Carry a Compact w / a Full Size Mag


New member
You can use something like "stickum" to keep the sleeve in place. Just something to create friction between the sleeve and mag body.

I would say, get a full size mag, and a grip sleeve, and carry that, if you need to shorter barrel for comfort. The grip sleeve makes the package smoother and more comfortable for carry, and less likely to hang on things. You can carry the smaller mag as the spare or get a second full size and sleeve as you see fit.

Winter is different, in that you can usually get away with a larger pistol for carry. You can then go back to the compact mag when the weather warms.


New member
I've never understood the logic of buying a compact pistol and then using full-size magazines, thereby taking the grip (the part that's hardest to conceal) the same as the full-size pistol.

I agree with Aguila here.

The practice adds extra layers of potential problems to the gun and carry package to my thinking. As a gimmick for the range...well OK. But carry?

Already here there has been a bit of discussion on the movement of the sleeves and on what to do to prevent them from moving and making a simple thing more complex.

An additional problem is the possibility of dislodging the mag due to the downward pressure on the exposed section of the magazine. The magazine has less support around the section that is exposed as well. Another way for debris to enter the gun.

The practice adds a layer of concern to a dropped gun, as do two round mag extensions.

It's an odd practice to my way of thinking, to voluntarily add a layer of potential trouble to the gun.

If a person believes they will need the extra rounds then an extra proper mag for the gun will accomplish this.

I know it makes sense to many and people will do what they please. But I have avoided it so far. Like a man wearing platform shoes, I don't see it for me.


Shadi Khalil

New member
I think in my case, Aguila's point does not really apply. Maybe for others but not for me.

However, tipoc raises some valid concerns I've never considered, mainly about the exposed section and debris.


New member
What Aguila Blanca said. I've carried concealed a good bit over the last few decades. I did,and do, sometimes carry a double stack full or medium size gun, along with various single stacks, revolvers,etc. Never one of the small but wide types. I've seen numerous ads over the years for sleeves, etc, to use full sized magazines in these wide "little" guns. Never quite understood buying the smallest possible pistols, then making the hardest part to conceal, the butt, (and a double stack at that) bigger. If I'm going to use a full size magazine, I prefer the full or mid sized slide and barrel, the parts that are easiest to conceal. To each his,or her,own;-)

Shadi Khalil

New member
I thought I would make a quick update...

Tipoc' s point about the mag having less support and higher likely hood of debris getting in the gun really made me think. As a result of that thinking, I've decided to switch back to my 12 round mag for carry.

Thanks for all the responses.