CC a 686 plus


New member
I have a 686+ 3"bbl I plan on carrying. I'm going to qualify it this coming Monday and add it to my permit shortly thereafter. (In California, you have to qualify with the specific piece you're going to carry.)

The gun is a bit large, but I put bantam grips on it and only plan on carrying it when wearing a large overgarment (coat).


New member

I carry my 3 inch when wearing winter type clothing. It is a little big when not wearing a coat, etc.

Dave T

New member
I have a 586 L-Comp (7-shot) that I carried for about a year after I got it and may well carry again if the occasion is right. Not the 686 you asked about but other than not being stainless it fits the criteria.



New member
I also have a 617, loads of fun to shoot ... but it's now an HD gun, just too heavy to carry on a regular basis ...


New member
I have a 686+ 3"bbl I plan on carrying. I'm going to qualify it this coming Monday and add it to my permit shortly thereafter.

^^ Qualified well with it today. ^^ Next step, tomorrow morning, take my qualification certificate to the county records office to get the piece added to my permit.


New member
I mentioned in another thread that I qualified previously with my 2 1/2" and never had a problem. Nowadays I use my 627 times 8 and one loader.


New member
Nah...a three inch barrel is too short. I prefer a four or five inch barrel because it shoots better. It's an L-Frame, which should carry just fine up to a five inch barrel.


New member
I have a 4" 686+, it'll carry fine in a pancake style holster but it weighs more than a 1911, uncomfortable for me to carry. I usually carry a 642 or an LC9.


New member
I carry a 686+ 4" bbl even in summer time in shorts and a t-shirt IWB. Its the holster that matter. I use a Kramer which is thin but rugged and allows good concealment.


New member
I'm kind of resurrecting an old post here, but for the first time, I carried my 686+ 3"bbl this morning. My updated permit - allowing me to carry it - arrived in the mail late last week.

This morning, I carried it while running errands. It's a bit heavy, but nothing an extra cinch on the belt didn't take care of. I wore it at 3 o'clock in an OWB holster and had a polo shirt and windbreaker over it - total concealment.

It was nice carrying a big-fat revolver. I'm permitted to carry more fire power (Glock 10mm), but I'm much more comfortable with a revolver - that's just me.
I dumped my 686 Plus and failed it for an unexpected problem at the range. If not 100% reliable, especially when new out of the box, I just can't have faith in it. I have other revolvers with zero negative experiences, so that is what I have.


New member

On the belt? Sure, why not? Perfectly doable.

IWB should be a breeze. It's not like a mid frame S&W is all that big.

Quality holster and belt and it's no problem, even under just a T shirt.


New member
I chose to go OWB with my Smith L-frame. Whether IWB or OWB, the piece is too large to carry during warm weather clothing months anyway. So when I carry it, I'm going to be dressed in layers. OWB's are more comfortable; might as well go with it. At least, that's how I worked it in my head :D


New member
Whether IWB or OWB, the piece is too large to carry during warm weather clothing months anyway
An untucked T shirt is all that's really required to conceal a mid sized revolver like and L frame for someone of average height and build