Caring for my GLOCK

Don Lu

New member
I have seen alot of threads in the past about cleaning the glock in the dishwasher. Is this something that people really do and if so exactly how is it done (step by step) are there parts that dont go into dishwasher ?

thanks !


Real Glockenheimers don't clean their Glocks in dishwashers. For one thing, you're likely to contaminate your dishwasher. Glocks are remarkably easy to strip, clean, and lube. Nothing "special" needs to be done.

Don Lu

New member
Not really looking for opinions on it, is there anyone who does this ? Just want to know if this is a real method and if it is, what steps are involved.


New member
I've read several posts over the years of people who claim to do it. As said above - it is a stupid idea. U can have contamination issues. Very dumb.


New member
I've never known anyone to clean a weapon in the dishwasher (except for a steak knife :D). They're incredibly easy to strip and clean the 'normal' way--I'd stick to that.

The only primary rules I REALLY stick to religiously are 1) they have an incredible apetite--requires feeding often. 2) Excercise and feeding are always done together. 3) TLC after a good feeding and exercise makes them all very happy. These make for a happy little firearm.

Everyone likes their firearms to feel happy and loved! :D

Don Lu

New member
Not really looking for opinions on it, is there anyone who does this ? Just want to know if this is a real method and if it is, what steps are involved.

is this to hard to ask ?


New member
I think they were just trying to help... and I doubt anyone with any sense would do it anyways, and I think MOST of the people here have good sense.

And no I have never done that :)

Don Lu

New member
The point is, I never implied I wanted to use the method. Im simply asking if it is done, and if so how...thats all I was asking. Its not helping me at all to say its dumb, b/c frankly I agree it not a good idea, just curious to see if anyone ....nevermind....
Not really looking for opinions on it, is there anyone who does this ? Just want to know if this is a real method and if it is, what steps are involved.


New member
Don't know why it wouldn't work and there's nothing to hurt if you do. Afterwards it's going to be dry. Hit those spots indicated in the manual that need to be lubed. I've know of people that have cooked lobster in dishwahsers before. My brother even filled his washing machine with ice and beer after his wedding.


New member
I found a few forums, where members claim they send everything from walthers to mossbergs through their dishwasher, but none of the sites looked reliable, so I won't lead you to something that may damage your weapon or your dishwasher :eek:

my hands are free of this! :D

google for : Cleaning a Glock with dishwasher, if you havn't already.

Christian 812

New member
Well ... I've never tried a dishwasher for my weapons !

But from a tech point of view ... I've seen so many strange ways to clean a weapon > 24 hrs. in kerozene / ultrasonic bath ... and others !?

I believe a good quality handgun should survive a dishwasher cycle. The only thing I would avoid is using dishwasher tabs (very corrosive) > but well simple green dish soap.

I clean my handguns the "normal"" way but 1 time per year > they go into an ultra sonic > incredible the dirt that comes out ! > rince, air blow drying > lube > perfect !


New member
"I've know of people that have cooked lobster in dishwahsers before."

Thats what I was just now thinking, it gets Velly velly hot in there, and the plastic parts on the GLOCK may weaken or warp etc.. :confused:


New member
I have put gun parts in the dishwasher before. I put some beat up old stocks that were embedded with cosmoline and other nasty stuff in there. I have put other metal gun parts in there just for kicks but I've never done it to anything that I really cared about. I haven't put anything polymer in there but I don't see why it wouldn't hold up. I think dishwashers temp range is around 140ish-160 (I think my Bosch one runs at 160 the whole wash) or so which *shouldn't* do any harm. I don't really see a reason to put a glock in there but I don't really see it doing any harm either.


Hot water is bad for the Glock frame material. (Sorry, I don't have a hard number to qualify "Hot" but the Glock Faq states "in excess of 120 degrees". The dishwasher certainly gets hotter than that.)

As a certified Glock armorer, I can assure you that there is no approved method for cleaning a Glock that involves a dishwasher.
Is this something that people really do and if so exactly how is it done (step by step) are there parts that dont go into dishwasher ?
It's very likely that there are people that really do this. Since it's a really bad idea for many reasons, it's hard for me to imagine how there could be any value in determining exactly how to do it but I imagine it goes something like: Field strip your gun. Put the parts in the dishwasher. Put in soap. Run dishwasher.

Since your thread was entitled "Caring for your Glock" many people naturally gave you advice on how to care for your Glock. Any good advice on caring for your Glock doesn't include procedures that are obviously a bad idea.


O.K., since you don't want any opinions, then just field strip your Glock, placing all the parts on the top rack. Fill 'er up with Cascade and let 'er rip.
Have a nice time, Einstein! :cool:

Willy T

New member
I must applaud how wonderfully TFL members handled (in my eyes) a difficult first time poster. Congrats to all who posted helpful advice. :D And they say Americans are intolerable??

Don LU: You can E-Mail me personally with any/all questions.


New member
Don>> Take a deep breath. Now close your mouth tight, and go "Mmmmmm...." so that your nose vibrates. Then have a good laugh at the whole thing... We're all friends here, man. Question asked--we answered, and shooting continues. It's all good. Some of us have a twisted sense of humor that goes along with our serious side. Just smile and enjoy.