Can you bring your own targets?


New member
Never had a problem bringing my targets to the range. They require you to use thier ammo with rentals or rifles, but otherwise you can bring your own subject to a few restrictions (no armor piercing, no incendiary, nothing but slugs for shotguns... etc...). Sillouette targets are allowed, and they even sell them. I've never tried to bring photographic targets, though I have considered purchasing some the next time I order targets (the police training type... not the Hilary/Bush/Obama/Osama type). I'll have to ask the next time I'm in there.

Edited to add:

From the FAQ on thier website:

16. May I bring my own targets to shoot there?
Yes, however there is a minimum target size of 11" x 11."


New member
The indoor range here is like that to their just looking to make more money off of you and i dont think im going back to the one here anymore too


New member
The range I go to allows you to bring targets and ammo. Their policy sounds fishy to me, although popping a few rounds into the exwife's mug does sound like fun :D


New member
At my local indoor range you can pay a fee (can't remember how much) and use your own ammo/targets or shoot for free and buy your ammo/targets from them. This seems like a fair program still yet I don't go there much because I like shooting outside.


New member
My club is a not to bad of a drive but I love it. Bring your own targets bring your own ammo. If your are going to rent their guns then you must shoot their ammo. Just to support the club I do purchase one big range target every time I go then stick my shoot and see's on it when it is used up. I also am a member and pay my membership fee's every year. not only that I have got 3 guys from work to join and one does not reload he always buys ammo there. It is a club and a public range but to get my perks I am a member and do everything I can to support them.

But I was thinking about join a club closer but you had to buy their reloaded ammo. They did not allow you to bring your own reloaded ammo and all brass had to be left at the range for them to pick up. I actually had an RO walk up to my table and knock all my brass off the table on to the floor saying it belonged to them, because I was shooting revolvers. With no confrontation I packed up and have not been back since.


New member
My range is free. I bring whatever I want. usually a bunch of computer printed targets and my homemade target stand.
The last indoor range I went to, Marksman II in Tucson, (great place), didn't care I brought in my own targets. I paid for the lane, borrow a peice of cardboard, taped the targets to the bardboard well below the carrier, and went to work with my own handloads. The ONLY thing I paid for was lane time, nothing else. They didn't care, and were happy for the business.


New member
If you rent a gun at my local range you have to use their ammo.
Apparently people would bring in super hot home loads shoot them in rented pistols. The pistols would get blown up and the shooters would sue the range.

They have no problem with the targets I print off the internet.


New member
Buncha crap. I've been on ranges selling paper half size B-27 targets for $2 each. I don't believe I've seen but one range that required you to buy their ammunition, though.

Your own targets should always be acceptable, and your own commercial ammunition should be acceptable when shot in any guns on any range. If you rent their guns, they can state that you can't use reloads, I suppose, but any good quality commercial ammo should be acceptable as well.
Making the customer buy their overpriced junk is ridiculous.


New member
I bring my targets and ammo. If the Range Master is interested in a gun that I brought, I invite him to join me for a few rounds. Generally, he visits me at the lane and we talk and shoot a bit. My guns, my ammo. His guns, his ammo. Works out fine.

He is a nice guy and we like to talk. His talk always helps me. My talk-----???


New member
I am REALLY lucky. 1 year ago I purchased another piece of property in the woods (divorce 6 years ago made me sell the place I had before) where I set up my own range with a backstop made out of RR ties. This means I can use whatever, including reactive metal targets.

The range I used to go to while I didn't have my own was American Shooting Center west of Houston (I don't live in the city but 25 miles west). You bring your own ammo and you got one paper target for each gun you paid for. They had no problem with you supplying your own paper.


New member
I believe that range may do more business it they create happier customers. Letting you and other bring targets, as long as they aren't pictures of people, etc., really isn't much of a big deal and could result in more ammo, accessory and gun sales?


New member
Read alligator 94's reply. "Not a whole lot you can do about it". Yes there is. This is the USA. You do not have to frequent ANY place that you do not wish too! I can see the side on being able to purchase ammo/targets, but not a requirement for range use. If you guys didn't walk out with a refund in your hand, the only thing I can say is, well, I guess I can't say that.
Thats true, I don't have to go there. I normally don't, but they are the only local range that rents guns. I only go there to try some stuff before I buy.


New member
One of the ranges I shoot you have to buy your ammo and targets there. But the range time is free. The other one you pay for the time but can bring your own ammo and targets.

Works out about the same.

Spade Cooley

Tell the Range Manager you are going to tell the ACLU and the NAACP that they are using Black Silhouettes, an infrerence as to race which is not politically correct. If you have noticed, the man target is always black.

We have a public outdoor range and there are no restrictions. But a picture of a Liberal Politician as a target is more acceptable than a conservative.


New member
Years ago, I used to work part time at a large gunshop,gun range in South Florida. We never had a rule about targets, anyone can shoot at anything they can hang on the clips.
The showroom area could view the shooting lanes,separated by bullet proof glass and usually had a few spectators.
One day, a spectator told me,"There is a guy in there shooting pics of nekid women".
Sure enough, this person was shooting at centerfolds from porn magazines!
Boss man heard about it and told me to go in there and make him stop. First thought in my mind was " You Coward"
Because obviously this person wasnt right in the mind,and was armed.
So I head into the range with my 45 tucked into my belt and thinking,"Im getting paid $9 an hour" to approach this nut case and tell him that he has to leave.:(
Anyways, there he is shooting rapid fire into this centerfold pic with a 2 foot stack of porn mags at his feet.

I yell Cease fire on the range, everyone complies.Then with one hand on the butt of the 45, have to tell this person,that he has to leave right now because of his target selection.
Im expecting the worse right about now, but he just looks at me, shrugs, picks up his stuff and walks out the door. Wheew.