Care for a challenging hunt?


Staff In Memoriam
If you want to test your skills come the end of february I can try to get you out into the NW Florida Bottoms, bayheads and thickets for a hog? I am not a pro guide but these places are where we run dogs. You will be walked with to point out sign and from there you are off on your own to implement your own skills. Junior and/or I will be there for advise if you ask. This is a NO CHARGE OFFER. This is not fenced or intentionally stocked land. Simply the properties where we run dogs to remove feral swine. If you want to give it a try lemme know. There is NO GUARANTEE you will get off a shot but I assure you these places have resident populations on them.
Think about...

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Back when Rob Pincus of the Valhalla school was a moderator in TFL's early years, he went on a hog hunt in Texas. Dogs and knife. IIRC, about 150 pounds of success.

Some of the folks around Blountstown use rough-cut heavy lumber (3x8s, e.g.) and build pens about 8' x 6'. A little one-way flap door much like a doggie-door at a house. When they want to collect some eating-size shoats, they just set the door with a trigger, put some ears of corn in the pen, and wait for supper to show up.


New member
What are out of state licenses running? Mighty kind offer and a style of hunt I'd enjoy. Unfortunately FL is a very long way away, otherwise I'd take you up on even a trip to the range. I'm sure you'll get a taker. Hopefully a greenhorn that will appreciate the effort and energy that goes into making memories with friends will be a taker.
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New member
No offense to the shooting/hunting community, but it's filled with people. I might consider drawing up a liability release.


New member
This sounds like a blast - thanks so much for the offer. I'm expecting to be a bit tight on cash for travel this spring, but who knows - I would certainly be interested in a rain check if not now. It's very generous of you to extend this offer to the hunters here.


Staff In Memoriam
I am not sure right this moment what the out of state permit will cost but the hunt opportunity I am offering will not require one. On private land for feral hog no license is required. You will be "assisting" the land owner with nuisance livestock removal. You will have a permission slip for the dates of hunting.


Staff In Memoriam
Fisherman, I have liability release forms to release the land owner from liability.
If the person cares to... the offer extends to a hog doggin' NO GUNS hunt as well.


Staff In Memoriam
bclark, This offer is, at this time, an open ended invitation. It is quite limited and I will have spoken to those interested in advance. The main intention for my offer to to give a few folks the opportunity to do more than be lead by the hand like a kid to a bait feeder to shoot a critter. I will only be there to protect the land owner's interests and make sure you find your way out okay. Only if asked will I offer much advise. If you want to challenge yourself to spot, stalk and hunt your quarry then this may be up your alley. Truly a challenging hunt can be expected. Expect this offer to continue until about the end of August or so.

Rob Pincus

New member
Those were the good 'ol days, Art, back when I had free time!

I was actually just showing the wife a video from a Florida SPear/Knife Hog hunt last week.... its been years since I've done it, but I highly recommend it!


New member
hogdogs, I would assume this invite is especially open to all that kinda tried to beat you up on an earlier thread about your hunting tactics and the amount of hogs you shoot that don`t understand the devastation these hogs are causing;). Thanks for the hospitality and going the extra mile for your fellow hunters.


Staff In Memoriam
It is open for those that want to go after a hog with rifles whether or not they agree with dog hunting. I would also like to introduce any interested to using the dogs but do not in any way require it. On the rifle hunt I can really sit back and let the hunter use his own skills and technique. On a dog hunt I will ask what level of participation would like to COMMIT to and what they think they can handle. From standing there watching on up to trying to tip the hog to tying or sticking the hog. If they want the pork they can have that too!;)
Just trying to share what we have available to those that may never have gotten first hand hog hunting under their belt or just those that miss it from years back.
P.S. By rifle I mean rifle or shotgun slug...
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Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Rob, the problem with honest employment is that it tends to interfere with life's important activities--like hunting and fishing. (An obvious solution is to choose wealthy parents. :D)

Brent, I might take you up on that deal, if I can do more sitting than walking. My body keeps trying to quit on me. I put in three hours on the road grader, yesterday, and I'll be grumping for the next several days.



New member
A buddy of mine and i are interested. I have wanted to hunt some pigs for several years. What kind of dates are we looking at?


Staff In Memoriam
Basically deer season ends the middle of February. Need to wait until after that so you can't be accused of hunting "game" as you do not need alicense for hogs. Also many of the landowners hunt deer so we are limited for doggin' and they wouldn't allow hog shooting then either. Spring turkey is 3-21 to 4-26 so a couple spots will be off limits to us at that time. Otherwise it is not limited. Just plan your time and let me know asap so I can have it approved well in advance and permission/waiver slips awaiting.
What type of firearms are you considering? Slugs and short overall length carbine rifles will be best for the dense cover you will be in. This isn't a tree stand type affair as the hogs are not that careless in their routes...


New member
hogdogs, I can't tell you how much I'd like to get up there and meet you! I'm not big on the 'dog' aspect, prefer to stalk. When the money gets better, I'm on the way.

Funny thing down here (Okeechobee/Indiantown), everybody complains about hogs and when you volunteer to help then they want to charge you. Same with the coyote's but I'm not shooting something that I can't eat.


Staff In Memoriam
Swamp, I would like to have you up too. The hunt I offer is mainly for the shooters and in that I won't have my dogs in the woods. If someone would like to take in a Hog dog (no guns) hunt I will accommodate. My dogs are not prepared to bay for a shooter. Those dogs know to keep a different type bay. Mine would easily jump in front of a bullet...:eek:


New member
I was thinking about a marlin 336 in 30-30 and my buddy's dad has a nice lil pump ,in 308 i believe, that was used to take a black bear in Michigan last year that i think would make a nice hog gun. I am definitely enticed by the stalking factor. Isn't that easy to do on deer here but i have managed it once, and it was a blast.
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New member
when and where

hey there hogdogs that sounds like fun and with my work sced i might be able to pull it off. please send some more info about the dates and times and legal weapons i love muzzel loaders myself but will use what ever is mandatory you can contact me with my email if you want