Can ya shoot does


New member
California Fish and game made 22 cal air rifles legal for taking turkeys for those turkeys that become a nuisance in neighborhoods. I had a school bus stop by my house in CA and the toms would run the kids off.I killed a turkey every year during the season with a Beeman 22 cal air rifle from my porch.


New member
California Fish and game made 22 cal air rifles legal for taking turkeys for those turkeys that become a nuisance in neighborhoods.
I'll have to look in to that. Maybe put some nuisance meat on the table.

There're turkeys roaming around work too. Lot's of people run from them. I chase 'em. :) When a co-worker asked about it, I came up with my THR sigline: "I'm pretty sure I could take a wild turkey in a life or death battle, but it would probably be an embarrassing spectacle." :D


New member
Grymmy, I'd wait and see if she has a fawn first. If she's eating mama's prize plants, forbs and assorted flora you may not have any options if the boss sees her doing so. Archery is QUIET. CB.


New member
It was in their the last year I hunted(2007) The Guvnator made open season on coyotes as well,no license needed just permission from landowners.
Nuisance meat is sweeter:D


New member

"My buddy has a similar issue with wild turkeys. His wife asked it I thought it would be legal to do her sping turkey hunting with a golf club..."

I used my 2004 Dodge Ram 1500 Quadcab. The dirt on the bumper was getting a little too thick so I cleaned it off with a turkey.

Popped over a little rise in the road and there he was running across the road. No chance to use avoidance tactics.

In the experiment to find out which is more solid, the bumper or the turkey, the bumper won....feathers down.


New member
legal to keep road killed animals?

I always wondered if it was legal to keep a road killed animal...

Couldn't the game commission try to claim you were hunting illegally -
if it was out of season and one did not have a license - definitely would be in an area that was not a WMA etc....

Anyone know short of calling the GFC?


Staff In Memoriam
joeg, Many states have "road kill tags". you call the police to the "wreck site" and they write a permit tag to transport it.


New member
In Alabama where I hunt the quota is 2-3 per day, maybe more. It's not as though anybody's paying attention, especially on private land during the season. I remember the 97 season was the most successful one that I ever had.

My uncle, who is a great hunter shot four of them within an hour, we then moved on to another location on private land where I shot two more as I recall my pick up was loaded down with about six or seven of them when the day was over.

I have not had another season that ever equaled that one again but I'm hoping that this one will be as good since we've had lot's of rain, their food supply should be very abundant.

Jack O'Conner

New member
Every state I've lived in had a depredation permit process in place. In the late 1980's and early 1990's I shot many does in Napa County, California for a well known vineyard. I was licensed as their Authorized Agent. The deer tags were issued by the main office in Sacramento but tagged animals were always checked by Napa County Warden. The system was a little cumbersome at times but we enjoyed fresh venison as late as December and as early as August.

I suggest obey the laws. Shooting animals outside the laws is considered criminal and you certainly don't want to be associated with outlaws.

My Dad shared this wisdom with me: When in doubt - always do the right thing.



New member

Good old Captain Scully got away with huntin' geese with a 767, so anythin's possible I reckon :D

Joeg26er.... you could weld a sqewer on the front of your bull bar, stab an animal on the road and just drive home, stick an apple in its mouth & hang it over a fire :D (be careful at pedestrian crossins tho) :eek:


New member
I always wondered if it was legal to keep a road killed animal

In Texas this is a definate No. In Tennessee, they just changed the law to allow keeping road killed animals (Jay Leno actually used that as the basis of one of his jokes. )


New member PA you must be the landowner or have landowner's written permission, you must have the proper permits from PA Game Commission, and you must be able to justify the kill to prevent crop damage...if any of these are questionable the consequences may be severe


New member
I don't think there is any rules regarding roadkill?

I think if you skittled a deer with the front of your car.... you could probably stuff it in the trunk, take it home and eat it :D Might be a bit suspicious if it is a ripper 10 pointer with a nice neck shot & you got your cammo gear and rifle on the back seat :eek:

I know alot of people here 'dress up' roadkill.... not uncommon to find a deceased Roo leaning on an armco railing (barrier next to the road) wearing a footy jumper, a baseball cap on its head, scarf around its neck, sunglasses, cigarette hanging out of its mouth & a beer can in its hand (paw) :D

Quite funny to see actually (not for the roo) Often you will go past the same roo a few days later & it has a different footy team jumper or scarf on (Aussies are very competative):D

I know alot of farm folk stop and butcher roos killed the night before.... get the back legs and tail.... boil them up for dog food.

Wombats are the worst things to hit..... as you drive over them at any decent speed they roll and throw your car up in the air, dukes of hazzard style..... they are fat & round and don't splat at all.... they will get a car doing 55-60mph 2' off the ground :eek:

To hunt deer, pigs & ducks etc, you need to do a course (to be able to identify your target) as, for example, ducks of some varieties are not to be hunted, others are ok.... so, lots of rules and regulations, seasons etc

I think there is only seasons for ducks and deer, other than that most animals are ferrel, so its open season all year.... to hunt in Oz there are.... Camels, hogs, roos, foxes, rabbits & hares, ferrel cats & dogs, goats. There are also wild horses (Brumbies) and buffalo of some description, but I think these are culled by pro hunters as required by local councils..... I know also, the Arabs buy live camels so there is alot of camels being rounded up and shipped over there
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Staff In Memoriam
Before the WWW, I posed up a huge dead coon with the still warm empty bottle of Jack Daniels and old sunglasses from the floor board and the requisite cigarette... stayed there for a few days!


New member
My eldest daughter hit a spotted fawn her 1st year driving. It was absolutely the finest venison we ever eat. At 1st she wouldn't even look at the table and then after seeing and hearing her younger sisters thanking her for the bounty she relented and enjoyed the meal.
30 years ago one would have to know a Conservation officer very well to be called for a road kill, today they are scattered all over and the public servants do not even bother with a carcass unless it is in the driving lanes. I have pulled many many out of site of the road.
We would see a spotted fawn during deer season years back and there was a fawn killer trophy that made its way through the crew. :)
A fawns liver is a very tasty horse-Dee-Overie before a deer camp supper:rolleyes:. That is the only liver we will ever use.;)


New member
Doe is great eatin'

I'll take a doe over those wall mounts any day. Course, I would certainly shoot a 150 pt. buck don't get me wrong. We're allowed (depending on county) up to 7 deer a season. (bow included) only one with horns though. Here' a 160 pounder that tasted mighty good.


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