Carrier in the Waiting

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Well, it's official. I'm waiting to be approved. FINALLY scraped together all the necessary documentation and submitted my application.
I told my wife and she gave me the raised eyebrow "That's nice dear." look so I thought I'd tell all you so I could feel like it mattered.;):D

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Well, sorta.:confused:

I'm looking at EAA compacts also. The Glock has the added advantage of an FFL who will sell it to me at his cost, though he would do the same with other brands also, I'm not sure what brands in which he actually deals.

I'm VERY close to locking myself in by ordering a Crossbreed SuperTuck for Glock 33 and a nice belt.

I'm afraid I have diagnosed myself with Analysis Paralysis.:rolleyes:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Sadly (or not) it is apparently possible to be simultaneously inglockdrinated AND infected with the 1911 virus. Which causes me to actually want both guns.

Hmmm, a compact 1911 10mm AND a Glock 33.....:cool::eek: Oh, sorry, I'm drooling again.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
..from the girl and most of my friends when they realize I bought another one...

If buying a new one gets the glazed look you are a lucky man. Buying a new one gets me ripped a new one.;)

BTW, if we keep this thread going 6-12 more weeks I can post pics of my permit.:eek::(:mad:

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
You know what really kills me about this process? Fingerprints.... OK fine, take my fingerprints.... but I counted today, they took sixteen, yes one-six copies of my thumb prints. What in all the world would you ever need that for? When I applied with Homeland Security they took one set of prints.


New member
Isn't it great, not to get too off topic, but yes, I'm in the navy and have a secret clearance, and have had to handle, and in one case help author, many classified documents, and I've had to give 1 set of finger prints, yet for my CCW, I went through the same thing...


New member
If buying a new one gets the glazed look you are a lucky man. Buying a new one gets me ripped a new one.

You aren't kidding... My wife didn't speak to me for days after I bought my LCP.

Peetz - you mentioned a new holster and belt. Not familiar with the holster you are considering, but which ever one you decide on (you'll buy several before you find one you really like) make sure you buy a good leather gun belt. I can't stress enough how a good belt is the key to successful CCW.

Congrats and prepare for the Wally World stroll when you receive your license.


New member
Congrats and prepare for the Wally World stroll when you receive your license.

Has anyone made that an official rule yet? Maybe we need a sticky thread with instructions for one's first carry experience, including a clause that one MUST go to Wal-Mart with their gun under their shirt or coat... :D


New member
Welcome to the club peetzakilla! My wife didn't say too much when I told her I was going to attend the class and apply for the permit, but when she found out I ACTUALLY carried to a store, she gave me a look and one or two quips. Though now, with recent developments which includes more crazoids in the newspaper, it doesn't seem to bother her.


Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Maybe we need a sticky thread with instructions for one's first carry experience, including a clause that one MUST go to Wal-Mart with their gun under their shirt or coat...

I'm not sure how Wal*Mart would feel about that rule.:) This is one of the companies that won't let their greeters say "Merry Christmas" I don't imagine 2A rights are high on their list. Unless you buy the gun from them of course, that makes it OK.

Besides, every time I see the sign at Gander Mountain that says "All firearms must be checked at the front desk and locked at all times; this does not apply to CCW permit holders" I say to myself "Someday I'm going to be under that exception clause." So I think I'll go there first.:D


New member
+1 on welcome to the club.

I received my CWP Saturday and carried to a restaurant, a book store and the mall that evening. Sorry guys! I didn't know about the Walmart tradition. I only go there when I'm looking for ammo anyway.

I didn't tell my wife I was carrying. If she doesn't know then she can't accidentally say anything about it. And I figure it's supposed to be concealed so she better not figure it out on her own. :)


New member
I had to take my handgun to the sheriff's station to be "verified" when I got my permit. I stopped off at our WallyWorld parking lot to load up but I didn't go inside until that evening, when I went back to town with my wife. She is very pleased that I carry just about 24/7 (no, I don't have a holster in my PJ's).

I can get away with springing the old "I need a new gun honey" thing on her about every three years without too much dispair. But, just let me mention that I need a box of bullets, a $20 knife or flashlight & I get "Well, maybe you can get it for your birthday" (even if it's 9 months away :( ). She has about 1,000 music CD's & hardly a week goes by without several more arriving in the mailbox. Last night she said "we need to go to town tomorrow, a new CD is being released" (apparently, Tuesday is "new release day" & nary a week goes by that we don't have to haul off to town for the "event"). So, last night I turned the tables on her, LOL. When she made her weekly announcement, I said "well, maybe you can get it for your birthday" (7 months away :D ). I *finally* got the "Glazed Look" out of her :D

The Great Mahoo

New member
Congrats on the permit. I imagine how anxious you must be, waiting on that little card. Fortunately, here in PA we can walk in with just a check, fill out the forms, and walk out with the permit in about 10 minutes. I applied for mine on lunch break.

jfrey123 said:
Has anyone made that an official rule yet? Maybe we need a sticky thread with instructions for one's first carry experience, including a clause that one MUST go to Wal-Mart with their gun under their shirt or coat...
Funny thing about this, its more an instict than a rule. When I got my carry permit, I carried my gun through Wal Mart the next day to go get more ammo. That was long before I came on this forum, though. Now I see it in plenty of posts and think "A corporate chain tell me I can't exercise my right while supporting their money-farm? I think not..." just like back then.