Can you bring your own targets?


New member
This happened about 6 weeks ago. But it keeps buggin me, and I wondered if this was policy elsewhere.

There is an indoor range not far from here. I don't go there often, because they have become just too darned expensive. But they are a lot closer than the gun club I belong to. So when I don't feel like driving, that's where I go. Anyway, on my last visit, I brought a roll of my own targets ( those silhouette type you use to qualify for your CHL ). I started to clip one to the target holder, and the RO came over & asked where I got the target. I thought it was just friendly conversation. Told him at the gunshow. He says it's range policy I could only use targets purchaced from them. I asked why, and he says they had problems with people bringing in photos of ex-wives, etc, and that was unacceptable. They didn't want to get into any grey areas about what was acceptable, so just banned all targets but theirs. I pointed out that there was no way my target could be mistaken for any particular person. I felt this policy was just their way of getting into my wallet even deeper than they already were for the range time. Said I'd roll my target up & they would not see me in their place again. At that point, he said I could go ahead & shoot my targets, but in the future, it had to be theirs. Their place, entitled to their rules. But I haven't been back since.

Anybody else have a range with this policy?



New member
Yeah, most of the commercial ranges around here require you to buy their less than satisfactory reloads at higher than factory new prices. Not a whole lot you can do about it.:mad:


New member
They are dishonest. They are trying to nickel and dime you, but do not wish to admit that it is about money. So they make lame excuses. No reason to deal with liars. On the other hand, if they guy just said, we need to sell supplies as well as range use to make the business go, then it would at least be honest. It bugs me. It's just like when there are charges for parts, and for labor. As soon as you want to supply your own parts... whoa... the labor just had to go up for some reason. I despise that practice. Make money on the labor. Make money on the parts too. Just invoice them for what they really need to be. JHC is telling the truth so damn hard?


New member
Fize you, I'd make sure that the owner or manager of said range was well aware of why it is that I won't be coming back.

My local indoor range gives you the first three targets, and you can either use your own or buy theirs.


New member
They are dishonest. They are trying to nickel and dime you, but do not wish to admit that it is about money. So they make lame excuses.

Agreed 100%....I dont' think I'd shoot there again. I'd drive futher to the gun club just to avoid a place like that.


New member
My range requires you buy their targets. It's no problem to me. They have any target you would want.
Several types of human silhouette including the "Q" FBI target (also used for NE CHP qual).
Many bulls-eye style targets.
Sighting-in targets.
Military Qual targets
$0.20 or so per target which I think is reasonable.

They only require that you buy their ammo if you shoot their centerfire rentals which I agree with 100%.

The range is a gun store too but they don't really ever get any new guns in. They mostly sell used guns at fair prices. I think most of their gun business is transfers.
It is the only place in the area that sells quality holsters. The only other gun shop doesn't really care about anything if it's not a $2000 shotgun.

On a side note. It's interesting how these two gun shops cater to different customers. One caters to the high end shotgun and hunting crowd while the other caters to the military with gear, a large selection of "tactical" knifes, and mostly black guns, long and short.


New member
The only way to have targets at the range I go to is to bring your own.

However, targets with pictures or photographs are not allowed, there were some showdowns in the past with people bringing in photos of Bush, Clinton, etc to use as targets. Which kind of sucks for me, as I would like to be able to shoot up an Osama target there once in a while.


New member
At my range, the first target is free. The other ones you must bring yourself. But no human silhouette targets are allowed here:(


New member
Indoor range I shoot at has no problem if you bring your own targets. They do require you to buy and use their ammo if you rent one of their guns. If you shoot your own gun you can use your own ammo.

Ralph Allen

New member
Read alligator 94's reply. "Not a whole lot you can do about it". Yes there is. This is the USA. You do not have to frequent ANY place that you do not wish too! I can see the side on being able to purchase ammo/targets, but not a requirement for range use. If you guys didn't walk out with a refund in your hand, the only thing I can say is, well, I guess I can't say that.


New member
he says they had problems with people bringing in photos of ex-wives, etc, and that was unacceptable.
people bringing in photos of Bush, Clinton, etc to use as targets.
Who cares? It's just a piece of paper with a picture in it. :rolleyes:

Folks are too politically correct these days and just want to tell folks what they can or can't do.

I use at an unattended public range. There are no rules about what targets we shoot at, as long as they are paper (Can't shoot bottles or cans. Though some folks still do and leave their mess for everyone else to clean up, but that's a whole other rant).

popa cap

New member
My range doesn't care if you bring your own target as long as it's big enough. No 8 1/2 X 11's that you printed off your printer. The reason is it put the point of aim to close to the target holders and most people can't hit within 4" of where they aim. You can use them if you tape them on to a larger target.


New member
popa cap- that's my range's policy too. They say no targets from home, but they allow us to tape two 8 1/2X11" targets end-to-end, and shoot at the lower one. Having seen what many, um, "shooters" do to the target hangers shows me why.



New member
The one range i go to sells targets cheap and they are cheap for range time so i buy what i can from them. Great guys! Not walmart cheap but very reasonable

Shadi Khalil

New member
May range lets you bring in any type of ammo and targets. if you rent one of their dirty, barely functional pistols they require you to buy there over priced reloads. I've been known to smuggle my own ammo in from time to time. only of im planning on renting a gun and using for an extended period of time. way i see it is, the wwb i run through their crappy rentals is probably doing them a favor, their reloads are filthy.


New member
My range gives you a target free and they don't seem to care what you use after that one is shredded. I bring my own, most printed off the internet ... and you can use your own ammo, too. what a concept!


when they kick at your front door, how you gonna come?
with your hands on your head or on the trigger of your gun?