Captain Phillips Rescued!

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New member
I'm sure there are alot of you that are watching the current developments regarding Captain Phillips who was taken hostage by Somali pirates. Apparently the Navy Seals took action after Cpt Phillips again dove overboard from the pirate boat. Three dead pirates one pirate injured and captured.
I wonder what weapons the seals may have used and if they were already in the water near the pirate boat when Phillips dove overboard. The details are going to be interesting.

Rich Miranda

New member
Not to sound presumptive, but I really saw no other way for this to end. I KNEW those pirates were going to die. I wondered whether the Captain would make it out alive, but I see that his courage combined with the readiness of the Seals was the perfect combination.

I say they establish a patrol and make all Somali ships obtain permits to operate. Those without permits get sent to the deep. Of course, I realize it's not that simple, they just make me mad, these pirates :mad:

Harry Callahan

New member
GREAT JOB to all involved. You did us proud! Great day to be an American. Now watch our president take a good amount of credit even though it seemed he couldn't be bothered when speaking to reporters last week:rolleyes:.


New member
I was happy to hear the news and can't wait for the whole story to come out. Whole thing sounds like movie fodder so far.

MSNBC said that negotiations broke down over our insistance that the pirates be arrested. That's interesting to me.

I wonder if this will cause pirates to be more "Hands-off" with American ships.


New member
What a great day for Phillips, and I can't imagine a more suitable day for a happy ending than Easter. He is truly a hero. He was willing and seemingly eager to sacrifice himself for the safety of his crew.


New member
Seals screwed up.....they left one pirate alive. Now the U.S. Taxpayers will pay for room & board, trial lawyers, appeals, and court costs for the next 10 years or more.
Huzzah to this Captain and his crew.

Its good to see some of this worthless "human" garbage get off'd in an extreme manner. They should have been deep sixed as well since they wanna play pirate.


New member
GREAT JOB to all involved. You did us proud! Great day to be an American. Now watch our president take a good amount of credit even though it seemed he couldn't be bothered when speaking to reporters last week
You nailed it HC...Kudos to the SEALS and others involved. My guess on the weapons would be the MP5-SD, whatever they were, they got the job done!! :D:cool:


Staff In Memoriam
Awesome news! I hope to see images of the seals returning to the USS Boxer with 3 heads speared and flown for all the world to see!
And the wounded keel hauled as soon as brought aboard the ship! AWESOME JOB TO THE HERO/CAPTAIN!!! Way to go and ATTA BOY!!!
And to the crew of the Alabama... Thanks for taking over your ship from the pirates making a statement that some crews will not kneel as subjects or pawns!;):D:cool:


New member
I might be wrong on the weapons, Fox just reported it could have been snipers on the ship, or the assault team...still not giving all the details though. Will come out in time.


New member
Seals screwed up...they left one pirate alive.
Possibly for intel. purposes only. If thats the case I hope the Seals gather intel. before they get prisoner back stateside. Wasn`t anticipating this good of a outcome . Thank You Seals. You made us proud.
I am quite happy that it ended the way it did. The captain appears to be uninjured and the only loss of life was on the side of the bad guys. I know I might sound a bit bloodthirsty by saying this, but that is how I feel. I think if more of these pirates were met with deadly force that the issue would resolve itself.

Of course we do need to also start dealing with the fact that local governments are backing these pirates and stop pretending they are acting on their own and start holding the government officials accountable.


Staff In Memoriam
Short wave... You know they came from here... ain't the AK the predecessor to the AR from the same company?:eek::D


New member
FOX news is reporting it was Navy Seal snipers on the bridge of the USS Banebridge(sp?) who eliminated the pirates.

I'm so glad Captain Phillips is ok! (he kinda looks like Dan Akroyd don't you think?)
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New member
if more of these pirates were met with deadly force that the issue would resolve itself.
BINGO, give that man a cigar. As far as the govt.'s almost non-existent, and what is there is corrupt beyond belief.

Not sure what the solution to that hell hole is, the whole country is in trouble.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Talking heads are whining about the use of force. Blah. :barf:

Now the pirates will get tougher. Oh, my! :eek:

Remember what happened to us in Somalia - our military is scared. :rolleyes:
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