Can't set my .38 Derringer down!


New member
got a gun show coming up and Ihope they have some CAS .38 Specials !
The lower velocity of the CAS loads really makes shooting the big Cobra .38 fun to shoot! I try andonly shoot "just a few" shots when out at the range but I always end up putting a dent in a 50 round box!
I have some 90 grain bukket very light loaded shells for fun but the supply is gettin low. A full fledged .38 Special is a grip stinger. There just isn't enough grip to diminish a full house .38 Soecial in the derringer. It's so much fun to touch off though that I even shoot the full power ones in it.
I can see the .38 special in this small gun but the anemic .41 rimfire sure must have been questionable at times! I'd much rather shoot the modern version with .38's! You couldd at least count on peneteration with it. The barrels keave roughly 3/4" of tube ahead of the bullet.
Crossing my fingers for the Gun Show


New member
I used to have a standard sized copy of a Remington two shot der(r)inger, that was chambered for .357.
Talk about a hand stinger.
The first, and only, time I tried a .357 in it, instead of the less painful .38s, the plastic imitation grips fractured and I bled.
The only guy dumber than whoever decided to make that gun, was me for trying to shoot it.


New member
I have a cobra .38, and I too, put a couple rds through it every time I shoot. Like today, for instance. and yes, with regular .38spl ammo, it does sting your hand! And the trigger pull is, well, not for a light touch, lol! But it does put the bullet pretty much where you want it, I carry this one concealed daily, and I have no doubt that it would suck to be the one shot by it.

44 Dave

New member

Yes love my derringers, four right now. Have also had .22 and 38s and a muzzle loader in the past.
I have tuned up the trigger pull on the American Derringer .45 and .44-40 to about 3#. Only have a limited number of the .41 rounds but shoot bp in the .44 some times.
The hands don't sting with "cowboy loads'.


New member
My Cobra in .38spcl is the only gun I have accidentally fired! The hammer slipped when I tried to undock the hammer. I should have unloaded it first, now I know.

I enjoy mine too.