Camo and Orange Vests


New member
Me and my brother were talking about camo a couple days ago. Which patterns are better and so forth. We agreed on one thing.

When it boils down to it, camo is strictly for the eye of the hunter. Animals see differently than we do, and these fancy expensive patterns are not needed at all.

We are required to wear at least one artical of orange. I will not hunt with someone who does not wear orange, even if it aint required. I wear it for my safety and so should all of you, reguardless if its manditory in your state. The deer will not see you if you dont move.

I'm not saying that something to break up your outline is not needed. I do like the orange camo for this reason. But I have sat in the middle of a 2 track in an solid orange hat and solid orange sweatshirt beside my buddy in the same get up, and had a herd of deer walk within a few yds of us and didnt even know we were there. I have stalked to within in throwing distance of deer and elk in this same outfit.

An after thought..... Most of the hunting stuff on the market today is nothing more than a waste of money. Absolutely not needed. That being said, I do look cool in my King's camo when coyote or turkey hunting. I dont wear orange at those times cause we're usually the only ones out.
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New member
I live in Nh and I wear an orange
vest all the time hunting,the
deer don't seem to mind it.
It's how you move and "play" the wind
not what you wear.


New member
you need good cammo for hunting geese and ducks in the middle of a corn field.

That's a fact. I was referring to wearing when the law is telling you that you have to put a big orange vest on top of it.

But, as some have said, try buying a hunting jacket with the pockets, insulation, waterproofing, quietness that you want in a hunting coat and you are pretty much limited to camo.
I still can't figure out why so many of the guys in the videos of hunting down hogs from helicopters are wearing camo. I am fairly certain the camo does not blend with the helicopter and I am fairly certain they aren't wearing the camo clothing because it is so quiet given that the helicopter likely makes enough noise to mask the rustling of fabric, yet they wear camo!


New member
In cold weather, I am fond of my bright yellow with black trim Ski jacket with orange vest to cover. Boots are old brogans. Pants are old fatigues. The hat is one of those orange baseball things. I figure the color pattern gets their curiosity up just long enough to get a shot off.


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I hunt in MS and TX only on private land. I never used to wear camo and don't often now thinking it doesn't make a difference. My standard outfit gun hunting is brown carhartt overalls and a red &black filson coat with an orange vest on top. Most of my stands in MS are box stands so it's a non issue. In TX I use ladder stands and have deer come real close often. I ahve noticed that they rarely sense anything out of place when I'm wearing total camo as opposed to my carhartts and filson (don't use orange at all in TX). I routinely have deer walk right under my stand and they never spook when I have on camo but do sometimes without it. Side note- never, ever make eye contact with a deer at close range, it will scare them. Yes, orange is silly over camo but total camo is good if legal.


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Many states, mine included, REQUIRE x number of inches of flo orange when rifle hunting big game. I hate it. One of the reasons I do much of my deer hunting in bow only areas that do not require orange.


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Camoflaging for deer and most other mammals is a skill, not a dress code.

Gotta hand it to those guys, like Wild Bill Bucks, that have it figured out. :D

Funny story:
I was squirrel hunting in a freinds woods: blue jeans, plain jacket, small game vest with orange on it and an orange camo hat. While I sat at the base of a tree a deer (smallish 6 point) came through browsing, same time as Mr. squirrel made himself available. Shot the squirrel with my 10/22 rifle, one shot, and Mr. deer kept about his business as I stayed still. Minutes later the deer got nervous and alert then left the area. A bowhunter in head to toe camo, who was tresspassing in a tree stand about 150 yards away, was coming over to chew me out for disturbing the woods, and ruining his hunting! I still grin about the whole thing 15 or so years later.


New member
The only camo I own was U.S. Government Issue.

Some good cargo pants, T-shirt, and appropriate hat are about all I need for Antelope. (Sometimes I throw a vest on; sometimes I just use a hat. Wyoming only requires one article of orange clothing.)

For Deer and Elk - it all depends on the weather. I prefer to hunt in a T-shirt and comfortable pants, with an orange vest and cap. But if it's raining, you'll see me sporting a full set of GI Gortex under the orange. I don't wear it for the camo, but the facts that it is available, breaks the wind well, and keeps me dry.

The whole point of hunting is to remain unseen by your quarry until it's time to take the shot. Some people think camo is the answer. I think staying out of sight is the answer... I've gotten closer to more animals while wearing a T-shirt and jeans (and sometimes orange), than anything else.

TX Hunter

New member
When Deer Hunting, I am also Guilty of wearing Camo and Orange.


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Actually, what I really want is a set of those camo sheets.

Actually have a set of those, flannel ones from Bass Pro. They were actually the cheapest flannel sheets I could find, that and the gf wanted camo sheets for some reason. Can attest that they were comfy and warm all winter :D


New member
My buddy and I hunt in PA. The deer in the one spot we hunt don't like camo. Funny and we can't figure it out though. If I walk down the driveway in jeans and a t-shirt the deer will stand and look at me, maybe move a little further into the field. If we drive down in the truck we can even stop and look at them from 15-20 yards away. Now you throw on your camo pants, longsleeve shirt, hat and rubber boots and they take off for the woods. Several times we have walked into the woods to feed the deer in jeans. They jump up and run about 30 yards then turn around and wait for us to dump the corn and then come back. Walk into the woods in camo and they are gone. Still trying to figure it out.


New member
Camo does a great job breaking up your outline, but, despite what the camo makers tell you, being still is the biggest key to filling your tags.

Please provide quote where a camo maker says you don't have to stay still.


New member
There are all kinds of hunting. Some reguire blaze orange. Some don't. It's a lot easier to buy camo clothes for the type that don't, and then put on a blaze orange vest, than it is to buy a blaze orange suit and put on a cammo cover.

A lot cheaper than buying two sets of "hunting clothes" too.



All my hunting cloths are camo. So when flo oranges is required I put on a vest & hat. During Spring turkey in PA you need to wear orange while moving. I wear a vest then when I stop/sit I hang it in a tree near me. Deer, small game orange is required so I put on vest over camo. Unless it gets to hot outside. Then I wear street cloths, jeans and long sleeve shirt.

I don't want to purchase second set of hunting cloths in orange. Why?

I sometimes wear camo jacket or shirt around town, in public. I'd never wear a orange anything anywhere except in the field.