Cell Phone Data Theft? Civil rights intrusion?


New member
It's my understanding that cell phone transmissions can be stopped by placing them in special metallic bags or sealed up inside a metal container, like a paint can. Maybe we should start carrying our cell pones around in a paint can.

It really makes my head hurt to think a large segment of police might be doing this. It seems to be a clear case of an illegal search.


New member
This just has to be ruled unconstitutional by a court eventually.
As for refusing searches.....dream on. Many times if you refuse they will search anyway and/or hold you for hours and hours until a tow truck shows up and a warrant is obtained.
And the drug sniffing dogs will nail you anytime they are used. You may never have been within a mile of marijuana or other illegal drugs in your life but the dogs will still get you. It has been found that virtually all American cash, especially in denominations of $20.00 and larger, is tainted with drugs.
This, if true, has to be settled by the courts

Meanwhile. just lie back and enjoy it! :rolleyes:

Standing Wolf

Member in memoriam
We lost most of our rights in the late 60s and early 70s with the nixon crap went on. Anyone else remember that stuff?

Nixon and his boys did a lot to strip us of our civil rights, but he was neither the first nor the last: merely one of the most blatant enemies of the Bill of Rights.