CHL soon - Looking for CCW experiences and suggestions


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Taurus and Sig

Yeah, given the Taurus issues, like this PT840C shooting low out of the box. I am not really trying to choose this option. I would have to see about what is available to bring that safety lever closer in to the body. I can't believe they designed this lever so far from the frame, those issues in themselves are a testament to Taurus lack of attention.

I have looked at pretty much all the small Sig models at the stores and a 700 table gun show. Not one of them was very comfortable. I'll put these on my 'rent this' list. I found a store that won't charge extra per gun, just by the hour, and you have to use their ammo. They have about 100 models on hand for rental. I hope they have the extended mags.

I am starting to think that I should just break down and go for a 45. I am a very good shot (according to the Air Force). My qualifying score with my new 45 (2nd time shooting it) was 248 out of 250 (two 4 point fliers during 25yard rapid fire). I might just convince myself that quantity isn't what I am looking for.

I am attaching my 15yard target with my 1st 100 rounds through that 45.


  • Witness 45 1st 100 15Y.jpg
    Witness 45 1st 100 15Y.jpg
    219.2 KB · Views: 9
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New member
I like to try to figure out why people have certain biases, because sometimes those biases don't make sense or are just incorrect. When people are looking for a gun I guess I try too hard to help people get what they need rather than what they want.

That may be, but there's a limit to what we can do in forum posts. We're not going to fundamentally change someone just because we're smart guys on the internet. Also determinations of "doesn't make sense" or "are incorrect" are sometimes relative to the person. For instance here the OP doesn't want a Ruger or a Beretta. Instead of spending pages of the thread trying to convince him that he should want those brands, we can just work within his parameters to give him suggestions for what he wants. Part of me also resents the implication that somehow we know what the OP needs better than he does. It's not my place to say, if that's what he wants more power to him.


New member
Marty8613 said:
I am starting to think that I should just break down and go for a 45.
I assume you're talking about a 1911? I don't think anyone here will fault you for wanting a 1911. Take a look at the various companies' CCO models; they have a Commander-sized slide with an Officer's sized grip, which is the perfect combo for a CCW 1911 in my opinion.


New member
Answer to Theo

1911 Style is fine, but I am looking for mid-caliber carry options. Most that I have liked,have been poly frame. I need 40SW at a minumum I think at least (with 9mm out of the running), which leaves 10mm and .45 as options. I didn't go with a double stack when I was looking for my small caliber (380) option. But I also really wanted to not have only 5-7 rounds either, which is where I am at for single stack 45. A double stack 40 though, wouldn't be as wide as a double 45., so those are still in. I have seen that P229, and it is yummy, but unfortunately outside of my patience budget. Time to being able to afford > tolerance to wait.

Though, lets see what Uncle Sam says when I do my taxes tonight. Maybe can add that P229


New member
I have looked at pretty much all the small Sig models at the stores and a 700 table gun show. Not one of them was very comfortable. I'll put these on my 'rent this' list. I found a store that won't charge extra per gun, just by the hour, and you have to use their ammo.

But again we enter the realm of what you determine to be small. The names of the models would really help. I haven't found too many that consider a P229 too small, even with very large hands.

I don't doubt you're a good shot. If you like a 45 that's cool too. Usually there isn't anything about a particular caliber that makes it more or less accurate. It's usually the gun in question and maybe the trigger. A 1911 with a nice trigger is easy to shoot and can sometimes mask technique problems that get exaggerated by worse triggers.


New member
Though, lets see what Uncle Sam says when I do my taxes tonight. Maybe can add that P229

A used SIG is a great option too. They can typically be found in the $600 price range. They're usually very well taken care of and are very durable to begin with. Don't rule that out as an option.


New member

Looking at the specs, it is right around the same as that Taurus. This is the size/weight I am looking for. Short listing this one.

Man but the cost!
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Safety not required as long as I can drop that hammer manually or it has a de-cocker. I prefer to just drop it myself. It is in my habit already to do so. One of the many reasons I just gotta have a hammer. I am not carrying my Bersa or Witness with the safety on (unless the Witness is Condition 1).


New member
Hammer deal

I'll make the striker folks a deal. When I buy a pocket sized gun. 320 or 22LR or maybe a baby 380. I'll make it a striker type and see how it goes.


Welcome to the forum.

This topic is widely covered.

I've had my carry license for nearly a decade. Carried or tried carrying or considered carrying nearly every type of modern platform.

In my experience, too small is just as impractical as too large. Very small

results in low capacity, high recoil, lower accuracy, and lower reliability.

The sweet spot is a 3-4" barrel, 80%-full size grip.

Handle/fire all that you can.

No offense, but it sounds like you're a novice. Don't discount the MOST WIDELY USED/ADOPTED/COPIED platforms available.

You may like what you like, but it also sounds like you haven't the experience to reasonably discount striker fired polymer guns. That's foolish in my view. But it's your choice.

For a novice, forget a 10mm. Few platforms, expensive ammo, overkill... a Novice needs practice, practice, practice. Not a perceived death ray 10mm. Shot placement is key to success, and shot placement comes with practice. A 9mm COM shot will be more effective than a 10mm miss or arm strike.

Flatly ruling out entire classes of widely used calibers such as the 9mm, and widely used platforms is a clear rookie mistake. But it's your decision, albeit uninformed and emotional. Strongly suggest you research and learn before buying on perception and emotion.

9mm is responsible for the most or among the most handgun caliber deaths in the world. It's very effective if you train and do your part. Glock is the most used gun in competitions because it is affordable, easy to use, reliable and accurate. CZs rank up there too.

If you're stuck on a hammer fired platform, then consider a compact Sig Sauer or CZ. Both are excellent. If you're stuck on a 10mm, look at the CZ clone which is an EAA Witness 10mm.

My recommendation from everything I've read is a CZ P01 or CZ 75 compact. These are excellent and I've carried them. You can get them in .40 caliber I believe. I think it's the CZP06 in .40 IIRC.

Finally, don't skimp on a cheap holster. Buy once, cry once, and the holster will determine the conform/conceal-ability/ease-of-use.
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New member
To LeadCounsel

Novice to civilian concealed carry maybe, but I have been shooting since I was 6. I was a rarity in the Air Force, in that I qualified with every weapon in our inventory at the Guard Unit, from a .38 to an M60. I got to be the guy that, when we had an exercise that included weapons, I got to (I knew they were up to something when I said "sure I'll qualify") courier the keys to the weapons lockers. I had a 1911 concealed, which isn't hard in BDUs. I like to have a hammer is all. To me, that is a gun. I have had one cheaper model 380 that was striker type at one point, and my personal perception is that it was a toy in appearance and altogether. I understand that other people have their perceptions, and I am a bit more open-minded about the issue myself. My wife on the other hand is not. She wants to see hammers too, I am okay with that myself, it is a preference, I don't like the other types. They don't look right, they don't feel right, I can avoid them if I like. I never liked 9x19mm either, but I have shot them.

I haven't had weapons in my house for some time now, as I had 4 children. I didn't for some time want to incur the expense of maintaining a hobby as expensive as shooting or the hassles of dealing with small children and having guns. Somehow, over the years I have managed to get quite a bit of shooting in. Typically 1911 types, some revolvers, machine guns even and yes some striker types. I don't want to look at hammerless. I looked, didn't like them.

Now you kids.... get off my lawn!

PS, love CZ, trouble finding though in compact frames here in my current budget. The Witness 10MM seems to still have cracking issues, but getting the stronger Wolf spring does appear to fix that issue. I already have a Witness-P-F 45 with 4.5" barrel. I keep finding ones I like that 'need something' Where are the ones that don't?
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