Cheap black power (in bulk) or pyrodex?


New member
I was just getting into black powder and I was thinking of buying bulk supplies (everything from powder/balls/caps etc).

I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction as a good bulk (or possibly, depending on amount) wholesale for such items.

It would be much appreciated. Thank you.



New member
The "Pyrodex vs black or other subs" is always a... um... "stimulating" conversation. Personally, I've found it to be extremely hygroscopic/corrosive; much more so than real black or other subs, and I live in a very dry area considered to be more or less desert country.


New member
Powderinc. will eat the hazmat on 25lb orders. We did a group buy and got KIK for $10.50.


New member
The "Pyrodex vs black or other subs" is always a... um... "stimulating" conversation. Personally, I've found it to be extremely hygroscopic/corrosive; much more so than real black or other subs, and I live in a very dry area considered to be more or less desert country.

It's weird but I live in the humid south and I have no problems with Pyro being corrosive. I'm not anal about cleaning the same day I shoot, never had any rust or corrosion.


New member
i've used an awful lot of Pyrodex. Its my opinion that Pyrodex is neither hygroscopic or more corrosive than blackpowder.


New member
Thumbs up to Powder inc. and if you're close to Clarksville Arkansas you can visit and pick it up in person. Super nice folks and they have a great selection of all the powders.


New member
I also have had corrosion problems with Pyrodex.

I was new to shooting BP and got back from the range and figured I'd wait before cleaning my cheap-o brass framed 1851 Navy (.44 cal Pietta). Did not get around to it until the following weekend. That thing had rusted like crazy!

I've not seen anything like this with Goex black powder, even when I've waited a couple of days before cleaning.



New member
I let one go nine days after shooting Pyrodex with no rust or corrosion. I generally try to clean the same day but sometimes go two or three days.


New member
Not me....

I may be overly attentive, but I barely let one get cool before I am cleaning it. I hate rust. They get cleaned, oiled thoroughly (or maybe even too much) and then back in the safe which has two Rem-Dri bags and a continuous 13w light bulb to keep them at 78°. :)


New member
I've got one I deliberately rusted up for the aged look but generally speaking I don't like rust either. If I had a rusting problem I'd be more anal about cleaning.

and then back in the safe which has two Rem-Dri bags and a continuous 13w light bulb to keep them at 78°.

Mine get put in a steel cabinet, some are stored in leather holsters which I always heard was a no no too. If it's cold they're cold. If it's hot they're hot.


New member
The more I use real black powder, the more I appreciate how terrible it is not. I use real black powder almost exclusively in my muzzleloaders now.


New member
I accidently allowed one of my match 1860 Piettas go over 90 days without cleaning. I had broken a handspring, repaired it and put it away with no further thought. Our next two shoots were weathered out. When I got the guns out for the next match I discovered the mistake. I had been shooting GOEX.
Wiped the outside of the gun down with a Ballistol rag. Wiped the face of the cylinder off. Turned a mop in each chamber, pulled a bore snake thru the barrel and I was good to go.
Absolutely no damage.

Oh, yes! This is in southern Missouri and we do understand humidity.


New member
Pyrodex is bad!!

DSCN1229 (800x600) (640x480).jpgThis is a photo of my "NEW TTN SXS SHOTGUN" after it was returned from the factory gunsmith for warranty repairs. The shotgun came with very rough chambers and would not shuck fired BP hulls. The smith advised me that he did not load BP shotgun rounds but had a friend who did so that it could be tested before return shipping .
He was located in Illinois and I live in Louisiana. The gun was shipped via UPS and took 5 days to reach my home.
I was in complete shock when I opened the box.
EMF had me send it back and they sent me a new gun. The bluing around both chambers on the outside was even removed with several splotches.
He advised that his friend used Pyrodex rather than any real BP but insisted there was no difference. Just as many of you have. This is not rumor or something I heard but something that happened to me for "REAL".