Can Someone Enlighten Me On This?


New member
Chances are it works better than a Mossremchester. If you can afford a $300,000 shotgun then you can afford to have someone hold the fence for you.

I can't afford a 300K gun, but then I don't use my guns to hold down fences or as a club.


New member
One major difference is, your Mossberg 500 began depreciating the minute you touched it.
Another is, it was made by an hourly employee, not a craftsman.
Get a hundred mossbergs and put them in a plile, then go try and pick yours out.
FWIW I dont shoot obscenely expensive shotguns, my guns are working guns, but that doesnt keep me from being able to appreciate the finer things.
Ive shot some great scores and killed loads of game with my Berettas, but they dont have the fit and finish of a hand crafted shotgun. If you ever get the chance, pick up a Perazzi and point it. Chances are your cheap shotgun will feel like your pointing a shover thereafter.


Staff In Memoriam
Somebody please tell me how good does a $300,000 shotgun work for holden down a barbed wire fence.
Heck, You don't even have to tote the gun... you can pay a gun/shell/bird toter to carry it for you...:D

And my mossberg, as old and ugly and beat up as she is don't hold down fence wire.

First off, the fence you are pushing and loosenin' on better dang well be your own or you deserve to get smacked around for messin' with a man's fence. They pay big money to put up a tight fence for a reason.




New member
"Bentley's are all about pride of ownership."

I think NASCAR cars are more about pride of ownership. They aren't street legal and have no practical use, and aren't even good for any other kind of racing. They aren't even stock cars anymore, they're just one-trick ponies.



New member
First off, the fence you are pushing and loosenin' on better dang well be your own or you deserve to get smacked around for messin' with a man's fence. They pay big money to put up a tight fence for a reason.

First off it was a joke and I don't use my shotgun to hold the fence.
Second I traverse the fence the way the guy who does own the fence tought me. and I don't know about big money I got $7 an hour to put it up.


New member
they're just one-trick ponies.
Very sophisticated and very fast one trick ponies.
Q.Is there a top tier racing car that isn't a "one trick pony"?
I can't think of one.

Expensive shotguns - I very much like the "work of art" idea. That is exactly what that Fabbri is. I dislike the word "bling" to describe a gun like that. The connotations of that word - at least for me - are of things that are flashy, cheap, tawdry. A fine firearm is none of those things.
I ask myself...slipping into the subjunctive here....if I were to own a gun like that, would I hunt with it? Would I walk around North Mt. through briars and huckleberries and barberry patches with a gun like that Fabbri. Use it to part branches, climb up a steep pitch, break a fall? I can't see it. That is a gun designed to own two to shoot at the driven birds rising in front of you while the other is being loaded by your helper.


That is a gun designed to own two to shoot at the driven birds rising in front of you while the other is being loaded by your helper.

The other place i have seen them is at a flyer shoot.......but the boys with the Perazzis still took the prizes.........

Fracassi, Perdersoli, et al are some of the most amazing artists whose work i have seen. They have NO room for error - they just can't paint over a "OOPS" - it HAS to be right, totally, the first time - that takes a skill I can only read and wonder about


Only pics of those two. Writer friend is on assignment this summer to two places - Spain (Eibar), and Italy -one of the visits will be to Bosis - can't wait to see pics and hear his report

Single Six

New member
All responses appreciated; now I understand. Lamarw: I think I can comprehend the difference just fine. What I don't comprehend is your {unprovoked} condescending rudeness. Feel free to keep it to yourself in the future.


New member
I'm not a fan by a longshot, but I am a gear head and respect their technology. Just for the record NASCAR has a couple races on road courses every year where they make right turns. ;)


New member
I dont know too much about the topic, only what I've seen in highend "gun rooms" and on TV where they show them making highend guns by hand. All I can really say about it is that I'm sure the $100,000 price on these amazing firearms is justified. With the time and detail spent on these things, and the custom designs, and long waiting periods, and money needed to keep the makers fat and happy, I'd imagine your getting mostly what you pay for.

On the other hand, it's all about status and pride of ownership in most cases. But there are people who have the money and are so involved in one aspect of life that they are willing to invest that much money to have the absolute best that money can buy. So thats why it works. But I'm sure there are other people that are just SOOOO rich, that they buy that sorta stuff, just because they want to, and may not appreciate it as much as someone who really is fully involved with their purchase.

I'm personally the kinda guy who if I were really really rich. I would be more likely to spend $100,000 on a really really fast Corvette rather than $1,000,000 on an insainly detailed luxurious worlds fastest super car. So in that case, I would top out at $10,000 for a custom shotgun, I would never ever pay $100,000 for a gun that has no historical value. Like I said, I think anyone who does pay that much must have so much money that they are bored and really cant find anything better to do with it, or they are so incredibly interested in firearms that they want the absolute best that money could ever buy. :D HAH! But what do I know... I only have some spare change at the moment:)

In the end, are these guns worth the money they are asking? I'd say, depending on who you are and what you make... yes. I know they put an incredible amount of skill, material, time, and creativity into making these things, and it's going to cost a lot. Thats just how it goes.

I'm just glad no one is spending that kind of money for a custom toaster!:rolleyes:
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