Check it out...I'm in Handguns magazine !!

Dan C. Johnson

New member
Good one, Lone Star. I may put that on my resume. :D

Yea, I write the Shooter's Box reviews. They are all hands-on evaluations and I do point out the negative as well as positive aspects of the product. Fortunately, most accessories are pretty good. Otherwise, they don't stay on the market long.

Dan Johnson

Dan C. Johnson

New member
Thanks, FLM, but I am just a small cog in the wheel. Our new Editor, Jerry Lee, has a lot of good ideas though and, most importantly, is willing to listen to ideas from others. We will have a new format coming soon. Hope you guys will bear with us.

Dan Johnson


New member
Just picked up the first bi-monthly Issue and found they had rectified the omission of your .38 snub tables from the previous issue. Very extensive bit of testing there.

I also found your products test column most informative and really appreciated the review of the Remington Army. I have one in to AH where-in I attempt to duplicated the Hickock-Tutt affair at Springfield MO. My 75 yard shooting actually resembled more that of Mr.Tutt than of Wild Bill. In any case, the hands on work you did and the historical references made for an interersting article.

The magazine as a whole is very well done and I'm glad to see Bob Campbell doing the holster bit. He has a lot of hands-on experience with high quality holstery.

Dan C. Johnson

New member
Thanks, Mec

I haven't seen that issue as yet but I'm glad you liked it. I wrote up the Remington Army from Cabela's because I feel we need to cover more of the economical guns. Lord knows I can't afford half the stuff we normally cover.

Bob does know his leather. Odd thing is, he lives in the same area I do and we know some of the same people but have never met.

Dan Johnson