Captain Phillips Rescued!

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New member
SilentHitz said:
....Fox just reported it could have been snipers on the ship, or the assault team.

From a technical standpoint, compensating for elevation and wind is one thing...but to do it on a bobbing ship at sea?, that's impressive.


Staff In Memoriam
Small ships don't even rock in under 4-6 feet swells. Boats bob, ships don't... In heavy seas they will get moving though.


New member
They ought to fly over the village on the coast where the pirates came from with a helicopter, dump out the bodies in the air and fly off. That would leave a lasting impression on the pirates. Since many probably are not following the news.


New member
You know they came from here... Ain`t the AK a predecessor to the AR from the same company.
:eek::eek::eek: Does this mean the U.S. is ultimately responsible for these pirating acts:confused:? If only we had never done away with our AWB:rolleyes::D
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New member
Amen Tom2,
You've GOT to be more brutal than your enemy, it either makes them reconsider their intentions or harden their resolve. Either way, we'd win, at least if we maintained our resolve to win.
These guys are nothing more than third world gangsters, if you can play their game better than they can you've made a lasting impression.
Now all we need is a a flight of B-52's loaded down with napalm to bleach their home bases.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I don't think anyone here has any love lost for the pirates or the culture that produced them. But before this turns into a contest of who can come up with the harshest, cruelest response to send to the pirates, let's be glad the Captain was rescued and move on.

Hats off to the operators involved.

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