Caniks...tell me about your experience.


Anyone else have the same Horrid D/A trigger Pull on their Canik? :eek: Mine is so heavy its laughable.


New member
UPDATE on my Canik: Got my tracking number from Bud's today and the replacement should be here Thursday! I have to say they have stood by this completely and taken very prompt action to assist me all through the process.

I'll post more when the new gun arrives. I hope the trigger is better than the poster above mentioned. But then that's what dremel tools and sandpaper were made for. :) I don't recall the trigger on my GF's Shark being poor, but I didn't get to shoot but a couple of mags before she took it away from me and told me to go buy my own. ;) :)


New member
If I were to buy one I think I'd have to swap out the hammer spring with a Wolff 16#er. Been researching on the CZ forums and it sounds as though folks are having good luck with the 16# and still getting positive ignitions on primers.


New member
I no longer consider "Buds" a discount gun shop. They are now, on average, $100 more per pistol than my local gun shops. Very disappointing, and I will not buy from them.


New member
I bought the C100 from Academy a couple of weeks ago for 329 (+TT&L).
Haven't shot it yet, just haven't had time to get out to the range. Like everybody else has said, the double-action trigger is horrible. It really is probably 20 pounds. But the single action is nice, maybe 5, 5.5 pounds, and pretty smooth.

The one thing I'm not crazy about is the grip panels. They are hard plastic, with light impressed checkering, and way too slick for my taste. I'll wait until I can run a few hundred rounds through it, though, before I make any changes on the grips. If I can find any ammunition to shoot. I can't even find a set of 9 Luger reloading dies for sale anywhere. :confused: Times are tough all over, I guess.


New member
My Dad got the Stingray. While I have not had the chance to shoot it yet the quality feels great for how much he paid. Its really nice and if had the money I would have bought one as well.

Like others have said, the DA is a little stiff on his and it would be nice if it had a safety/decocker instead of just the safety, but you can't have everything for such a low price.

The only thing that worries me about the Canik is the parts/mag/holster availability. I know they are mostly making clones of other guns but that's not to say that they will have direct parts interchangeability with the originals..

Overall, I would still buy one at the prices they are selling for.


New member
The only thing that worries me about the Canik is the parts/mag/holster availability. I know they are mostly making clones of other guns but that's not to say that they will have direct parts interchangeability with the originals.
One point about that, I have a High Noon paddle holster built specifically for a first model CZ RAMI, and the C100 Canik fits in it almost perfectly. The only difference I can see between it and the RAMI is that the muzzle of the Canik sticks out of the bottom of the holster about a quarter of an inch. For me, that is no problem.:D



New member
^^ Same here, for my GF's Shark (and mine when it comes) we are using a leather holster made for a Taurus PT145. It's about a 95% fit. The barrel shows out the bottom a bit over an inch it that's an issue.

I think they are the kind of guns you just have to take to a store that carries a decent holster selection and try until one fits. Or order something custom made.


New member
Well, just ordered a C100 tonight. Went back and forth between that and the Stingray but the general consensus was that the C100 is lighter and slightly cheaper so I rolled with it.

Don't own a CZ yet, but this is my second "clone". And I absolutely love my IMI Baby Eagle. Hope this one doesn't disappoint!
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