China Trade, Guns, and MY $$$


New member
I've seen Vipers lapped regularly by basically stock 911s at the club races at Road America.

Back to the original subject, I have tried to avoid buying Chineese junk (is that redundant?) for many years now.


New member
All my life i've stayed away from buying chinese(i must have been influenced by my grandfathers WW2 and Korean experence)Heck i used to live in Oregon and have never bought a pair of made in china Nike shoes.
On the other hand,the last 15 years i've been in Latin America and have seen how the Taiwanese people have been helping the countries here by giving aid money to build roads, bridges, docks ect..Here in Costa Rica they are building a long bridge over the Gulf of Nicoya from both sides. If it wasn't for the Taiwanese money and Taiwanese engineers here the work would never get done let alone straight and ahead of schedule..
Yes, the Taiwanese have gotten political mileage over the many years they have been helping other countries but the last coulple of years the PRC has been pushing and threatning to the point that the political leadership of Taiwan has been snubbed in Latin America when they visit here. The Latin countries like the Taiwanese money but their afraid of the PRC..
The PRC chinese come into Panama buy a passport and then go to the U.S. It's been going on for years.Watch out people, the PRC have been in our back yard for awile now. The PRC's economy is 11% the size of the U.S. The U.S. imports of PRC products account for 9% of the PRC's GNP.They import over a billion dollars of Russian arms a year. If we boycott PRC products we can effect them without so much as a burp to our economy...
As to what USGUNS said support Latin America is the way to go.As the economy keeps growing IN Latin America then they have more money to buy U.S. goods and they will stay home. They go to the U.S. for the North American dream. It's time the U.S. took more interest in it's back yard.
WOW,I do get long winded at times... I'm proud to be an AMERICAN. Free to express my views..


New member
A few weeks back I bought a leather vest. The tag proudly displayed the Stars and Stripes, and said USA, so I felt good. Only when I got it home did I check the back of the tag. US leather, alright, but made in China.

I've got an '89 Harley Springer. The springer front end is made in the US, which makes it the most authentic US-made bike in HD's fleet. All of the hydraulic-tubed front ends are made in the Orient, as are a lot of the other components on the bike. In fact, Hondas may well be more American-made than Harleys.

Sorry for the mini-Harley rant, but I've been struggling with a transmission repair out in the alley for the last two weekends. And the weather's been beautiful.



New member
Art Eatman; I really hate to burst your bubble but if you look up that Smoot-Hawley Act you will find that it was passed in the early 1930's, which by the way I figure years means that it probably had no effect on the Crash of 1929.
The statements that it did have an effect in causing the 1929 crash are usually self serving and an easy way to blow smoke up someones tailfeathers.
Your assignment is to read Murray Rothbards book on the 1929 crash and the resulting depression.
I always try to buy non PRC when I can.


New member
Went to Target the other day to look for a padlock. 99% of them are made in China. There were one or two made in Mexico. They weren't the kind I was looking for. Left the store without buying anything.


New member
Heck, my '78 Harley has the original Showa forks and Keihin carb, and that wasn't long after the Bicentennial and it's patriotic meaning.

Well, this is an old and tired subject, and if one searches here at TFL, as well as the forums, it ALWAYS comes up at one time or another.

Last Sunday, as I was showing off my WC-135 at the MAcDill AFB Airfest, I went over 15 years active duty in the Air Force as an aviator. I've logged hours in Navy P-3C Update III aircraft, and went through the same EXTREMELY REALISTIC peacetime detention training as that EP-3 crew, some of their fellow crews even attended at the same time I did. Wanna know what their custom scenario was in that class? I'll give you a hint, the cuisine during their internment wasn't McDonald's. So, patriotism with me is not an issue, I salute the flag, and wear the uniform proudly each day.

Now, having said that, I'm still keeping my Norinco 1911A1's. Going back a little further into my gun safes, in and amongst the Winchesters, Brownings, Remingtons, and Colts, there's a WWI Imperial German Luger, a couple WWI Gewehr98 Mausers, a WWII Kar98K with intact Waffenamp stamps, a Warsaw-pact Czech VZ-52 rifle, a Czech CZ-52 pistol, and a recent production AK-47 clone made by the Bulgarians. If one considers the morality of the regimes that produced these weapons, and how they were used to achieve their political goals, perhaps NONE of them should reside in any patriotic American's collections. But they still do, including one more gun in my safe that has some painful significance to another population that was wronged. Yup, you guessed it, a U.S. Trapdoor Springfield in .45-70. Go ahead, tell me our s**t doesn't stink...


New member
Lets see if I can Chintaize what I am currently wearing.

Mountain Boots. Bass, China. (Damn fine boots tho. I have had them for 4 years and beat the hell out of them and they still look new and are the most comfortable pair of footwear I own. Can’t complain on this one.)

Socks & Underwear. Hanes, Columbia
Pants, China
T-Shirt, Fruit of the Loom, USA (YAY!)
Sweatshirt, Jerzees, Mexico (of USA components)

Watch, Switzerland
Pocket Knife, Switzerland (some things ya just don’t skimp on…)

I try to make a conscious effort to buy PRC as little as possible.
If anyone is looking for a good USA made knife, try Camillus I got one last week and am very pleased with it.

You can also find US stuff online at

In Liberty,



New member
I was just at Wally World today and was picking up some supplies and almost picked out a machete when I looked closer, I noticed "made in China" I put it back and kept looking, after awhile I realized why we have a 300 billion dollar trade deficet, EVERY OTHER THING ON THE SHELVES IS MADE IN CHINA!!
Well, I refused to buy any chinese made products and found a few other things that were made in good ole USA, as I have been for quite some time now. I have a good mind to start putting up some letters of protest on those bulletin boards in the front of the store urging people to boycott chinese goods. I thinkit would help if we all helped push a boycott on China.
These Bastards have held our people hostage , spied on our country, gave illigal money to the bolshevist Democrats, and of course they are commies.
We should hit them where it hurts as well as contact our president and demand he do something about this unfair trade situation we have with these red "friends" of ours.

twin Sigs

Everyone has bought or used something Chinese in the past, some have bought or used something Chinese today, some will buy or use something Chinese tomorrow and everyone will buy or use something Chinese in the future. That is a fact.