Carbine for Home Defense - Bad idea?


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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Remember one thing it matters not at 5 yards weather you pop someone with #6 or 00 or a slug the energy is all in one spot, a .223 may do the same but it will certainly penetrate much more than the #6 shot.[/quote]

Energy does not cause incapacitating wounds. "Energy Dump" is a myth, and is not in itself a factor in wounding, though it does cause the large temporary cavity found in high velocity rifle wounds. What the bullet and it's interaction with the target tissue (penetration, fragmenting, expansion, shattering bone, etc.)do to critical structures is all that matters.
The buck that you describe being hit in the shoulder bone probably suffered much greater wounds because the slug probably shattered the bone creating secondary missiles, and went into near immediate shock. I guarantee you it was not actually brain dead for at least 10-15 seconds. The smaller doe you describe demonstrates my point about not being able to stop anything quickly and reliably with any kind of gun. It lost both lungs and had a damaged heart, but was able to run 70 yards because it still had oxygen in the blood for a short period of time. People work the same way, like the lil black shirted chaps you describe.
As far as knocking someone back, that's a function of momentum (mass*velocity) and not energy. A .223 has a lot of energy (mass*velocity^2), but not nearly as much momentum as a 12 ga slug, so it won't knock anything over. Shooting a solid steel plate is not a valid comparison, as that is a perfectly elastic collision, whereas a slug hitting even an armored person transfers its momentum over a much longer period of time and space. People also react differently and less consistently than steel plates. Will it drive an armored person back? I can't say for sure because there are so many other variables, but I would not rely on this "stun" effect to save my life. Stunning someone does not stop them from getting back up and shooting at you again. And a slug is also a HUGE overpenetration risk compared to a .223 or a pistol caliber.


Member In Memoriam
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dbrowne1:
Stunning someone does not stop them from getting back up and shooting at you again. And a slug is also a HUGE overpenetration risk compared to a .223 or a pistol caliber.[/quote]

I agree with you that stunning someone will not stop them from firing again, but if you would re-read what I said maybe it will clear things up. While the bad guy is stunned, even for a few seconds, do you think I, or anyone with good sense, will be standing there watching him, giving him a second chance? Heck no I will be putting a few in the brain bucket and then I can promise you he will not fire again or do anything again ever including breathe :D. I also agree that a slug will have more penetration than a load of shot, if you re-read my first post I was refering to the fact that some say that a slug will possibly kill some persons even with a vest. A slug does penetrate yes, but not as much as a FMJ from .223 or any load in my .44 Mag. I have experimented with this in some old buildings here. My choice and what I keep at hand is a Rem 1100 12 guage with a 20 inch barrel and loaded with 2 3/4 #4 Magnum for 4 rounds.....the fifth is a slug, for just in case. If anyone is interested E-mail me and I will tell you about a 110 pound 2 legged critter (In a black suit) in a Sampan and a .357 magnum with 125 grain hollow points (not quite Geneva Convention :D)and an old Win. M-12 with the old all brass buckshot roiunds

Carlyle Hebert


Member In Memoriam
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Southla1:
I agree with you that stunning someone will not stop them from firing again, but if you would re-read what I said maybe it will clear things up. While the bad guy is stunned, even for a few seconds, do you think I, or anyone with good sense, will be standing there watching him, giving him a second chance? Heck no I will be putting a few in the brain bucket and then I can promise you he will not fire again or do anything again ever including breathe :D. I also agree that a slug will have more penetration than a load of shot, if you re-read my first post I was refering to the fact that some say that a slug will possibly kill some persons even with a vest. A slug does penetrate yes, but not as much as a FMJ from .223 or any load in my .44 Mag. I have experimented with this in some old buildings here( I used my 22-250 but had it loaded to 5.56 MM velocities). My choice and what I keep at hand is a Rem 1100 12 guage with a 20 inch barrel and loaded with 2 3/4 #4 Magnum for 4 rounds.....the fifth is a slug, for just in case. If anyone is interested E-mail me and I will tell you about a 110 pound 2 legged critter (In a black suit) in a Sampan and a .357 magnum with 125 grain hollow points (not quite Geneva Convention :D)and an old Win. M-12 with the old all brass buckshot roiunds



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<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Southla1:
I agree with you that stunning someone will not stop them from firing again, but if you would re-read what I said maybe it will clear things up. While the bad guy is stunned, even for a few seconds, do you think I, or anyone with good sense, will be standing there watching him, giving him a second chance? Heck no I will be putting a few in the brain bucket and then I can promise you he will not fire again or do anything again ever including breathe :D. I also agree that a slug will have more penetration than a load of shot, if you re-read my first post I was refering to the fact that some say that a slug will possibly kill some persons even with a vest. A slug does penetrate yes, but not as much as a FMJ from .223 or any load in my .44 Mag. I have experimented with this in some old buildings here( I used my 22-250 but had it loaded to 5.56 MM velocities). My choice and what I keep at hand is a Rem 1100 12 guage with a 20 inch barrel and loaded with 2 3/4 #4 Magnum for 4 rounds.....the fifth is a slug, for just in case. If anyone is interested E-mail me and I will tell you about a 110 pound 2 legged critter (In a black suit) in a Sampan and a .357 magnum with 125 grain hollow points (not quite Geneva Convention :D)and an old Win. M-12 with the old all brass buckshot roiunds


Carlyle Hebert


Member In Memoriam
Darn new fangled computers!!!!!!! I was trying to edit the last post to say on the penetration issue I used my 22-250 but loaded it to 5.56MM velocities and used some old buildings I was tearing down for the old cypress lumber in them. Some walls were covered with 5/8 sheet rock some were not. I can also tell you how much a 12 guage load of #6 shot will penetrate in the ceiling of my home :eek: OOPS!!

Carlyle Hebert


New member
Folks we're talking indoor home defense!

Get a Ruger PC9/45, Marlin Camp 9/45, or a Kel Tec Sub-9 or 40.

Indoors, andything beyond pistol or shotgun shot/slug calibers risks travel through the intended target and your son in the next room goes down too.

For clearing and checking, pistol. For safe room, shotgun or pistol-caliber carbine.

For everthing else, go ahead with the AR-15s - if you have the room to swing it fast enough.

The Seattle SharpShooter - TFL/GT/UGW/PCT/KTOG


New member
Given all that has been said, I only have a couple of points to add. First, if you shoot an armed intruder in your home, the prosecutor is not the one you have to worry about --- it's the shyster lawyer representing the dead perp's family who will eat your lunch (and retirement fund) for using any kind of assault weapon. Juries are ignorant of firearms and you will be portrayed as a "gun nut". Use something that looks "normal", like a shotgun or revolver. Second, no one has mentioned a very important point --- ANY kind of rifle/carbine or large-caliber handgun fired indoors will probably permanently deafen you. Now, many say "I don't care, I'd still be alive". Well, I'd rather be alive and able to hear! Unless you are going to keep a pair of electronic muffs by the bedside (not a bad idea!), stay with a 9mm/.38spl +P or a shotgun (don't ask me why but the "experts" say a shotgun blast doesn't have the deafening quality of the other types of firearms; report is flatter, or something). I also don't expect burglars to be wearing body armor but they will most likely be hopped up on crack which is better than body armor for withstanding gunshots (in the sense that they don't feel the pain and keep coming). So the argument that you need to put them down fast is a good one. Shot placement is the key term here. Be safe!


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Southla1:
I do remember that in the confrontation between the LAPD and the "bad guys" with the AK's and the body armor a few years back, the LAPD had to run to a gun shop to acquire 12 guage slugs which ended the confrontation in favor of the 'good guys".[/quote]

Odd, I seem to remember those LA cops went into a gunshop and got a bunch of AR-15's. I don't remember anything about shotguns, and since many of their patrol cars have shotguns, the AR story seems more believable. In addition, LA went out after that incident and purchased 100's of .223 rifles for their patrols, you wouldn't think a shotgun success would have made them think of AR's, would you?


New member
The officers involved in the LA shootout were issued "riot guns," sans slugs, per excecutive decision subsequent to the LA Riots. (Per a LAPD report analyzing the incident which they were kind enough to distribute to their fellow LEO agencies.) A standard shotgun and one slug each would have ended the whole afair. Or a good old fashioned .30-30, for that matter.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jtduncan:
Folks we're talking indoor home defense!

Get a Ruger PC9/45, Marlin Camp 9/45, or a Kel Tec Sub-9 or 40.

Indoors, andything beyond pistol or shotgun shot/slug calibers risks travel through the intended target and your son in the next room goes down too.

For clearing and checking, pistol. For safe room, shotgun or pistol-caliber carbine.

For everthing else, go ahead with the AR-15s - if you have the room to swing it fast enough.


See my previous posts in this topic and click on the links I posted if you don't believe me. A .223 carbine loaded with miltary ball (yes, military M193 ball) has vastly superior wound ballistics compared to any pistol caliber gun (carbine or handgun)and it penetrates LESS wall material and retains LESS wounding ability after doing so. It certainly will not blast through as much wall material (or tissue) as a 12 GA slug! My Colt M4 carbine swings just as fast as a PC9 or Marlin, and it mounts a TACM III light and trijicon sights for positive identification and aiming in the dark. Try finding those for a Marlin Camp Carbine.


New member
Something to consider:

I have never heard of ANYONE failing to stop an assailant if they have more than a .380 or so. The only exception is the full-blown gun battle with a similarly armed assailant. In these cases, the proper use of cover and the ability to quickly and accurately place your shots are much more important than what you are shooting.

You hit him with your shotgun, he hits you with his .38 and you both die. Not a good outcome.

Learn to shoot your gun well- carbine, shotgun, handgun, whatever.


New member
Train Train Train! Besides it is fun to do this! Train to win!

What the old Marine saying??

The harder you train the less you bleed?

Dead [Black Ops]


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>It is also said that a 12 gauge slug has enough knock down energy at close range to kill someone wearing body armor even though it will not penetrate it[/quote]

Ok I know this, I shot a 10ga 1.75oz Slug at 1/4 or so? steel plate measuring 4'x4' about 75 yards away. After 2 shots that sleet plate was blent quite noticably. Though no shots went through it. Seeing that I am Sure that 12ga slug will kill you even if you have body armor on.

Dead [Black Ops]

[This message has been edited by Dead (edited August 02, 2000).]


New member
Erik I agree.

Did a comparison of full charge 45 colt in redhawk with 300 grain XTP and 600grain brennek hard alloy slug and the slug easily beat the handgun so I think that 44 would also lose in this type of comparison. The XTP was turning around 1350fps and the slug around 1500fps. But most slugs are a lot softer than those german ones. The penetration test was done point blank on a 4x12 piece of lumber left out at a shooting area, yes I know hardly a definitive test but that was my experience. Also tested those slugs on a cast iron sink it beat out a 243 on those tests, nothing I had at the time could exit this old iron sink, but the rottweil put a three inch crack in the other side where the 243 just splattered.FWIW

as to moving an object I once put a tire on its side ontop of a table/stand out it a shooting area and shot it with 12ga 600grain hard alloy slug, you should have seen that tire fly off the table, hit was center of tire exited the far side. Tire landed several feet back. And that wasnt with all the energy dumped as it exited and still had energy.

On time to incapacitat this has been argued here before. 12 GA WINS nothing like multiple hits simutaneously to do in the CNS.
As to 223 penetration I have doubts that it is less than 45 acp. Dont know about wall board but steel plate is ventilated easier with the rifle as velocity is the key to penetration of plate.

Dave you got a benelli right? Use that as I think at point blank ranges its better than all those carbines and pistols put together. You should be able with just a little practice to dump 5 shots a second into a target, that will get him thinking quick. Thats 70 .33 diameter holes. Not bad, and just think you have 48 more holes to give to the head if he is still a threat with the other 3-4 shots left in the gun, depending on how you load it. 12 pellet OO. IMO you got the best there is. Look at most swat teams entering building [select fire subguns and a shotgun or two] they take the sub guns because of the multi-effect they have when on full auto. That is what they said at Front sight nv, a 9mm on its own is not very potent but 3-4 round burst is very effective. So uless you have MP5 OR UZI that is select fire I think your gauge is the best choice. IMHO.

One last question if you had to take a shot to the thoratic cavity at 15 feet (not necessarily a heart shot) and you had to choose between 1 a 9mm-45acp, 2 a 223 or 3 a 12 ga slug In which order of preferancee would you choose, call me dense but I would pick that 12gauge slug or buck dead last.

[This message has been edited by oberkommando (edited August 04, 2000).]


New member
Well, I keep a Win. M-94 Trapper in .45 Colt and a 1911 in .45ACP by my bed. Which I'll reach for first depends upon the exact situation. If I wake to the sound of someone entering our house, I'll grab the '94; someone entering the bedroom, the pistol gets the job. If time permits, I'll wear the pistol and carry the '94.
I use WW 225 gr. Silvertips in the '94, Federal PDA in the 1911.

Shoot straight & make big holes, regards, Richard at The Shottist's Center


Staff Alumnus
Getting about time to start Part II. This thread will be closed shortly. You have been forewarned. ;)