Chicago Plans To Videotape All Firearms Sales


New member
The most egregious thing about this IMO is that Rahm never gets excited about shootings on his plantation. It's only white kids in idyllic settings like CT and CA that seem to bother the little man.

The same can be said of many Democrats. I guess once the voting bloc becomes reliable, who cares?


New member
HarrySchell said:
The most egregious thing about this IMO is that Rahm never gets excited about shootings on his plantation. It's only white kids in idyllic settings like CT and CA that seem to bother the little man.

I don't know, but I don't think this is the case. I think the issue is that he is willing to stand on any grave which gets his agenda the most mileage.

Glenn E Meyer said:
I'm sorry - Mayor Rahm needs to address why the citizens of Chicago continue to violate the law about using guns.

San Antonio is full of stores selling guns - Chicago has none. The violent crime rate is three times higher in Chicago.

This is the crux of the entire issue. Democrats know the answer to this problem is so challenging it will surpass their term length as well as the public's tiny attention span, and therefore attempting to solve the problem won't help them maintain power. To be fair, no other party would tackle the problem, either, for the same reasons.

Since they can't actually start the process of solving the problem, they stick with the tried-and-true cliches. Since enough of the public are stupid enough to buy that crap (just look at the father of some Isla Vista victim), it works.


New member
"The gun stores in the area should give out Rahm Emanuel masks to all their customers."

Oh man that would be hilarious! "Put this mask on and step right up to the counter and face the camera". :p

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Since such a procedure would do nothing - it would then be used in arguments to extend gun bans, rules and whatever throughout IL and then the country.

What else is new?


New member
Yeah, I just paid a $100 speed camera fine this morning for speeding in a "park zone". The "park zone" was a street with a cemetery on either side, unbeknownst to me one of them has a tiny sliver of "park" adjacent to it.

The warning signs weren't posted until after the speed camera.

Oh how I hate this city!


Brian Pfleuger said:
Besides, there would have to be some easy way of segregating, downloading and storing this video for.... how long? This would get cumbersome in short order.

Easy solution.

"Attention: All gun buyers consent to having a video of their gun purchase(s) uploaded to youtube, in order for us to comply with the law at a minimum of cost to you."


New member
Down here we have show a pictured Drivers licence and they make a copy of it and put it with the forms.
"Attention: All gun buyers consent to having a video of their gun purchase(s) uploaded to youtube, in order for us to comply with the law at a minimum of cost to you."
In that case, I would show up in a marching band uniform and horse mask, and I'd do the Barbie Girl dance every time I bought a gun. Let the psychologists in the media work that one out.

Down here we have show a pictured Drivers licence and they make a copy of it and put it with the forms.
Most dealers do that, but it's a different situation. Having the photocopy helps in case the buyer's handwriting is unclear, and it can also show due diligence during an audit. Those copies are filed with the 4473's and aren't shared with anyone.

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Being virtually given that the files, if held by the city, will find their way to the public domain, legally or otherwise, it is something to consider.

While not openly stated, there HAS to be some kind of link between just your face buying a gun, and your identity, in the file, for it to be of any use, or even be "found" in the filing system.

SO, potentially, the video is an electronic list of firearms owners. If there is any way for a govt agency to identify you in the video (name, address, etc), even if it is hidden code in the file, if it is there for the agency to use, it could be found, and used by someone else.

Think about that....


New member
If there is any way for a govt agency to identify you in the video (name, address, etc), even if it is hidden code in the file, if it is there for the agency to use, it could be found, and used by someone else.

Facial recognition software has been around for long time. It is simply a program that can match a photo of someone to another photo of someone. So a still from the video to your drivers license picture/FOID card/CCW permit/etc. It would not be hard to do.