Carrier in the Waiting


New member
Peetza, Support a local business, get a Dan Wesson 1911!
Hope they don't drag their feet for too long on your application, mine took 7 months, and I was told I was lucky, some were longer.
Hopefully, your county works a little quicker.


New member
DMMikey He Likes It He Likes It said:
Peetza, Support a local business, get a Dan Wesson 1911!

Yes, get this one in 10mm.


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Hope they don't drag their feet for too long on your application, mine took 7 months, and I was told I was lucky, some were longer.

I've heard of that. A friend of mine in a different county had to threaten a law suit to get his. NY law REQUIRES denial or issuance within 6 months but it sure doesn't happen everywhere.

Isn't Dan Wesson owned by CZ?


You go, peetza!

We love ya, peetza!!! Sounds like you got this carry thing down pat!

Welcome to "The Equalizer" club! Anyone remember THAT show? What was that little pistol he carried? I don't remember...something like a .32 or .380 Beretta or Walther...

Maybe we need a sticky thread with instructions for one's first carry experience, including a clause that one MUST go to Wal-Mart with their gun under their shirt or coat...

I believe there was a thread about that recently. I DO carry into WW. In SC, it's under my shirt. In NC it's open on my belt. No one's ever said a thing.

The worst gun you'll own is the one sitting in the holster on your dresser.


New member
Here is a diagram as posted by RustyNuts on this thread.


I did it with my 75 year old mother in tow. I had jokingly told her about the "Wally Walk" and she knew I had applied for my CCP. She never did ask if I was carrying.



New member
They left out that you have to use a bathroom stall, so you can sit there scratching your head wondering what you should do with your weapon when the holster drops below waist level :D


New member
Yes, Dan Wesson is owned by CZ. But the guns are lovingly assembled in Norwich, NY.
I'm being jingoistic here, but I do believe that is one of the secrets to the quality of the product. There is a long tradition of very high quality factory work and of a very strong work ethic in upstate NY.
There was a huge number of small arms manufacturers and knife factories in this area.
Savage in Utica. Ithaca gun in Ithaca, Remington in Ilion, Ithaca Classic Doubles in Victor. Cutco knives in Olean, (Olean is also where they made many of the classic Kbar marine knives) Robinson knife in Springville. There are many more, but I am drawing a blank right now, its 1:30 am.
The Crossman airgun factory down the street in Bloomfield from the guy who is world famous for his bone blued revolvers and refinishing.
Many are gone, and some of what is left is a sad remnant of what was once great, but the tradition is there.
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New member
fastforty said:
They left out that you have to use a bathroom stall, so you can sit there scratching your head wondering what you should do with your weapon when the holster drops below waist level

I thought about making this subject the topic of a new thread some time ago. I've been scratching my head over this ever since I started to CC. :eek:



New member
You guys get the "That's Nice Dear." glazed look too.... right?

I wish, I get the "is this gonna cut into my shoe/purse/whatever else crap budget?" I dream of getting the "thats nice dear". Consider yourself lucky.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I wish, I get the "is this gonna cut into my shoe/purse/whatever else crap budget?" I dream of getting the "thats nice dear". Consider yourself lucky.

Truthfully, in respect for my wife, I don't get any look at all. I talk to her about what I want and she'll say "Can we afford it?" I say, yes or no. and she has no problem with what I buy or don't. She beautiful and smart too. So I'm a lucky man. In fact, I'm much worse than she is about things, I cringe when she spends $50 on a pair of jeans but I don't blink at $500 for a gun.

BTW, I've locked in my purchase. I ordered a Crossbreed Supertuck for Glock 33 and one of their gun belts too. My FFL will have my gun soon but I'll only be able to fondle it and shoot at his range for the near future.