CCW is GO in Michigan!!!!

Brett Bellmore

New member
Wahoo! Just got the news, state Supreme court ruled 4-3 in our favor, official announcement scheduled for 3:30. Excuse me, I gotta go shopping for a concealable gun; I suspect my .45 revolver would "print". :D


New member
Michigan Supreme Court Rules Right Way On CCW!

Nothing on the wires yet, but a post a Free Republic states that the Michigan Supreme Court ruled in our favor!

I just heard on WWJ News Radio 950's from Lansing Bureau chief Tim Skubick(sp) that the Michigan Supreme Court ruled the right way on this CCW law.

Justices Markman, Taylor, Young, and Corrigan ruled our

The legislature passed shall-issue CHL's this spring. They attached an appropriation (money) to it for the sheriffs and police departments to pay for the extra work required to process the permits.

The hoplophobes submitted petitions against the law that would have thrown it to a referendum EXCEPT the Michigan state constitution prohibits referenda on budget items.

A lower court ruled that the referendum could go forward and enacting the law would be delayed until after the referendum was voted on (probably November, 2002).

The Supreme Court overturned that ruling. So, the shall-issue CHL law goes into effect July 1


New member

The major newspapers will now start their whining and ramp up their apocalyptic predictions. Get ready for some creative journalism by these bozos.

Gotta get a beer and tip it in Michigan's direction as a salute to all the hard work done there - and to MCRGO. Banzai!!


New member
Yes, congrats Michiganders!

Brett beat me posting about this by a few minutes. His post wasn't up when I started working on mine. I guess my post should be locked... ;)



New member
Dang.... my thread wasn't even worth locking, huh? When did TFL start deleting similar/duplicate posts???? :(


Indy Steve

New member
Please help me understand.

I mean no disrespect in any way and am glad that more in Michigan are carrying.

But why do we celebrate what apopears to me to be further destruction of the Second Amendment? Aren't the concealed carry laws simply legislation that makes us ask permission exercise a Right that " ... shall not be infringed"?

Why do we not fight so hard to get focus back on the Second Amendment as it was intended and not as "they" interpret it?

How is this good? Do we think that if the entire country has concealed carry laws that's a good thing? Seems like we are getting further away from what was originally intended. Are we going along to get along? "Oh please allow me a way to almost exercise my rights."

Where does the Second Amendment come in here anyway?

I really don't mean to start a fire or flame war here I just want some clarification so I can see the light.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
We celebrate because no matter what anyone tells you, this is NOt a step toward the destruction of the 2nd Amendment. If you live in a state that denies CCW entirely, you're way past the question of whether you should have to get a permit. I live in Illinois, where you can't get a CCW permit for any reason, and I can tell you I'd jump at a discretionary system tomorrow if it were offered. I wouldn't like it, but it beats being an unarmed target all the time.

If you live in a state like Michigan, which selectively allows permits only to those the local sherriff likes or approves, then again, you're way past CCW permits on the infringement scale. Think of it as a continuum with absolute CCW freedom (Vermont-style) on one end and absolutely nothing (Illinois-style) on the other. This is a move from the Illinois end toward the Vermont end, so it is positive. It doesn't go all the way to Vermont, but the antis didn't get their laws in one year and we can't roll them back in one year.


It is good because the system before was not shall-issue and now is.

Sometimes we have to take small steps. :cool:


New member

They're going from May-Issue CCW to Shall-Issue CCW. No, it isn't Vermont-style CCW, but it's a whole lot better than what they used to have.

If you want to see the destruction of the 2nd Ammendment, come join me and move to MA (or CA, or MD, etc., etc.).



New member
Indy Steve, we didn't lose our freedom overnight and we sure won't win it back overnight.

Think of it as Fabian tactics. Slice at a time. No issue, to my issue, to shall issue, to none of the government's business.

Now if we can get the duck hunters at NRA refocused on civil rights we can move for the abolition of "permits" and "licenses" altogether.

Dave R

New member
Is that 31 "shall issue" sates now? 64% of states? That's dangerously close to enough to pass a Constitutional Amendment...


New member
Good on ya Michigan, a step in the right direction.

We dont need no more Constitutional amendments, tis already written ".....shall not be infringed"

We must keep the hammer fallin on the control freak elitists.

Brett Bellmore

New member
Dave, I think Michigan brings it to 34, if you count Vermont. Yeah, about what we'd need to pass a constitutional amendment... If there weren't the little matter of getting the Democrat controlled Senate to originate one worth passing!