Carry and National Threat Level

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New member
I suspect many American feel differently than some posters.
The sale of hand guns, ammo and other arms normally go up during a high threat level, for an example, after the attack on the World Trade Towers.
I do not feel their concern is the actual premise that they are defending the USA from another country, but rather the actual aftermath of an attack on their homeland. Hurricane Katerina, even though not a attack, did in fact cause chaos and personal security issues for many citizens in the the country itself.
In many aspects, I believe changing you carry during these times is nothing more than a prudent action because if you are relying on the the country's police and laws to protect you during the aftermath of a disaster , man made or other wise, I believe many 911 call may go unanswered. Transportation and communication will breakdown. You will be left with your own defense (not offense) to remain safe.
So if you step back and look at the larger picture, the main threat would be not be the actual attack, but the loss or breakdown of society after the threat becomes a post disaster reality.


New member
No,my daily carry is not for national security but mine.In the event of an invation my carry would not be concealed in my pants.


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Another no. The terrorist threat level has a negligible impact on my personal security in going about my daily life in my home, my place of business, and my community. The chances of needing a firearm for other reasons, although small, is still many orders of magnitude greater than the chance of needing it to respond to a terrorist act.


New member
No. I worry more about the actual terrorist attacks and the civil unrest and panic that may result from them. Desperate people do desperate things. I don't know if we would fare as well as we did last time if another large scale attack was carried out.


New member
I tend to distrust their announcements, anyway, so no, no change.
This town is so small it doesn't even have a gas station, don't think it's on a terrorist target list.


New member
Does your carry weapon/ammo/caliber change depending on the national threat level?


I'm not protecting the nation when I carry. I'm just prepared to protect myself against thuggery. High lever terrorist threats are best handled by those equipped and trained for it. My KelTec or 642 won't do much to alter that equation.

Glenn Dee

New member
I'm of the opinion that while some terroeist attacks happen on a grand scale... Were just as likely to have a small one or two man attack against a soft target. Before 9/11 no one except Tom Clancy thought anyone would drive a hijacked airliner into a bulding. But it happened.

IMO the nature of terrorism it to force us as a people to feel fear. Personally I'm a lot more afraid of someone in a mall or at a school opening up with a firearm. On a large scale... I'd be useless. In a soft target situation... I'd make a difference. It could happen either way. Or some way we dont expect. But if they get down on the ground with us...


New member
Nope. I carry the way i always carry. The national threat level is irrelevant to where I live anyway and besides I think it's more of a tool to keep the sheeple stirred up and bleating in their pens than it is a credible measure of possible threats.


New member
Just a little

We aren't cops or anti-terrroist warriors. However, I think the possibility of a lone wolf style attack at a church on important Christian holidays such as Easter or Christmas is something to consider and possibly prepare for. I have carried a full size pistol rather than a compact model as well as extra ammo with this in mind.


New member
unless the balloon goes up it doesn't change what i carry. what might change what i carry is where i'm going and my comfort level geing there. around the house and neighborhood might be one type. going to, thru or past more unsavory places might be another. vacations or interstate travel would change that again. i assign my own threat levels.


New member
Glenn Dee In 1975 an Army Lt wrote a paper suggesting a suicide attack using a plane on the President.
My reaction to 911 was what took them so long.

In the event of a major terrorist action, martial law will be declared. One of the first orders the commander will issue is to confiscate all Civilian Firearms.
Red Dawn shows exactly is how it will work.

I am concerned over the Military exercises (Santa Barbra under Clinton and LA under Obama) which are being held in US Cities. They are testing the Plans for imposing Martial Law on American cities.


New member

My odd activity personal radar just goes up that's all.

I don't have a problem calling in anyone that is doing something or acting totally out of the ordinary.

A talk with the police beats a mass shooting or a bomb going off.

It's like theives with these terrorists-they always looks for the most undefended target.

I choose to not help their targets not be undefended.

Better to say something then hold it in your heart you did nothing and alot of innocent people died because of it for the rest of your life.


New member
In the event of a major terrorist action, martial law will be declared. One of the first orders the commander will issue is to confiscate all Civilian Firearms.
Red Dawn shows exactly is how it will work.

There will be some problems with that order, . . . except of course in DC, NY, LA, SF, and other assorted liberal hotspots, . . . I just don't think there are enough federal thugs willing to go against the constitution and/or local 30.06's that it will ever be enforceable.

Course, . . . just one man's opinion, . . . Patrick Henry only had one too.

May God bless,
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