Cars, guns and breakins in San Francisco


New member
What surprised me about this story was that there are legal gun owners living in San Francisco. The political and economic climate of California is so bad, and the anti-gun culture so strong that I wonder how gun owners tolerate living in that state. And within California it seems San Francisco is exponentially worse.

I visited SF a few years ago, and while the area is nice, the experience of being in this city was terrible. Never have I seen so many homeless people milling about, blocking store doorways, taking up every bench in every park, etc. The smell of urine permeated much of the downtown and waterfront areas. Adding that to the high cost and oppressive regulatory environment, I have no idea why normal people, including gun owners would want to live there. I guess if you belong to a sub-community that doesn't feel welcome in most places, but is welcomed in SF, then it might be a reasonable place to choose for one's residence.


New member
This may be a moot point for the poor bastards stuck there but they really should consider moving.

the city is an open sewer and has deteriorate to the point where the homeless use the public street as a restroom in full view never mind the LE's treatment of citizens and their firearms.

get out, stay out and let it destroy itself as many of these "utopian" engineered society tend to do.


New member
It is a shame. San Fran is a beautiful city, now being ruined by Progressive Social Engineering. I lived in the Bay Area for a while many years ago, and used to enjoy going downtown to eat, and enjoy the city. I don't know if I can go back there even to visit. I would never live in CA again.


New member
Is it SF or SD, could be both I guess, where they passed(could be "decreed" in today's US) ""city of refuge" laws to prevent arrest of illegal immigrants? This comes to mind because of the 7x felon who murdered that young lady with a weapon he had stolen from an LEOs car. The local sheriff said "no big deal" and Nancy POS Pelosi said the girls brother should quit whining about it. Obama just ignored the girl's brother when he went to Washington seeking for US law to be enforced in California. California is too nuts to believe. We should just give it to China in return for the Trillions we owe them. Once they got it, China would gladly pay us trillions to take it back. JUST KIDDING of course. California is a wonderful crime ridden sewer trying to pervert every decent perception of logic or justice. But they do believe in teamwork - Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein. My sympathy to all decent people stuck there.


New member
Having an NRA or pro gun sticker on your car makes it a target for break-in for those hoping to find a gun under the seat, in the glove compartment, or in the trunk. I belong to NRA but would never advertise it for this reason.


New member
3 officers in Salinas Cal. have had weapons stolen from their cars in a span of 6 weeks, 2 pistols and 1 ar rifle I think only the ar was properly secured. I don't think the victims, in this case leo will be punished or being a victim of a crime unless maybe it wasn't secured properly