era, due to all that lovely gold and silver altar plate and such they kept around. Seems some uintrustworthy types would want to steal it for themselves, and when the threat of the Good Lord's punishment wasn't enough, they'd try to disarmament laws. Didn't work then either - ask the Vikings.
As for blessing of arms, that was reserved for the kings' knights, the great great great great grandaddy of today's military. Commoners, usually forbidden arms, (except when playing conscript army in the big kill 'em all wars), were still forbidden from bringing anything inside the church walls. Wouldn't want the king's men getting nervous while getting the Bishops' blessing over thier swords, would we?
I cannot remember anything in the Bible forbidding weapons inside a church. I remember Jesus telling His disciples to sell thier cloak to buy a sword. Don't remember Him telling them where they couldn't carry it. That was up to the Romans.
Hmm, what WERE the weapon laws of Occupied Jerusalem?


Reverend Oliver: "The Shepherd must tend to his flock and sometimes, he must fight off the wolves."...
From the film The Patriot

I believe that a concealed and holstered pistol is a peaceful pistol.

I guess the problem I'm having with the prohibition on weapons in churches (not talking about a statutory prohibition, but rather a request from the pastor/other high religious figure that firearms not be brought into the church,) is that it concedes the premise of the lunatic anti-firearm fringe, namely that guns are (to some extent) inherently bad in and of themselves, and not morally 'neutral' items.

Do you think that is the case, too? If not, what is the reasoning behind the prohibition?

I do not understand how your Priest can concede that it's okay to do whatever is necessary to defend the innocent at the same time prohibiting the good, decent, peaceful people (like, presumably, yourself,) from carrying their firearm. I would appreciate it if you could perhaps elaborate a little on the thought process behind this.


P.S. I am not trying to start a religious flame war, these questions are in good faith.


New member
What I have found is that most preachers/priests that are pro gun do not have a problem with you carrying and its not a issue with the way they interpret the bible. Most preachers/priest that do not want you carrying in their churches are anti-gun and they pull their personal beliefs into the Bible.

My problem with preachers/priest that incorporate their personal beliefs in to the bible on gun control, will also do it in other areas as well. Thus their sermons can become not what the Bible says but just a bunch of their own beliefs.

My pastor knows I carry and does not have a problem with it at all and even goes shooting with me a couple times a year.

When ask by other people why I carry in Church I just say well I know
God will protect me but I am not sure your as good a Christian as me so I do not know if he will protect you, so I might have too. That usually gets a laugh and shuts them up.


New member
I agree with tegemu. Leaving your gun in the car is not a good idea. I have been packing in church since I don't know when. I sit in the back where the collection box is(our church doesn't pass the plate). If some heathen tries to take it I'll cap him. :D


New member
I'm an ordained SoBap preacher...

I used to pastor a church for a short while. I carried a sidearm just like a cell phone or pocket knive or credit card or a pen. Just one of them things that goes on with the clothes and is only used when required.

I don't object to anyone having a cell phone in church, but using it would be tacky - unless one is a doctor on call or some such.

Should I ever have a church again, I would not object to anyone carrying. If one is doing it right, how is anyone else going to know?

If the church I now attend ever tells me I should not come armed, I'll find another church.


New member
My 2 cents worth on the subject

I've never read anywhere in the Bible where devine intervention or protection is guaranteed inside a church. That said...

If I believe God will protect me inside a church to the point that I'd never need a firearm, then I'd probably believe that He'd do the same once I left the building. Thus the need to carry would be completely moot. There are those that believe this way and I'm not saying its good, bad, right or wrong.

I believe that I have been given the ability and duty to protect myself, family, and/or other innocents and it doesn't matter where that is. I'll never flaunt that to anyone but I won't back down from it either.


New member
I live right next door to my church. And even being that "close to home", very rarely do I attend services not "packing" as the Pastor put it one day when he saw my .380 auto in it's holster. He said he had no objection and that he felt 'safer' knowing at least one other member of the congrigation was carrying besides him (he carries a .45 in his waistband all the time) just incase some wack came in and "started trouble" as he put it. Since then, we have enjoyed many hours at the range together target shooting and talking "The Good Book". This year, we plan on going hunting together for the first time too.


New member
See my earlier post. I always carry in church and if I was told it is no longer permitted I would find another church. My church does NOT have a lock on the gospel. There are other good Christ centered churches out there. I would find one that would not infringe on the 2A.