Can ya shoot does


New member
out of season, on your own property?

Just sittin' here reading through some threads and took this. Fired up Photo Booth, swung my Mac around and hit enter. She wasn't 15 feet away.... I'm hungry!



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New member
Only with special permits in farmer in the area had 250 depredation tags due to crop damage on nearly 8000 acres. Tags were specifically for doe's, no bucks.


New member

Here in Indiana depending on the county you can shoot up to 4, with over the counter permits. If your not wired on antlers, take em', there is no better table fare than 90lb doe. This is in legal season, they offer crop deperdation permits which I believe a good year round.
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New member
Would that be Napa CA, When I lived there you could not shoot does ever.Very few either sex permits and usually for jr. hunters in about 3 units state wide.You probably have Mtn. Lions to go with the deer.:eek:You would be in less trouble and easier to get a permit for the lions than the deer.
BTW that doe looks to be ready to drop a couple of fawns any minute.:)A Mature Blacktail buck is about hardest deer to hunt.


Staff In Memoriam
Grym, Have you ever thought of putting in a well balanced, albeit not large, food plot? Then you can watch momma and babies and shoot "big boy" next fall!


New member
One of the neighbors saw a mountain lion some years ago. I haven't seen any sign of them but suspect with all the deer around, they're here also.


New member
Yup.... saw the first fawn of the season this morning..... sooooooh..... crusty bread with dijon mustard? Maybe a roasted red bell pepper and scallion aioli?


New member
The only way to shoot a doe in Cali is to have a special predation permit from the dept. of fish and game. Some farmers are allowed these because of crop damage. Usually by the time you get one, you have spent more money with all the trouble than you would loose in crops.


New member
If I was you, I would put up a screen door before fall. Much easier to shoot thru.
That shot was taken from the screen room. Getting arrested for illegally taking game would be one thing; facing the wrath of Mrs. Grymster for shooting holes in the windows would be quite another! :)

All those recipe ideas from the elkburger thread really makes me want to take some game. Probably not going to shoot anything on my 1 acre property, but it sure is tempting when they come this close. We sometimes have bucks this close too. They're a bit warier, but from 15 feet and don't think it matters.


New member
My buddy has a similar issue with wild turkeys. His wife asked it I thought it would be legal to do her sping turkey hunting with a golf club...:p