Cheapskate rig


New member
Get a good leather gunbelt and IWB holster.

What you have may work for you, sort of. However, until you've actually tried a good leather holster and gun belt, you have no idea what a good carry rig can do for you......

Don't cheap out on this rig but you don't have to go crazy either. Take a look at Bianchi, Galco or Don Hume leather holsters. You should be able to snag a holster from them for $60 or less. As far as belts go, to me anyway, a leather gun belt is the most important part of your rig. Take a look at, they custom make excellent gun belts and can escape for under $100.


New member
I'll be the voice of dissension here :D.
The first thing to change should be the BELT. A good quality gun belt will make all the difference in the world. They are not cheap, but they are also the foundation that your carry platform is built on (disregarding pocket holsters of course). Get one that is properly made and fits properly for the type of carry it will be used for. If you get one for IWB carry it can be used for OWB but the reverse is not always true.
The Glock "plastic" holster is a serviceable holster. It will work as well or better than some of the nylon or cheap leather versions out there. It is not the most stylish accessory to carry but does what it is supposed to do, hold the gun and it fully encloses the trigger. With an appropriate cover garment CC is not that difficult using this holster as it does carry the glock high on the belt line. Dark pants and shirt also help to camouflage the holster/gun.

For the pocket holster I would recommend trying to draw the gun from that rig you have pictured a few times with it in your pocket. I'm betting that the extra mag holder is going to interfere with your draw. The idea of a pocket holster is to keep the gun orientated properly in the pocket and prevent the incursion of pocket lint/dirt/etc. from finding its way into your gun. It is a last resort piece, how often are you going to speed reload the thing? Carry the second mag in another pocket if at all.

The opinions expressed are my own and your mileage may vary.

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Alright I am ready for the snobs, but please honest evaluation.
You're fine, especially for the typical CCW class. I did a course at Thunder Ranch with the Glock holster on a Wilderness belt and it worked fine. I'm a bit befuddled by the spare gun/mag pocket holster, however.


New member
Leather Belt

Carry what you can afford, whatevers most comfortable to wear for extended periods of time and what you can conceal without being conscientious about it. I agree on the leather belt though. I bought a couple of Fossil leather belts for under $20 each that will support the weight of your Glock all day easy.


New member
The custom job was patterned loosely on this.

Pocket holsters are cheap so it won't be hard to replace.

I am thinking I will wear the rig as is for a few weeks or so and replace what gives me the most problems. You guys think I'd be better off using a regular leather belt in the mean time?

The light is a led, It also uses 2 AA batteries so I can replace them Whenever I notice it dimming a little.


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New member

Look at the separation between the pistol grip and the mag. In the one it was patterned after, there is more space between them. Also the digicam one you show is cloth, not rigid, there will be some flex and the mag will get pushed into the grip. Also the kydex holster you show looks BIG. What size pocket will it fit into?

I have used pocket holsters for my keltec and find the ones with the mag holder attached do a poor job at holding the gun in a good position for ease of draw in a front pants pocket. I prefer the kramer designs that do not have the mag holder.



Use a leather belt. I bought mine at Tractor Supply. It's heavy and stiff, and doesn't look like a "gun" belt.

I don't like the generic, ambi soft nylon/velcro holsters (Uncle Mike's comes to mind). I like my CONCEALED weapon up tight against my body so it won't print. Although I prefer leather, the Desantis Nypad holsters are a hard, molded nylon that is almost like leather. Good stuff. Blade-Tech makes some nice Kydex stuff for those who like "plastic". Pocket holsters? Desantis makes one of the best. I think it's called the Nemesis. The outside is actually sticky and holds the weapon securely in place.

Don't break the bank, but don't skimp on carry equipment.


New member
I know apples and oranges, I was just trying to show what inspired the holster. I haven't been able to give any of this a "road test" yet, because I won't carry concealed until the permit comes. I haven't seen any problems around the house, but I realize that doesn't mean much. The more I think about it, the more I think I may carry the Kel tec without 1 in the pipe for a while to gain confidence in the holster. That little holster will be the cheapest to replace though.


New member
Looked at beltman, looked at tractor supply. Most of those belts look like they were made to hold up skin tight wranglers with a can of skoal in the back pocket, any ideas for something more appropriate for a city slicker like me?


New member
I bought my belts at Kohls, so Sears should have them too. They're heavy (8-10 oz) and 1 1/8" wide, just like "GUN" belts.


Any thick and tall leather belt does fine.

I'm wearing a Levis one right now that is 1.25" wide and nice and thick/rigid. Cost me ~$20 or so, IIRC. I buy my belts at Kohls too.

Looks good... I'm not the skoal/wrangler type either.


New member
Looked at beltman, looked at tractor supply.

Most likely the belt won't be seen by any one but you anyway. Just like the gun, the belt is concealed. A gun belt isn't my "style" belt either, but if you are packing around a heavy gun all day, you'll be thankful that you have a dual layer gun belt on.

Do not underestimate how important a gun belt is if you plan on carrying a heavy gun.


New member
Gonna do some shopping today. I switched the belt out with a leather one I already have. The Kel tec holster has to go. I unloaded the KT made 100% positively sure it was clear and caused a failure with it by pulling the gun halfway out of the holster, folding the spare mag into the trigger well and pushing down on the grip "click" NO GO you do not pass this station.

I will look for a pocket holster and consider a new belt (can't go much over 20 or 30 on a belt right now). I ordered new screws for the knife and will give it a good sharpening and cleaning. the flashlight and Glock brand holster will probably stay for a while longer. At this time I have no intentions of getting a spare mag holder, I may get one after everything else has been replaced. I may post pics of my new setup later if I get some things.

CCW class is this weekend, I will probably have a thread on that coming out soon. It's about time:)

I appreciate the recommendations guys, just keep in mind I am pushing $200 for the ccw class and permit, pocket holster, and cheap belt; and the wife wants to buy curtains for the bedroom, again...
You guys think I'd be better off using a regular leather belt in the mean time?
While I don't know the specifics of the particular belt you have there, if it is comfortable and holds the gun securely stick with it. Leather is nice, but some of the best gunbelts out there are non-leather.


New member
OK all, changes have been made thanks for the help everybody. The Kel tec will be benched until I get a proper holster for it. This is my old leather belt, and from what I can tell it is as good as any other plain non gun belt out there so it will do until I can get a better one. I still like the spec ops web belt but the new holster is a clip type and I figure the thicker the belt, the more the clip has to hold onto. The new holster is a C&S weapons kydex iwb holster just like the paddle holster on the left of the pic. I have had the paddle for a few months and like it so the IWB was an easy choice. It was also on sale:)


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