Can extra clip lead to trouble?

44 AMP

Of course, its judgmental, that's what courts do.

They are going to make a judgment on you, and your actions, the law, and how they all relate together. They are going to be told one story by the prosecution, another by the defense, and rendering a verdict. That is a judgment, plain and simple.

If they are convinced that you are a loathsome individual, there is a strong tendency to believe you did commit the criminal act in question. It may not be true, you may be innocent, but if you "look" guilty, to the jury, often they will find you so.

Self defense is a much different situation than most criminal matters. In most criminal matters, the defense is "my client didn't do it, and here's why"...

In Self Defense matters, the defense is "my client did it, and it's justified because...."

Quite different.
I would cite the mall shooting in Salt lake CitY (?), Utah a few years ago. Shooter was initially engaged and pinned down by an off-duty police officer from another jurisdiction, who just happened to be there shopping with his wife.

The officer commented afterward that he was sorry his Kimber only held 7 rounds and that he didn't have a spare magazine. The majority of self defense encounters may be resolved with five or fewer rounds fired, but we can't rely on that.


New member
I gather that that Ayoob fellow can be controversial on some of these boards, but what he's said has often made sense to me.

Hand a LEO that pulls you over your license, and your carry permit if you're carrying. Don't ever say "gun" out loud.

If someone knocks on your door late at night, don't open it, answer from a distance and move around between answers so they can't locate you by your voice.

Find out what the local LEO's carry and emulate them.


That depends on those 'peers' in that jury. Any prosecutor worth anything would do exactly this (frame the carrier of an extra magazine as "looking for trouble".

That depends upon the locale, does it not?

If our County Attourney did that to someone generally viewed as an upstanding citizen defending himself, he'd lose his job come the next election, if not sooner .....