Call it off?

Jeff Thomas

New member

I'm not calling it off.

Easy solution. S&W's new management repudiates their agreements with the fed's and Boston, and takes their lumps. Boston and the fed's make their choices as to what to do about it.

Until S&W publicly states and takes actions to void those agreements, then all of this is just smoke.

They know what they have to do. And, until they do it, S&W must die.

Regards from AZ


Staff Alumnus
The very minute that Snivelling Weenies repudiates the agreement and grovels at the feet all of those betrayed by their cowardice (namely us), I'll go out and buy a brand new wheeler. Until then, skroom.


New member
It has been suggested that those who bought post agreement guns without full knowledge of the depth of traitorism of S&W and who now see the light and wish to clense their souls may do so by following the ritual outlined below.

Insure that at least five apoligists for Smith read the unabridged agreement with the government. Tally the total amount spent on post agreement S&W guns and contribute a like amount to the gun rights group of their choice....NRA/ILA, TRT, etc etc. Write a letter and mail it to the owners of S&W telling them of their new found feelings for the company stance.


Mr. Pub

New member
The new company seems to be handling it kind of weird.

If it were me buying the company, I would hold a big press conference announcing a new dawn or something like that. Have Charton Heston visit the factory.

I get the feeling that there is still some lingering anti- sentiment somewhere in the chain. Maybe its the big loan they have outstanding with the british company or something.

I don't know. Something just doesn't seem right.


New member
Rainbow Six, not to worry.

Humble pie can go down quite easily, especially with a chaser of Newcastle Brown, or Shiner, or Guiness....:D


New member
Actually, Sam...

[they] have joined the UN - considering the past week or so.

Anyone who, with knowledge of the agreements (plural), purchases any post agreement product marketed by Smith and Wesson is joining in a conspiricy to restrict the marketing and purchasing freedoms of end users, other manufacturers, dealers, distributors, sales personell and all others in the firearms business.

Jeff Thomas

New member
I agree the atmosphere following the sale seems somewhat odd. Unless I missed something, the silence seems almost deafening. I too would have expected them to address the issue. Instead, they are either keeping a low profile while they work behind the scenes to correct this situation (I'm optimistic, but not holding my breath), or, more likely, they are simply hoping that news of the sale will eliminate the problem.

Regards from AZ


New member
Just looked at the hit count...........only bout 14 percent of TFL have even seen this thread..........and it may have the highest hit count of any of the S&W threads. Don't feel as good as I did a little while ago.


New member
C.R.Sam -

I think it's likely that some members, like me, looked at the title "Call it off?" and thought S&W again?

Nothing has changed to make me buy one, so I didn't initially bother to read the thread. After the number of replies got up into multiple pages I thought I'd look in and see what y'all had found to discuss.

An aside...When did S&W change to MIM parts in their revolver actions?
