Check it out...I'm in Handguns magazine !!


New member
Take a look at the December issue of G&A's Handguns Magazine. I did a little work for Mr. Johnson last summer and it has found its way into an article ("pocket full of dynamite"). Maybe I'm just easily amused, but thats the coolest thing.
This should do wonders for bad the divorce has clamed DVC Labs :(


P.S. Dan, do you mind if I make a chart of the raw data and post it here....I've gotten a few PM's asking about the penetration data?


New member
It'sa good article, but I was disappointed that no penetration data was included. If you could post that, it would be great. Dan does good work. :)
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Congratulations! :D Never showed up in a magazine, but one of my guns showed up in the American Rifleman. I wrote Mike Irwin (who was Asst. Editor) when it was published and he told me that the NRA would get all these guns all the time and sometimes they would test them and sometimes they wouldn't. Depends on the staff & the time.

I contacted the mfg and asked the scoop on selling me a "used" gun and they didn't remember anything either.


New member
VERY Cool!

I read the article last night and never made the connection! Great work! I sincerely hope this helps your business. I too would love to see the data!

Best wishes,


New member
Must say that I was thoroughly PO'ed by the article, lots of good work almost flushed down the drain because the editors and/or author didn't include a simple table listing cartridges with penetration and expansion. The photographs need a magnifying glass.

Handguns magazine has really deteriorated over the last year. Hopefully the new editor and reduced publishing schedule can change things around.


New member
Handguns Magazine...

I got the new issue today in the mail, haven't yet had a chance to read it, but glancing through the pictures...I wonder why no one tests Winchester Ranger SXT ammo, not just its lowly brethren the SXT Personal Protection series.

Handguns magazine is descent, I really really like Guns and Weapons for Law Enforcement, which they would publish that monthly, instead of just bi-monthly.


New member
A chart would have been nice, but I guess they had their reasons to omit it.
Some of the pics are mine and some aren't Skunk. Most of the close-up bullet pics and the small gelatin block pic is mine. All of the gun pictures are Dan's contribution, my gun pics got left out.


  • gold-dot-2.jpg
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New member
I've got to echo what Ron said. That article was a main reason I bought the mag off the shelf in the first place. I read the article only to find that the results, THE WHOLE POINT OF THE ARTICLE, were ommitted. Made me realize why I let the subscription go.

Only good thing about it is that I'm now aware of DVC Labs services! Good luck Jason... and I hope you get permission to post the results (I feel like I've already paid for them).

Sorry for the rant.
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Lone Star

New member
I saw what was probably a good article on snub .38 ammo, then saw no velocity, expansion, or penetration charts and didn't buy the magazine. I know that Jerry Lee is probably editing his first issue of the magazine, but he has enough experience elsewhere to know better than this...

Anyone else notice in David Arnold's story on the Colt Detective Special that the .32 version shown has TERRIBLE fit of the sideplate on the gun?

Hopefully, this will improve. If not, "Handguns" is probably doomed. All I could tell for sure from the snub article is that SXT and Gold Dot are probably good loads. I know from reading elsewhere that Gold Dot is quite hot from a snub, and it does shoot well in my S&W M60-7. The cases are a tight fit in my other Chief, though, a S&W M60-4. Speer needs to buy new case sizing equipment, I suspect. I have similar trouble at times with some of their other ammo. It seems they're sizing cases on the large end of SAAMI specs, so it's a tight fit in some chambers.

Lone Star


New member
carbon if you don't mind my asking

how goes your divorce? is it as bad as you origionally thoiught or have you got a handle on it now? hope things are going well for you.


New member
Things are going as well as could be expected jmlv..thanks for asking. Materialy, I have pretty much let her have everything..even my guns. Emotionaly, I'm dealing as best I can. Starting to look at it as a fresh start instead of an ending.

gordo b.

New member
Trust me brother, never , never let them have any guns until at least 5 years after divorce. Then use as bargining chip .


New member

I once got a brief letter published in the "Firing Line" section of Gun Tests Magazine, but I've never had a whole column as you did.

Lone Star

New member
Dan C. Johnson-

Thanks so much for getting this up.
By the way, don't you write many of the announcements/tests for "Handguns"? I think I've seen your byline there.

Somewhere, I saw a reference to this article, and someone asked who you were. One wag said that he didn't know, but that at least, you weren't "one of the known prostitutes". Thought that might amuse you!

Lone Star