Caring for my GLOCK


New member
Cleaning made easy

A little spray and wash and the "permament press" cycle on a washing machine works wonders for Glocks, cell phones and Ipods! Make sure you use color safe bleach so you dont ruin the finish on your gun.
Part of responsible ownership is responsible mantainance, just clean the dang thing.


New member
I think everyones trying to say that yes there are probably people that do it Don but no one with any common sense does. If you care about your firearm then it is not recommended. Because of this no has bothered to find out the proper techniques for dishwashing your gun.


New member
A little spray and wash and the "permament press" cycle on a washing machine works wonders for Glocks, cell phones and Ipods!
On that note, (off topic, but true story) my wife accidentally washed my Bluetooth earpiece that goes to my cell phone... would you believe that the darn thing works just as good as when I bought it?!! I couldn't believe it.

Back on topic:
I'd keep refrain from cleaning any of my weapons with water in general. Some folks clean theirs with Simple Green in the sink, and I'm sure it works, but then you'd have to make sure everything gets dried quickly with compressed air or something, and that seems like a bigger headache than just using the good ol' organic solvents that won't rust anything. Just my 2 cents.



New member
Don, I really don't think that putting your glock through the dishwasher is a good idea.
Glocks are very easy to fieldstrip and clean, hell you don't even have to do it but once a millenium according to most glock owners.
I mean I'm still kinda new here but why would you, DON LU, want to put a glock through a dishwasher, just doesn't seem smart.