Chiappa Rhino


New member
Anyone tried one of these pistolas yet? If so what were your impressions?

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New member
I will buy a 6" version when the prices stabilize and they have been out long enough to work out any bugs. They are so ugly as to be good looking, and the lower barrel concept intrigues me.


New member
I guess I just dont see the point. I dont have any issues with a regular revolver setup so it doesnt really intrigue me. I'll shoot one just to do it but can definitely say I wont be adding one to the collection.


New member
I want to try one,,,

H&H Gun Store in OK City says they will have some in soon,,,
But then they have been saying that for a year now.

I really do want to try shooting one,,,
That low barrel just seems like it would be more comfy to shoot.

I can't see myself rushing out to buy one,,,
But I don't deem them as ugly as some here say.



New member
I've been trying to order one since they were announced but none of the wholesalers we use ever have them.
I'll get one eventually.


New member
I am very interested in seeing further reviews and range reports for this critter. It looks to be very solidly built and it caught my eye from the first announcement.


New member
I will buy a 6" version when the prices stabilize and they have been out long enough to work out any bugs.

I've been waiting for the 5" or 6" version to show up.

Between the testing delays, import approval delays, and who knows what else... it's going to be a while before they're available.

The 2" version is getting imported in extremely low quantities, with all being pre-sold (except for one from each lot, that Davidson's makes available on a first-come, first-served basis).

In addition, I believe they are now dealing with an additional complication:
About 4 months after the first 2" models started making their way into the hands of real shooters (not gun rag authors), this warning was posted on their website.

Methinks they had some incidents...

If you look at the location of the forcing cone, in regard to the trigger, it is much closer (not just vertically), than on a 'standard' revolver design. With the cylinder set back farther in the frame, it makes flash burns and forcing cone injuries much more likely with a bad grip.


New member
Here's a comparison chart between the Rhino and the popular Model 640.

It appears from videos posted on youtube that the Rhino does an exceptional job taming the recoil of the .357 mag load, specially during rapid fire.



New member
Havent got one... but... did shoot one a month ago.

Shot very accurately... no recoil at all...

.. not sure that I would get used to how silly they look:confused:

David the Gnome

New member
The double action trigger on the one I tried was horrible. The only double-action trigger I've ever felt that was heavier was on my Nagant revolver. I still want one in stainless with the wood grips for some reason... :rolleyes:

Andy Taylor

New member
The looks of the snubby aren't bad IMHO, but the longer barrels are FUGLY. I do want to shoot one. That will determine whether or not I want one.


New member
"Methinks they had some incidents..."

Yeah, makes logical sense... fingers forward are more likely to get burned due to the lower ignition point. I naturally hold like they show in the "correct" picture but some people don't... Could be quite problematic liability-wise I suppose. Nice to see new innovations but they're somewhat of a gamble. Time will tell.
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New member
The lock work looked WAAAAAAAAAY complicated and frail. Not saying it is. I like the cylinder would be neat to see that on a Smith or Ruger. Chiappa... That would have to be removed from that gun. I couldn't bring myself to have that word in my gun safe.

I mean...

Cmon... A single shot made to look like a Revolver?
then there is their single action .22 and 1911-22... ok ill stop before I offend people.


New member
Cmon... A single shot made to look like a Revolver?
then there is their single action .22 and 1911-22... ok ill stop before I offend people

The 1911-22 outsells most of their other products, and gets very favorable reviews. (No, I don't own one, and am not a Chiappa fanboi. It's just a much-loved firearm, for many people.)