Change in WalMart firearms sales policy...


New member
Can't say I'm terribly surprised, Wally World being just about as family friendly as Disney World and as PC as, well, Disney.:D

I guess there's nothing, legally, to stop them from holding the sale themselves as its the retailers option to sell in the first place and refuse sale on any basis they want.

The one near me only sells muzzleloaders and ammo, so not terribly worried myself.

I hope this doesn't catch on, although my NICS checks have been a breeze ever since the second one.


New member
If your state has preemption laws it could be a problem for them. Florida says you cannot hold for more than 5 days but the law applies to counties/cities.

I am guessing the brady law is the 3-5 day wait? If that's the case walmarts do that here but will let you take it with a CCW.

I'll just remember that bass pro will price match walmart and buy there.


New member
In defense of WalMart

Retaill stores have been pressured so hard that they finally decide it isn't worth the effort and cut their losses. It's easy for unlimited number of anti-gun groups that have plenty of money and time, to pressure strores like WalMart. When it comes to the little shops, it's harder to do.

Don't know how many of you can remember when Target use to sell guns. Some Kmarts still do but suspect in the near future, they won't. WalMart may be the last but more and more of their stores have stopped selling guns even when they were making a profit. .... :)

Last week I bought a four-pak of shotshell and the carton was about the size of a soda 12-Pack. I told the clerk that I really didn't need a sack and she said that it was a local law, that all Ammo be sacked before going out the door. We know that's not true but not worth arguing. ... ;)

WalMart will comply till it's not longer worth the effort. .... :mad:

Be Safe !!!


Staff In Memoriam
mr.wesson, This applies to the background check... if "delayed", after 3 days your ffl can hand it over to you. Walmart says now the store can hold it no matter how long that takes...



New member
The story referenced is incomplete and does not state a corporate attribution.
Only one store assistant manager was quoted. And that store is in a high crime area in St. Louis.
I did a search of corporate policy and no such change is referenced. Only a few policies came up in the search and those had to do with a few stores stopping gun sales.
Without further attribution this thread is irresponsible and misleading.


New member
Some Kmarts still do but suspect in the near future, they won't.

The one near me sells some long guns still, but they don't sell handgun ammo at all. Clerk told me it was due to all the negative attention

I am guessing the brady law is the 3-5 day wait?

The law, as I know it, is that the Feds have 72 hours to provide an answer on a NICS check. If they do not reply within that time, the dealer is allowed to sell to you regardless.

I went through this with my very first purchase and my second. the first was delayed the full 72 hours, so the dealer sold it anyways - the approval came back on the 5th day. 2nd purchase it took 2 days. Have been approved on the spot all subsequent.

I don't think Wally World is doing anything illegal, as it is always a retailers prerogative to sell to you at all.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Don't rant and cap politics please!

I'm confused - what about states where you can take possession on the spot with a permit, chl or what?

Never bought a gun at Wallys.


New member
Glenn, I'd assume that in those cases you'd still just take immediate possession with your CHP as they don't have to do the NICS call at all. Every gun I've ever bought from Walmart (not that many but still) they wrote my CHP number down in the supplied box on the 4473 and walked me to the door with my new rifle/shotgun.........often joking at how silly that is to walk a boxed, unloaded gun to the door for someone they now know is probably carrying a loaded handgun.

As others have already said, it's there prerogative whether they sell guns to you or sell them at all. Until just a couple of months ago, only one store out of the 5 that are within 20 mins of me sold guns. Now they all do again. A nice change that. Them making this decision (if it even is corporate policy) is forgivable given the circumstances IMO.
The one near me sells some long guns still, but they don't sell handgun ammo at all. Clerk told me it was due to all the negative attention
Actually, it was due to pressure on the corporation after Michael Moore smeared them in Bowling for Columbine.

A retailer can refuse to release a gun until they hear back from NICS, but I'd hope they post it so the buyer knows ahead of time. Working in the Atlanta area, I'm well aware of the fallout from Mayor Bloomberg's stings, and there are a couple of gun shops that practice this to play it safe.

NICS doesn't always call back in a punctual manner, and I've had to call and bug them from time to time. It's also worth mentioning that I've had them call back with a denial days after the weapon was cleared for release.

Several states, including Georgia, allow the buyer to skip the NICS check if he has a valid carry license, though I've heard of some folks who insist on calling in the check anyway.
"Without further attribution this thread is irresponsible and misleading."

That's me, irresponsible and misleading are my middle names.

Would you like a fork to go along with your electrical socket?

The original link and description came from NRA's clipping service.

The inference in strong, however, that this is a corporate decision: "Wal-Mart has ordered its stores..."

And, note the date on this - yesterday. You may have searched WalMart corporate policy to no avail if their printed policies on the web and where ever haven't been updated yet.


New member
I don't think any of the Wally's in Oregon sell guns anymore. At least none that I found yet. At least I can still take it home on the same day!


New member
Retaill stores have been pressured so hard that they finally decide it isn't worth the effort and cut their losses. It's easy for unlimited number of anti-gun groups that have plenty of money and time, to pressure strores like WalMart. When it comes to the little shops, it's harder to do.

Its worth mentioning that in a recent policy change walmart is going back to it's roots and putting guns back into stores.


New member
Our local (rural WA 40 miles away) Wal-Mart has always had firearms and ammo (good selection). I have always be led to believe thet WAl-Mart's policy is to follow the state law of the state that they are in. In which case; I would expect to walk out with the firearm the day I purchased it.

I've never purchased a firearm from Wal-mart, but I have purchased ammo. Last time they asked if the ammo was for a handgun. (.22 shorts). I said, well, yes, this is ammo that can be used in a handgun or a rifle, and I will probably use it in both. Poor checkout girl did not know what to do.

I asked her why and she just said, the screen asks the question and it would not allow her to procede unless I answered the question...Must be like their asking for ID (even when you are in your 60's) before they will sell you beer or wine.


New member
My local Walmart sells long guns and ammo for just about anything except .50BMG. If you've got a CCW, they just jot the number down and you walk on out of the store (with an escort, as rantingredneck mentioned).

The reason for the question about the ammo, hermannr, is that handgun ammo cannot be purchased by anyone under 21 (for long gun ammo, it's 18). It's just a quick check programmed into the computer...but maybe not into the checkout staff training :D


New member
They "sort of" have ammo at some of the Walmarts in the far western suburbs here. Every time I go to Ohio to visit the inlaws though I make it a point to drop by the walmart there. They have (when in stock) boxes of 50 .40 S&W federal 180 gr JHP for only $15.00.


New member
The local Walmart here sells firearms in its store. Unless the employee is totally inept everywhere I have been here in Texas has taken about a total of 5 minutes usually less to get the NICS approval over the phone.


New member
Eghad said:
The local Walmart here sells firearms in its store. Unless the employee is totally inept everywhere I have been here in Texas has taken about a total of 5 minutes usually less to get the NICS approval over the phone.

The amount of time it takes isn't up to the store or employee. I've been buying guns for 13 years all over the state of Virginia. Yet, I've only had one NICS approval come back in less than 30 minutes. Most take 45min exactly. Why? I have a very common name.


Spats McGee

There are 2 Wal-Mart stores almost equidistant from my place. If I turn left, I go past the one that sells guns and ammunition. If I go right, I pass the one that only sells ammunition.


New member
On a related note......????

I'm a member (and administrator) at our local forum ( and several members there have reported seeing "black rifles" for sale at some NC and SC Walmarts. Specifically mentioned have been a Bushmaster AR15 carbine and Smith and Wesson M&P 15-22's. None of my local stores seem to be stocking these, but stores around the Charlotte, NC/Fort Mill, SC area and I believe a Raleigh, NC store have been mentioned.

Anyone seeing this in any Walmarts in other areas? Seems to be a broadening of their product line from the typical hunting rifle/shotgun selection they've historically sold.